Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,311 That fat guy with a bump on his head

What happened to Jiang Xiaobai in the secret realm did not spread far.

It was just being passed around the Suhai Dynasty, and some super powerful people just talked about it.

However, what is strange is that all the Transcendental Immortal Sects seemed to have communicated with each other in advance and no longer talked about this matter at all?

And from the time Jiang Xiaobai appeared until he caused trouble now, there has been no news at all from Beidou Immortal Palace, the biggest backer behind the Suhai Dynasty?

Many forces of the Transcendent Immortal Sect are also secretly testing the attitude of Beidou Immortal Palace. However, this group of people seems to have no idea at all. They don't know anything no matter what you ask, which makes people completely confused!

Ever since, the impact of this incident was limited to these few dynasties who knew about it. When some people wanted to spread it outwards, they found that they didn't believe it at all.

Just kidding, a golden fairy's little trash can't reach this point no matter what he does.

He turned himself into a prismatic space and madly devoured the surrounding laws of heaven and earth?

Why don't you go to heaven?

You are so awesome, why are you still a golden immortal?

Anyone who has not seen Jiang Xiaobai's situation on the spot will never believe the news they hear.

Not only that, many of the top experts in Jiutian Continent seemed to have encountered some taboo that day, and they did not reveal a word about this matter!

This is like why there are no pockmarks on Zhang Mazi's face.

Whoever says it will die!

For a moment, Jiutian Continent seemed to be caught in a strange situation, and the atmosphere was difficult for many people to understand.

Not far from the Frost Plains Secret Realm, the landscape here is beautiful and quite clear and quiet.

Everyone was sitting on the bank of a stream. Not far away was a small waterfall with gurgling water. Looking further ahead, they saw the extremely majestic and domineering mountains of thousands of miles. Selling money in these mountains, the human monks were as small as An ant.

The two huge contrasts make people fascinated by them.

If they weren't all extremely busy, they would really like to live here for countless years.

Everyone sat on the shore, eating meat and drinking wine, forming two small circles.

Gu Ning, the old Taoist Huangpao and the old man Jianyuan were sitting together, while the others were sitting on the other side grilling meat.

Jiang Xiaobai was always held by Ao Yan and sat on the bank.

Ao Cheng was scratching his head and curious about the identity of the old man in yellow robe.

Gu Ning is the strongest person he has ever seen, bar none. This being can be said to have always been the idol he looks up to and the goal he pursues!

However, it seems that the old man in yellow robe is more powerful?

"Boss Baihe, is that old Taoist priest very fierce?" Ao Cheng couldn't help but asked curiously.

Bai He glanced at Aocheng, turned over the barbecue on the shelf and said casually: "Well, it's very violent, so violent that you can't even imagine it."

"Hiss, how fierce is this?"

Nangong Wuyou stepped forward and started asking.

Bai He looked up at the sky, seeming to think of some bad past events, and began to shake his head crazily.

"Let's put it this way, I am just a younger brother to him."

"This person's existence, as well as his background and background, are too long ago. If you ask me, I guess he was here when Chaos first started."

Immediately everyone’s eyes widened!

Chaos is here since the beginning?

What era was that, and what was its concept?

In this era, we have experienced too much, including ancient times, ancient times, ancient times, and ancient times...

An era represents hundreds of thousands or millions of years of change.

The beginning of chaos is too far away for little guys like them!

"Then why is such a fierce person so slapped by Master Gu and he doesn't do anything?"

Ao Cheng exclaimed,

Bai He raised his eyebrows: "Is there something wrong with your kid's focus? Is this what you need to care about? Aren't you curious about what this old guy is planning secretly?"

"makes sense!"

Ao Cheng nodded seriously: "But Master Gu hit him, why didn't he really fight back?"

Bai He's mouth twitched and he glared at Ao Cheng, not bothering to pay attention at all.

On the other side, Gu Ning and the other three were drinking tea slowly.

It was brought by the old Taoist Huangpao.

I have never experienced it before. The fragrance of tea fills the air, which really makes people fascinated.

"If you have any questions, just ask. I will tell you what you need to say, and you know what you shouldn't say." The old man in yellow robe narrowed his eyes and drank the tea in an extremely vulgar manner.

Gu Ning raised an eyebrow: "You know what I want to ask."

"Then there's nothing to talk about. The old man just left."


Gu Ning shouted, with a cold face: "Why do you think you are so unreliable as a chess player?"

"How many times have my disciples been put into dangerous situations by you, but you still refused to let me take action?"

"Are you really afraid that one day he will be tricked to death by you?"

Along the way, Jiang Xiaobai encountered many dangers that seemed like desperate situations to others.

Not to mention anything else, just being hostile to all the forces in the Three Thousand Worlds is not something that ordinary people can handle.

And the culprit of all this is this old Taoist priest.

The other party did not know what means they used to forcefully block the opening of the War God Sect's space channel, which led to a series of causal entanglements that led to Jiang Xiaobai being tricked.

Otherwise, if the space channel is opened according to the normal time, who will care about Jiang Xiaobai?

Even if he goes too far, he will not go so far that a powerful force like the Immortal Alliance can deal with him.

There are many things that Gu Ning would not believe without the shadow of the old man in yellow robe behind him.

"This is his experience, he should go through this disaster."

"I don't know if you have heard of this story. It was a long, long time ago... I don't know if it is true or not. Anyway, it was a monk who took a few goblins to get scriptures."

The old Taoist priest clicked his teeth and sniffed: "That monk is really a mortal, without any cultivation, but he has to walk hundreds of thousands of miles and go through ninety-nine and eighty-one tribulations before he can reach the Buddhist gate in the West to obtain the true scriptures." .”

"At that time, there were over a million gods and goddesses in the sky, and the disasters they encountered could be easily resolved by just one person. But why do we have to go to the trouble of letting a mortal do the work?"

After telling such a story, Gu Ning frowned.

She had never heard of this story. Either it was true or... this old man was starting to frame people.

"Don't look at me like this. I won't lie to you. This matter is true!"

"I'm just curious about what that fat guy with his hair is doing. Is it interesting or not?"

When the old Taoist talked about this, his face was full of resentment, and he seemed to be really angry at the fat man he was talking about.

"Oh, I'm used to calling him that. I wonder if you've ever heard of the Fat Man's Dharma name? What's it called Buddha of the West? He's got to be used to it, and if he can return it to the Buddha, does his fat man deserve it?"

As soon as these words came out, Gu Ning's expression changed in shock!

Tathagata Buddha in the West?

Who among Buddhists doesn’t know this?

If what the old Taoist said is true, then the sky was really full of gods and Buddhas at that time. Who dares to imagine?

At this time, the old Taoist priest turned to look at Gu Ning with a smile.

"So you said, such a powerful person can't do anything he wants to do, so why do he have to do so much?"

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