Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1318 I want to give it a try

There was nothing special about the large piece of Wushou Wing just now that had not been chewed open.

But now that power has been weakly displayed, and it would be impossible to see through it unless Jiang Xiaobai's soul was powerful.

He really wanted to know how he got the Immaculate Wings, and maybe he could find an explanation from the root.

But Jiang Xiaobai was immediately stunned.

Damn it, didn’t I just come out to wander?

Why are you still thinking about improving your strength at this time?

He admitted that he was indeed greedy for the invisible special power, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed that this was different from what he had originally thought?

Subconsciously, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Gu Ning beside him.

He only saw Gu Ning staring at him with a half-smile, which made him tremble.

"Ahem, master, can you tell what this is?"

"There is a ray of power from the Red Fire Immortal Bamboo. It is probably created by eating that thing and then refining it."

Gu Ning said calmly: "Although the power is very powerful, it is not as powerful as the Red Fire Immortal Bamboo itself. If you know where to catch the monster, you may be able to find the Red Fire Immortal Bamboo after a search. It is a good thing, and it is for you." The words are just right.”

Jiang Xiaobai's heart moved a little.

He didn't know why, but the moment he saw such a good thing, he wanted to get it and use it to improve himself.

Even if you can't use it yourself, you can give it to Yan'er and the others!

He didn't know when he started to have this kind of emotion. It was a desire for strength and a madman-like pursuit.

Jiang Xiaobai was confused.

What he wants to do now is not to escape from all this, and then find a place to live in peace with Yan'er and the others?

When it comes to cultivation, isn’t it enough to just practice casually in life?


In a daze, a sturdy middle-aged man appeared in front of Jiang Xiaobai with a smile on his face.

He already knew that Jiang Xiaobai spent a lot of money. Such a person must have extraordinary origins, and Yiling Trading Company really wanted to have a good relationship with him!

"Master, let's go in and talk."

The middle-aged man made a gesture of invitation.

Jiang Xiaobai did not move immediately, but stood there contemplating his deep hatred. Everyone, Ao Yan, Qiong Yu, and even Gu Ning were looking at him.

He was hesitating.

If he went in and knew the whereabouts of the Red Fire Immortal Bamboo, even if there was a one in ten thousand chance, would he rush there?

If he rushed over, wouldn't it prove that his ideas were fundamentally different?

If you don't go...

Jiang Xiaobai subconsciously clenched his fists, and the spiritual energy in his body vibrated. This seemed to be wrong with what he had always done.

He seems to be used to it and will not let go of any opportunity for improvement.

At this time, a small hand stretched out and grabbed Jiang Xiaobai's sleeve, and a soft and sweet voice came.

"Papa, Yue'er still wants to eat this!"

Such a sound woke Jiang Xiaobai up. He looked at Yue'er lovingly and then said with a smile.

"Okay, if Yue'er wants to eat, I'll get it for you!"

He took the girl from Nangong Wuyou's arms, held her in his arms and walked into the trading house with a smile.

Jiang Xiaobai made a bold decision in his heart.

Just go!

He just wanted to explore whether it was because of habit or if he really liked this kind of life!

In the corner where no one saw, Gu Ning had a genuine smile on his face and shook his head slightly.

"Silly boy, don't you understand yet?"

As Jiang Xiaobai disappeared from Shuangyuan Secret Book, many surrounding dynasties were shaken.

Especially the Suhai Dynasty!

Many powerful families, as well as the Tang family and others, were all confused.

Damn, they paid such a high price, not just to curry favor with Jiang Xiaobai. When Jiang Xiaobai completes the prophecy of Saint Suhai and leads the dynasty on a stronger path, these forces will also be able to get a bigger share of the pie. improvement and many benefits.

But the person disappeared?

I went to the Frostfield Secret Realm, but no one was there?

Whether it can come back is another matter. Anyway, it seems that the cost will definitely not be recovered!

The other dynasties mostly took a joke-like attitude towards this.

Isn’t your Suhai Dynasty awesome? Didn’t you have a prophecy from the Holy Lord?

Now that the person in the prophecy has run away, let me see what you do!

Hong Jingtian sat in the main hall, melancholy.

What the hell is this?

According to the news I learned yesterday, many forces came here to test this morning, trying to find out what Jiang Xiaobai was doing.

But if he could know, why would he be so melancholy?

"Brother, there is no use in hiding the matter until now. Mr. Jiang's matter and the prophecy of Saint Suhai are beneficial to the entire dynasty."

Hong Jingtian looked at his elder brother angrily.

Hong Jingchen, who was sitting opposite and drinking tea, glanced at him and said, "What's the hurry? Mr. Jiang is the person chosen by the Holy Lord. No matter what, he will definitely complete what was predicted."

"It's just a matter of time."

"Look at what big things you can accomplish with your uncompromising look? I should have been allowed to sit in this position back then!"

Hearing this, Hong Jingtian was furious, but he also knew that now was not the time to argue with his elder brother.

In fact, the reason why Hong Jingchen was so calm was because he saw Gu Ning Baihe and others with his own eyes at that time.

Even old man Jianyuan!

Although no one's identity can be seen, the aura that is as deep as the sea will be unforgettable in this life!

He is definitely a top powerhouse, even in a realm that he can't even imagine!

It is very possible that he has touched the threshold of the Immortal Lord level?

With so many strong men in charge, not only was he not worried, but he was even more secure.

This dynasty is bound to rise!

Of course, there is no need to tell Hong Jingtian about this kind of thing. The two brothers have been fighting for so many years, and it is definitely a good thing to watch the second brother suffer.

"Now many dynasties and forces outside are laughing at our jokes. What do you think we should do?"

"Perhaps there will be no movement from the Transcendent Holy Sect at the moment, but there is no guarantee that they will take action against us in the future. Even this news has a tendency to spread outward!"

Hong Jingtian looked at his elder brother with resentment: "Brother, after all these years of fighting, it's quite interesting, but at such a critical moment you..."

"What are you in a hurry for?"

The old god Hong Jingchen said: "Master Jiang will definitely come back. As for other forces that want to take action against the dynasty, don't they have the support of Beidou Immortal Palace?"


Hong Jingtian curled his lips: "I think, from the time Mr. Jiang appeared to the time when the prophecy news spread, Beidou Immortal Palace didn't respond at all. I even suspected that they had closed the door behind closed doors!"

Just as he was talking, suddenly the powerful man from the palace rushed over, holding a storage ring in his hand!

"Emperor, the messenger from the Immortal Palace has arrived!"

"This is a treasure given by the envoy, saying it is for Young Master Jiang!"

As soon as these words came out, the two brothers in the hall immediately looked up and Hong Jingtian even stood up.

"Look, let me tell you that things are not as bad as you think. Beidou Immortal Palace must have its own agenda for not participating."

Hong Jingchen looked like he had seen through it a long time ago: "Why don't you make such a fuss and let me take the imperial seat?"

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