"Hey, you damn girl can't eat that thing!"

"Why do you want to take a bite of everything you see? This is made of wood, not the roasted rabbit you just ate!"

"Xiaoyue! Little girl, you can't eat sweets. Believe it or not, you'll lose all your teeth after eating so much. Losing all your teeth is very ugly, and you can't even speak!"

On a crowded street, Nangong Wuyou hugged Xiao Yue and was furious.

She suddenly experienced the pain of raising a child.

Xiaoyue is an innate spirit body and has never been in contact with the society of human monks. She has been sleeping before being brought out by Jiang Xiaobai. Even longer ago, she has been beside a big tree with no chance.

Even though she had seen a lot of scenes in the Yuling Dynasty before, Xiaoyue was still full of curiosity and endless desire to explore this kind of place.

I want to grab a handful of everything, I want everything!

Especially when she sees other people with children, she asks for whatever they buy.

He even imitated other little dolls and acted like a baby with Ao Yan Qiongyu and the others.

The sweet temperament is gone forever, replaced by a demon king!

At this time, Xiaoyue was struggling hard in Nangong Wuyou's arms, she was really stuck in too deep.

Two big eyes stared closely at a sword that was being displayed to everyone in the business store in front.

"Yue'er wants to eat that!"

Suddenly, Xiaoyue said something.

But it almost shocked everyone.

This girl actually wants to eat a sword?

Although that thing was of good quality, Jiang Xiaobai and others didn't look down upon it at all.

However, the girl really wanted to eat, and she showed great persistence in doing so. She would not leave until she was allowed to eat. Even if you insisted on taking her away, the girl would remain silent and stare at what she wanted. Tears fell down.

This situation has happened many times before when I was shopping.

So everyone already knew this. When they saw Xiao Yue'er silent and staring at something, they knew she wanted this!

But why would she want a sword now?

Jiang Xiaobai subconsciously thought that there was something special about the sword, or that it was an acquired spiritual treasure. After all, it was certainly not easy to make innate spirits chase after something they wanted.

Just following the little girl's gaze, there was nothing strange about the sword on display.

It's just a normal treasure, nothing special at all.

But Yue'er just lay in Nangong Wuyou's arms, holding her neck and watching helplessly.

"That's all. If you want the girl, just give it to her. Let's go over and have a look."

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, pinched Yue'er's tender cheeks, and led him to the shopping mall.

Such behavior made Nangong Wuyou dissatisfied.

"Hey, Jiang Xiaobai, this isn't your daughter and you're still spoiling her like this. If we have a daughter in the future, why don't you pamper her like this?"

These words immediately caused the other two women to blush, and they stared at Nangong Wuyou in shame and anger.

Why do you say everything to others?

Especially this kind of thing!

Even Jiang Xiaobai himself was confused. He once knew that Nangong Wuyou, a woman from the Demon Clan, dared to love and hate, no matter what, he only cared about his love and hatred.

Now I have a clearer understanding!

Hear, hear!

Is this something a girl can say on the street?

It even made many passers-by look sideways. Their eyes were not ridiculing, but a kind of blessing that had nothing to do with these two people.

But it made Ao Yan, Qiong Yu and the two girls blush with shame and feel hot all over, wishing they could find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

Ao Yan boldly stepped forward and grabbed Nangong Wuyou's arm: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Nangong Wuyou was still stubborn for a moment, his face full of displeasure,

"That's right, children can't be taught like this!"

Jiang Xiaobai was speechless, holding his forehead and sighing.

It happened that everyone had already arrived in front of the trading house at this time, and Xiaoyue was so excited that she was even drooling.

In Nangong Wuyou's arms, he was about to grab the sword with all his teeth and claws.

The people in the trading company saw a group of people with extraordinary temperament, especially the woman, who was of various nationalities and beauty. They knew at a glance that they were not simple, and they did not dare to stop them at all, even with a hint of flattery.

Immediately... click!

Everyone's eyes immediately popped out!

I saw Yue'er grabbing the transparent crystal blocking the front of the sword and chewing it hard.

A satisfied smile appeared on his face, and he held the big crystal in his arms without letting go.

Jiang Xiaobai and others' eyes nearly popped out.


The attendant couldn't believe it: "These distinguished guests are not interested in eating this!"

"Ahem, it's nothing, you don't have to worry about it..."

Only then did Jiang Xiaobai realize that what the little girl wanted to eat was not the sword, but the crystal. Seeing her eyes widening, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but wonder.

"What kind of material is this? There is no spiritual energy fluctuation, and there is nothing special about it. Is it just a decoration?"

As a result, the attendant hurriedly waved his hand,

"Sir, this is not a decoration. This is an extremely precious weapon-refining material. It is called Wugou Wings. It is made from the wings of a unique ferocious beast. Such ferocious beasts must reach the Great Luo Jin Fairyland. Only in the world can such an effect be achieved, so this is specially displayed for everyone to close, after all, this sword is made from the Innocent Wings."

The attendant swallowed his saliva and turned a little pale: "Young Master, this piece of Wushou Wing is the largest piece in my store. It is extremely precious. At this price..."


Jiang Xiaobai slapped a storage ring on the table.

"Is it enough?"

The attendant glanced at it, his eyes were shining, and he nodded hastily and bowed: "That's enough, that's enough. If you buy another ten yuan, it will be enough!"

"Yeah, okay, ten more bucks."


The attendant was even more confused: "Sir, this is our biggest one. You can never find it like this again. How about changing to other sizes and qualities to make up for this value?"

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, motioning to go quickly, and then looked at Xiao Yue'er lovingly.

At this time, the girl's saliva had already covered Wugou Wings, and she was so happy in her arms.

Several people looked at each other.

They all know that the little girl is an innate spirit body and loves to eat treasures such as Law Crystals and Immortal Stones.

But these Innocent Wings are just weapon refining materials at most, right?

"Wait, where did you get this?"

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai shouted to the attendants in the trading house.

The attendant happened to arrive with other Wugou Wings, and immediately said with a smile: "This is from our Yiling Commercial Bank headquarters. I don't know how to get Xiao Xiao, but with your status, you can go to the Commercial Bank headquarters if you want. "

The attendant was about to call the general manager of the trading company. In order to gauge his thoughts, Jiang Xiaobai took out all the other Wugou Wings.

Sure enough, Xiaoyue just glanced at it and ignored it!

"What's wrong? What did you find?"

Ao Yan raised his eyebrows and asked.

"There is a trace of special power in that thing. I couldn't see through it. Xiaoyue only discovered it after taking a bite."

Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes.

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