Jiang Xiaobai's face showed excitement when he heard that he could take him to play.

But he immediately became worried.

"Playing is just a waste of time. The enemies I encounter now are too strong and I don't have that much time."

"I'm not even at the lower level of divine power. How can I fight them with my head?"

Gu Ning smiled lightly: "I will fight for your time for you."

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xiaobai, who was still about to speak, suddenly froze on the spot.

I will fight for you as a teacher...

Jiang Xiaobai really couldn't bear these warm words!

"Master, why do you think we have worked so hard to become pawns on this chessboard?"

Jiang Xiaobai murmured.

Gu Ning smiled softly and a chessboard appeared in her hand.

The two black and white pieces are arranged randomly on the chessboard, which looks chaotic, but it contains a certain aura of heaven.

"Look at this chessboard. There are countless black and white chess pieces. But you have to understand that without these chess pieces, this chess game would not be complete. You will have no regrets when you make a move. Each piece has its own great use. It is precisely because of each chess piece. Only then can it eventually evolve into the final situation.”

After saying that, Gu Ning held a hundred pieces and dropped them on the chessboard.

Suddenly, the white flag, which was moving thrillingly, came to life. Four giant white dragons flew in anticipation, roaring and roaring, swallowing up the black dragon representing the black chess pieces in one gulp!

"Nothing will be revealed until the end."

“We all play an important role in this and none of them can exist without it.”

After Gu Ning finished speaking, he put away the chessboard and leaned on Jiang Xiaobai's shoulder: "So, little apprentice, have you decided where to play?"

Jiang Xiaobai didn't react to Gu Ning's reversal and looked confused.

Master, apart from being more reliable every time you appear to save me, why are you so dishonest at other times?

Is this a serious master?

But seeing Gu Ning's serious look, did he really want to take him out for a stroll?

The relationship was so good that he just wanted to take a walk. There was never a day of relaxation after he came to Jiutian Continent.

This is not the case in the Three Thousand Worlds.

But immediately he remembered one more thing. Come on, he seems to have locked up a lot of people in the Qibao Exquisite Tower?

Then he waved his hand, golden light flashed, and Hong Jingchen, Lao Ji and others appeared one after another.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the surrounding environment was different and there was no danger.

Just when they were about to say something complimentary, they realized that there were many more terrifying existences around them!

Was this being held hostage?

"Mr. Jiang, this time..."

Hong Jingchen tried in a low voice.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly: "No need to be nervous. Prince Li, please go back first. I still have something to do and need to walk outside."

Hong Jingchen looked at Jiang Xiaobai, then at Gu Ning, whose breath was as deep as an abyss, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

He knew very well that he had nothing to do with it.

At that moment, he smiled and nodded, and left without looking back. The others could not clearly see the situation, and while congratulating Jiang Xiaobai, they left quickly.

As for the so-called Suhai Dynasty prophecy?

Jiang Xiaobai may not have time to deal with it now, but he can't forget it either.

At the same time, he also had a headache. When he entered the secret realm, he chose a systematic task, but it was not completed, and he had been taken out of the secret realm.

He thought the system would punish him, but the mission failed due to uncontrollable factors. The system thoughtfully doubled the number of kills and forced it to be completed within one month.

Otherwise, the punishment will be one that Jiang Xiaobai cannot bear!

One month is enough!

And now that Gu Ning has given him time to relax, of course he must hurry up! ?

Yan'er, Qiongyu, and the others are all here. If we don't go out and have some fun, we're really sorry for Gu Ning's kindness!

At this moment, a shout that was enough to scare Jiang Xiaobai out of his wits came.

"Daddy~ Yue'er misses you so much!"


A small thing got into Jiang Xiaobai's arms and kissed him hard on the cheek.

If it were normal, Jiang Xiaobai would be happy to be kissed by Xiaoyue like this and go straight to heaven.

But now he suddenly felt that this was the end of the world.

Subconsciously swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Gu Ning and asked for help with his eyes.

Gu Ning didn't look at it at all, just looking into the distance.

"You caused trouble by yourself, you solve it by yourself, and we'll set off after it's settled. There happens to be a place I haven't been to for a long time. The food there is special and delicious. I don't know if it's still open after so many years..."

Gu Ning said to himself.

Jiang Xiaobai's face suddenly turned pale, and he felt like he was dead!

Sure enough, three stinging glances instantly came from behind him, and he knew what was going on without turning his head.

Three figures appeared next to Jiang Xiaobai almost at the same time, surrounding him and Xiaoyue in his arms.

Qiong Yu's face was expressionless, Nangong Wuyou's eyes were angry, but Ao Yan was smiling.

But behind the smile is a sharp murderous intention!

"My good husband, how long have you been here in Jiutian Continent and you already have a daughter?"

"You are so awesome, husband, don't you want to explain?"

Although Ao Yan had a smile on his face when he spoke, the way he gritted his teeth made Jiang Xiaobai feel hairy all over.

Qiong Yu also said coldly: "You have a daughter and you are still hanging out with women, you can do that."

"It seems that we have all underestimated you, Jiang! Xiao! Bai!" Nangong Wuyou had already started to rub his fists.


Jiang Xiaobai looked at the three girls with a smile. Before he could speak, Xiaoyue in his arms suddenly shouted excitedly.

"Papa~are these all mothers?"

"You said before that mother would come back to see us, and now mother is here, right?"

Xiaoyue was so excited that she actually stretched out her hands towards Ao Yan, her face turned red with excitement, and she kept mumbling.

"Mom, hug...hug..."

The snorting look made Ao Yan stunned, and his face turned red in the next moment.

She just kissed Jiang Xiaobai. Things hadn't reached that point yet, but she had a doll-like daughter calling her mom?


Suddenly Jiang Xiaobai thought of a way, that is, without saying anything, just use Xiaoyue to melt the maternal love of the three women!

Facing this cute killer, he didn't believe that the three women wouldn't melt!

On the spot, he reached forward with his hand, and Xiaoyue was forced into Ao Yan's arms.

Ao Yan glared at Jiang Xiaobai, gritted his teeth and was about to get angry, but Xiaoyue laughed as sweetly as a silver bell, wrapped her arms around Ao Yan's smooth neck, and held her tightly.

"Mom~it smells so good~"

After three seconds of silence, Ao Yan gently held Yue'er up with his hands.

She has fallen!

This female doll is so cute, no one can resist this kind of creature!

Even Qiongyu and Nangong Wuyou were melted in their hearts. The three girls gathered together and kept teasing Xiaoyue.

The scene was extremely warm.

At this time, Ao Cheng came close to Jiang Xiaobai, with a serious look on his face.

"Brother-in-law, this call of brother-in-law definitely comes from my heart!"

"You are awesome, you are so awesome!"

"Please ask my brother-in-law to teach me!"

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