Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,316 Will definitely come back

Aocheng was really shocked by Jiang Xiaobai's methods!

He once thought that he was a being who could live among thousands of flowers without a single leaf touching him. Now, compared with Jiang Xiaobai, his purity seems to be a bit low!

No, it should be completely incomparable!

It is the existence of two levels!

So at this time, he wanted to let Jiang Xiaobai teach him from the bottom of his heart. After all, he was a man who wanted to know this aspect!

Looking at Ao Cheng, Jiang Xiaobai's eyelids jumped wildly.

You really think you haven't done enough, right?

When Jiang Xiaobai refused to tell, Ao Cheng was not discouraged. Although he stopped asking, he knew that as long as he worked hard, Jiang Xiaobai would definitely start teaching him.

The big deal is a matter of time!

At the same time, Xiaoyue has been spoiled among several women.

This girl is so cute and quirky. She looks cute, but she can also do some weird things.

For example, holding Ao Yan and not letting go, or starting to act coquettishly and cutely after being forcibly brought into Nangong Wuyou's arms.

All of a sudden, several women were completely bought over by Xiaoyue's adorable appearance. How could they find the time to deal with Jiang Xiaobai?

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but give Xiaoyue a thumbs up in his heart, she was a savior!

He even wanted to give Xiaoyue a handful of Heavenly Dao Crystals as a reward right now.

Seeing their warm looks, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt a sense of reluctance. He didn't want to be separated from them anymore.

Gu Ning also looked at this scene, his eyes fluctuating.

Countless years of loneliness, the desolation of not having anyone to accompany you, you have survived all kinds of situations, why can't you bear it when you encounter such a situation?

It would probably be fun if she could have a baby.

Taking advantage of this time, Jiang Xiaobai habitually began to plan his future affairs, focusing first on system tasks, which of course would be completed within one month. The second step is to improve his strength, understand the laws, and practice the technique that the Ice Crystal Old Tree gave him before.

He also has the sealed memory of reincarnation, and only when his soul is strong can he unblock part of it, so that he can have a deeper understanding of the law.

This is his own heritage, the most special.

The next step is to complete the mess left by Holy Lord Suhai - the prophecy of the Suhai Dynasty.

Improving the realm of strength cannot stop.

look carefully…

"Damn it, why are there so many damn things? Do you really have a chance to go out and have some fun?"

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help grabbing his hair and going crazy.

With so many things piled up together, where does he have time?

If nothing else, just understanding the rules takes a lot of effort, not to mention that some things require special actions.

Thinking of this simply makes Jiang Xiaobai despair!

More tired!

Feeling the sudden changes in Jiang Xiaobai's mood several times, Gu Ning smiled lightly and understood a lot of things.

"Don't worry. If you don't have enough time, the teacher will fight for it for you."

"Just relax."

Gu Ning smiled lightly.

Jiang Xiaobai, however, had a dull look on his face, and felt a lot of sourness in his heart when he saw the three girls teasing Xiaoyue.

"Master, if you say I give up now and don't want to do anything anymore, what will happen?"

Gu Ning walked to Jiang Xiaobai, stretched out her hand to rub his hair, and pointed at the scenery in the endless distance in the distance.

"You have to improve after all. If you take this path of cultivation, if you don't practice, then what are you going to do on this path?"

"They have given you the most splendid path of cultivation, which many monks can only ask for. Although saying this will make people very disgusted, but if you don't want to, someone will do it after all."

"And your cultivation cannot always stop. No one's life is smooth sailing. Once you embark on the journey of cultivation, there is no turning back."

"Even if the old Taoist priest in yellow robe really agrees to let you rest and not get involved in this matter, will you be willing to do it as time goes by? Will you be willing to be ordinary and lonely?"

"As a teacher, I have experienced countless changes in eras, lived forever, and seen all the joys and sorrows in the world. I discovered the most important thing - people can't stand loneliness."

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard this, feeling that Gu Ning was becoming more and more unruly.

No one can bear loneliness?

What do you mean?

There is an ambiguity in this statement!

I can sue you for slander! You are slandering the nest!

She is slandering the nest!

However, Jiang Xiaobai didn't say much after all. He really wanted to rest.

The pressure is high, people are tired, and most importantly, the heart is tired!

That kind of situation where you try your best to catch up but can never be as strong as the enemy is despairing.

If Jiang Xiaobai hadn't been mentally strong, he would have been driven crazy.

Who cares? As long as I’m not the chess piece!

At this moment, the three women also walked aside holding Xiaoyue.

Ao Yan glared at Jiang Xiaobai, hugged the girl Yue'er and hummed.

"If it weren't for Yue'er Keren, look at how I would deal with you!"

On the side, Nangong Wuyou hugged his arms and snorted coldly while squeezing his weapon.

"Although this girl Yue'er is so lovable, you have to give us a reasonable explanation after all. If it's unreasonable, just wait!"

Jiang Xiaobai raised his hands and surrendered directly.

The origin of this girl was told to everyone on the spot, and everyone was shocked, especially Yu Ji who had been holding the girl in her arms recently.

Innate spirit body?

This kind of thing that didn't even exist in the legend was actually encountered by her, and she still held it for a long time?

But speaking of it, this girl is indeed full of aura and extremely smart.

Before meeting Ao Yan and the three girls, even when facing Yu Ji, she could not call her mother, as if she knew what the relationship between Yu Ji and Jiang Xiaobai was.

Only after meeting Ao Yan, this girl was as happy as if she had found some treasure, and she made people feel soft with each mouthful.

"So, this girl has an extraordinary background, and may she be involved in something big?"

Qiong Yu raised her eyebrows, and while looking at the girl, she felt even more distressed.

Good guy, how pitiful is it that you hid in a special space and slept alone for so long before you met Jiang Xiaobai?

I had never even seen a normal person before!

The three girls were overflowing with maternal love for a moment. Jiang Xiaobai kept holding his forehead and sighing as he watched. Is it true that women can't escape the claws of such a monster?

Gu Ning, on the other hand, remained calm.

"Keep her up, this girl will be of great benefit to you in the future."

"Take good care of her and make her fatter."

Gu Ning glanced at Xiaoyue, and the girl felt flustered for no reason.

It's like a pig waiting to be slaughtered. It tastes better when it's fattened and then killed!

"Don't talk more about this, it's a waste of time, let's go, I will take you to a fun place."

Gu Ning created a gate to the void with a wave of his hand and stepped into it first.

Jiang Xiaobai and others quickly followed. Before leaving, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the beautiful scenery and suddenly asked Bai Liang on his shoulder.

"This is where?"

"Oh, it's more than 30,000 miles east of the Frost Plains."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded silently, keeping this place firmly in his heart.

Never forget!

He will come back.

Will definitely come back.

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