Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,312 The more you know, the more desperate you become

After saying these words, Gu Ning fell into silence.

Old Jianyuan, who was always acting as a foil, didn't dare to say anything at all, and even tried to say something several times but didn't dare to speak.

"You seem to have some objections, please tell me?"

The old Taoist looked at Old Man Jianyuan.

"Hey, Lord Holy Lord...Of course I'm curious about something."

"You said that it must not be easy for such a powerful man to do so many things at once. I am curious about the intention behind it."

"And I also want to see how glorious the era was when the sky was full of gods and Buddhas..."

The old man in yellow robe nodded clearly.

"Oh~ Well, actually, it's not brilliant or not. Before this, there was the Demon Court and Chaos, none of which you can pry into. What do you do with knowing these?"

"And let me remind you, the more you know, the more desperate you will be."

Seeing the smiling face of the old Taoist Huangpao, Old Man Jianyuan was stunned.

How do you feel that this old Taoist priest is trying to seduce him to continue exploring?

It seemed that if I asked him, he would really say it.

But, should I ask?

While old man Jianyuan was struggling, Gu Ning suddenly spoke.

"For experience?"

The old man in yellow robe waved his hand directly: "You girl just have little knowledge. Although you have some little strength, your vision is too narrow."

Gu Ning's face turned pale and she stared at the old man.

The old Taoist also laughed and said: "It's useless to look at me, that's the truth."

"In this case, let me tell you what happened to the monk and the goblins."

"The monk was granted Zen status, blessed with a golden body, and holds a high position in the Western Buddhist Sect."

"Several goblins also have their own rewards and their status has been improved, but..."

Speaking of this, the old Taoist priest showed a confidential smile on his face: "Those goblins seemed to be promoted, but they were sealed in Western Buddhism. They are not orthodox. They seem to have status but are nothing. Such a result, and Their future normal development is completely different.”

"But do you understand, in order to gather these goblins, those great masters have put a lot of thought into it. Each one has its own factors behind it, and what they want is the final result."


The old Taoist said, taking a sip of tea and looking at the sky: "Merits were equally precious in that era, and they were the things that all strong men dreamed of. It did not represent personal strength, but a kind of luck, but the world. The fight over who should take control..."

"The old Taoist didn't like this kind of thing and avoided it, but he never thought that all the old friends he had for so many years were gone, leaving me alone, the old Taoist, carrying the banner on my shoulders..."

At this time, the old Taoist has a sense of vicissitudes of life.

No one knows how much degradation this guy has gone through, and the traces of time are really shocking.

Looking at his back, it seems that one can see the changes of tens of millions of years.

"So you are also doing it for merit?"

Gu Ning raised his eyebrows: "Since you want to tell me that many things that can be easily done have to be done redundantly for a larger plot, then you made such a big move and included almost all the powerful people of that era. What’s the plot?”

"The plan is for a new world."

The old Taoist suddenly lost his vulgarity and immorality, and instead had a sense of righteousness.

Gu Ning and others were dazzled for a moment.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. It's not something you can know anyway. As I said before, the more you know, the more desperate you will be."

The old Taoist shook his head and sighed, and then he became unserious: "You damn girl, do you just ask this question? My time is so precious, I don't have time to chat with you here!"

"Last question, what happened to Xiaobai, and what will happen to him in the future?"

Gu Ning stared at the old Taoist seriously: "He is my disciple, and I have to think about him. If the final result is death, then what is the point of doing all this?"

For a moment, the three people fell silent.

The old man looked at the stream on the bank with half-squinted eyes, his body swaying slightly, as if he was remembering something.

If Gu Ning hadn't poked him, he wouldn't have been able to wake up.

"Oh, I'm so old, I almost fell asleep."

The old Taoist stretched his body: "What did you ask just now? Ask it again?"

Gu Ning's mouth twitched, and he raised his hand to make a move, but the old Taoist priest hurriedly got out of the way and flew into the sky.

A hearty laugh came.

"That boy's future cannot be explored, and no expert can see it thoroughly, but I can tell you that what he is going through now is something he must do, and it is also a threshold he must cross. It is extremely important."

"When he wakes up, take him to have fun in the Nine Heavens Continent. It will save you the trouble of saying that I am unkind and only know how to exploit."

After saying that, the old man had disappeared.

In the void, the old man in yellow robe suddenly appeared. He turned to look at the huge continent behind him and sighed slightly.

"How can you put this kind of pressure on me, the old Taoist? When I became a god, those bullies were more oppressive than the last one. Compared with them, my Taoism is far behind..."

Shrugging his shoulders, the old man in yellow robe looked at an earthy yellow bubble not far ahead, suspended in the void suddenly.

There were many figures sitting cross-legged among them.

If Jiang Xiaobai were here, he would definitely recognize their familiar faces.

Those figures are practicing with their eyes closed, and their auras are constantly erupting, breaking through various shackles and limits.

The strongest one is undoubtedly the girl at the front. She is already at the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and seems to be on the verge of breaking through to Daluo Golden Immortal.

"You guys, although your karma is not as good as that kid's, you are still astonishing."

"When I send you up, I'm afraid the Earthly Immortal World will be in chaos again..."

The old man stretched himself and said, "Let's go, let's get down to business."

Immediately, the old Taoist flipped his wrist in the air, and a heavenly gate appeared above the earth-yellow bubble, emitting a holy white light.

The light gradually became stronger and stronger, even if it was covered by bubbles, it could not be stopped. The people inside were awakened and looked at the terrifying sight of Tianmen in front of them in disbelief.

One of the fat guys turned around and glanced at the mainland not far away, and saw a familiar figure in a daze.

"Yeah? I think I saw the boss!"

The moment the words fell, the Heavenly Gate closed, the light dissipated, and the void fell into deathly silence again.

The old Taoist looked at the somewhat dilapidated void and sighed deeply.

He raised his head, not knowing what he was looking at, and murmured softly.

"The more you know, the more desperate you become, so why do you want me to know so much?"

Jiang Xiaobai woke up and didn't waste much time.

It was almost less than an hour after Lao Dao left.

He woke up stimulated by the smell of barbecue.

When consciousness returned, Jiang Xiaobai was stunned.


Familiar with the fragrance in your bones!

This soft embrace is so comfortable!

No, I don't want to wake up!

Let me die in this gentle countryside!

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