Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,309 Big bosses from all sides arrive

After all, they are all monsters who have lived for who knows how many years, especially after becoming a disciple under the big boss Su Haishengzun.

I have experienced many things and understand that big bosses often play chess with each other.

That kind of chess game was simply not something he could participate in.

So after seeing Gu Ning and the others, Bai Liang immediately thought of something, but it wasn't very clear.

It means that the information is over-processed in an instant, and the brain's processing ability is not enough!

At this time, many gates to the void appeared in the secret realm, and strong men exuding a powerful aura stepped out of them.

These people are all the top experts in Jiutian Continent!

When everyone appeared, their eyes fell on Jiang Xiaobai, who was in a strange situation, and everyone looked a little confused.

"Everyone, how should we deal with this child?"

A beautiful woman raised her eyebrows.

There was a middle-aged man next to him, wearing a sword robe, with a terrifying sword intent on his body.

"I am afraid that this child has violated some heavenly evil scale. The only way is to destroy it. Only in this way can we ensure that there will be no problems in Jiutian Continent."

"When I came here just now, I took a look at some prismatic spaces. The moment this kid had a change, all the prismatic spaces were shaken by it. If not handled properly, there will be a disaster!"

When the few people were talking, they didn't care at all about Gu Ning, Bai He and others standing beside them.

When he heard that these people planned to destroy Jiang Xiaobai, Ao Yan's eyes instantly turned scarlet, and his body erupted with the roar of an ancient dragon!

"Whoever dares to attack my husband will be killed by me!"

Then a giant golden dragon suddenly appeared in the air. Seeing this scene, many big guys who came after hearing the news were stunned.

Damn it, they didn’t even know when a golden dragon came to Jiutian Continent?

"Dragon clan?"

"Why did you run from the Earthly Immortal Realm to the Jiutian Continent?"

An old man frowned and scolded dissatisfiedly: "It's not the Dragon Clan's turn to intervene in the affairs of Jiutian Continent."


The terrifying aura erupted and swept through the entire secret realm. The suffocating pressure almost crushed all these people into pieces!

Gu Ning had a seizure!

She took off the hood on her head, but her beautiful face was cold.

Everyone was stunned.

What kind of existence is this? !

"You are not qualified to interfere in my disciple's affairs, so get out!"

Gu Ning fully displayed his aura and almost shattered them. Who can imagine how strong his actual strength is?

Not only that, Bai He and Di Jun also showed some aura.

They suppressed everyone on the spot and lay on the ground, unable to move!

Many of the super strong men in the Nine Heavens Continent now looked ashamed and angry, gnashing their teeth.

They are the supreme beings in the entire continent. Who would not be extremely respectful when seeing them, but now they are pressed to the ground in such humiliation?

However, in the face of the terrifying strength of the three people, no one dared to be presumptuous.

Of course, even if they wanted to be arrogant, there was nothing they could do.

"What should I do? The current situation is not easy to deal with. Has this kid been assimilated into the prism space?"

Bai He approached Gu Ning and asked.

"No, he just had a problem with himself. The path he took was too dangerous."

Gu Ning has already seen some clues, but knowing what the problem is, how to solve it is another matter.

At this time, the black mist around Jiang Xiaobai was still spreading. Although the speed was not fast, the secret realm was almost unbearable!

At this time, another door to the void opened.

A white-haired old man wearing a white robe walked out with a smile.

"Emperors, please don't hurt your harmony."

Seeing the visitor, many big guys in Jiutian Continent seemed to have seen a savior.

The person who came was none other than the master of Tianji Pavilion, the most mysterious and powerful being in the entire Jiutian Continent—Old Man Jianyuan!

No one knows his name, but that's what everyone who knows him calls him.

All I saw was old man Jianyuan wave his hand, and I don't know what kind of power he exerted, but he actually cleared away the pressure on Gu Ning and the others.

Gu Ning narrowed his eyes: "The path of cause and effect?"

"Haha, the Dark Night Emperor is indeed a terrifying existence from thousands of years ago. My little trick is just a trick in front of you."

Old Man Jianyuan always had a kind smile on his face. With his appearance, the other powerful men in the Nine Heavens Continent did not dare to say anything, but they just carefully recalled the title he just said.

The Night Emperor?

It sounds a bit familiar. I seem to have heard it somewhere.

But he didn't dare to continue to be presumptuous.

Because anyone who can add the word "Great Emperor" after the honorific title is untouchable!

The situation on the field eased slightly, and everyone's eyes fell on Jiang Xiaobai again.

Ao Yan, Qiong Yu, and Nangong Wuyou were worried. Ao Yan even turned into a human and ran to Gu Ning's side with tears in her eyes.

"Mr. Gu, if you are so strong, you must be able to save Xiaobai, right?"

"Whatever you need me to do, please..."

Ao Yan's tough temper was completely useless in front of Jiang Xiaobai!

However, Gu Ning comforted him calmly: "It will be okay. In fact, this is something he must go through."

"Yes, this child is destined to have such a calamity."

Old Man Jianyuan chuckled and even walked towards Jiang Xiaobai. The terrifying devouring power seemed to not exist in front of him.

Walking straight to Jiang Xiaobai, old man Jianyuan looked at him with a look of understanding on his face.

"As expected!"

Before anyone could say anything, a turtle shell appeared in his hand and was placed between Jiang Xiaobai's eyebrows.

In an instant, the world was in turmoil, and the black mist seemed to be greatly stimulated, rolling violently.

And he kept pounced on old man Jianyuan.

However, the turtle shell radiated endless golden light, blocking all the black mist. As the guest's vision occurred, the black mist gradually receded.

The black threads on the sinking Jiang Xiaobai's face and the black ink in his eyes were slowly dissipating and fading.

Then his eyes gradually returned to clarity.

"Hey, old man?"

Jiang Xiaobai said in surprise, then rolled his eyes and fainted on the spot.

Seeing this situation, Ao Yanzai couldn't control his emotions, so he rushed forward and hugged Jiang Xiaobai in his arms, feeling nervous.

"Don't be nervous, little friend. All this has been expected and he will be fine."

Old Man Jianyuan chuckled, but there was a trace of melancholy between his eyebrows.

Things are not the same as imagined.

Gu Ning also noticed something unusual and stared closely at the old man Jianyuan, wondering in his mind which boss he belonged to.

At this moment, a hearty laughter came.

"Hey, why are you so nervous? Don't worry about small things."

"I am experienced and will control the whole situation. Nothing will happen!"

A flash of yellow light and shadow appeared, and then a wretched Taoist wearing a yellow Taoist robe suddenly appeared in front of everyone, with his hands clasped under his armpits!

If Jiang Xiaobai could be awake at this moment, he would definitely jump up and give this old man a good beating!

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