Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,319 You can never go wrong if you follow your heart

Looking at the storage ring in front of him, Hong Jingtian felt his head buzzing.

There has been no news from Beidou Immortal Palace, but this matter actually sent something to Jiang Xiaobai?

If it hadn't been for this sudden move, Hong Jingtian would have thought that Beidou Immortal Palace didn't notice Jiang Xiaobai's arrival at all, and didn't even know about the prophecy of the Suhai Dynasty.

Immediately, Hong Jingtian glanced at the elder brother who was drinking tea, and swallowed subconsciously.

A ridiculous idea suddenly occurred to him.

It seems that my eldest brother is more suitable to sit in this seat than me?

Compared with Hong Jingchen now, he is simply a rough kid.

He doesn't understand anything, he's just like a hairy little kid talking wildly.


"Damn it, why would I have such thoughts?"

"Hmph, do you want to control me mentally and make me give up the throne of the emperor to you? It's just a dream. This was passed down to me by my father and was specially reserved for me. You don't have to think about it! "

After glaring at Hong Jingchen, Hong Jingtian put away the storage ring.

As for seeing what's inside, he doesn't have the guts.

You must know that this thing was given to Jiang Xiaobai by Beidou Immortal Palace. There was no one on both sides that he could offend. Even though he was very curious in his heart, what kind of treasure could be sent by Beidou Immortal Palace suddenly.

But he still held back his throbbing and looked at his elder brother again.

"Why are you always staring at me? Is there something wrong with my face?"

Hearing this, Hong Jingtian didn't say a word, but he was convinced of what he had just thought.

Look, the conspiracy is revealed, right?

You just want me to give up the throne to you, right?

With a cold snort, Hong Jingtian sat down.

"Since Beidou Immortal Palace has noticed Mr. Jiang, we shouldn't worry too much about this matter. Even if there is any trouble again, Immortal Palace will not sit idly by."

After speaking, he began to meditate on the prophecy again.

Jiang Xiaobai's appearance almost pushed the prophecy of the Suhai Dynasty to its peak. It was hot inside the dynasty, and it was even hotter outside the dynasty!

I don’t know what the forces outside are thinking in their hearts right now.

Should he prepare himself for an accident?

In fact, the situation outside is more intense than Hong Jingtian imagined!

The masters of all the dynasties were waiting and watching, waiting to see the Suhai Dynasty's jokes. At the same time, they did not stop at all, and secretly used all their power to search for Jiang Xiaobai's traces.

It was impossible for the Transcendental Immortal Sect to let go of this opportunity, even though Jiang Xiaobai in the secret realm was going crazy at that time, and the situation was extremely wrong.

But firstly, no strange phenomena appeared, and secondly, there were still people who pretended to be brave and entered the secret realm, but there was nothing inside.

Obviously Jiang Xiaobai is gone!

Where he went no one knows.

Compared to these dynasties, the Transcendental Immortal Sect's strength was even more terrifying, and they searched all over the continent for traces of Jiang Xiaobai like crazy.

Among them, there is a group of people who are more anxious than anyone else!

That is the ninth elder of Bingshan of the God of War Sect—Miao Qing!

When entering the secret realm, she always hid in the crowd, trying to find an opportunity to take action. In the end, not only was there no chance, Jiang Xiaobai's situation at that time almost scared her to death.

You must know that the War God Sect has much more information about Jiang Xiaobai than many people here!

There is one point that is difficult not to notice.

This Jiang Xiaobai has endless tricks and can make a comeback every time he encounters a desperate situation.

This is also the reason why Miao Qing never took the initiative to take action himself, because he was waiting for Jiang Xiaobai's backup plan.

The result was that terrifying black fog!

Now, Jiang Xiaobai is lost, completely lost!

Even if the War God Sect exhausted all their intelligence networks, they still could not find any trace of Jiang Xiaobai.

Can she not be anxious?

The little gourd on Jiang Xiaobai's body is of great importance, and it is also their hope for the rise of the War God Sect. If you get it one minute late, it will be more dangerous and unpredictable.

What I'm most worried about is that this matter will be leaked!

If this kid Jiang Xiaobai is seeking death again, running around, and someone discovers a way to clean up the prism space, his Zhanshen Sect will definitely be furious!

They were obviously the ones who took the initiative first!

"Keep an eye on all the people from all forces. If they make any movement, report it immediately."

"In addition, let the sect intensify the search. The boy will disguise himself and have powerful methods. People who don't know his true situation will not be able to tell the difference."

"Ask the sect not to pay attention to his whereabouts and focus on where strange things suddenly appear."

A glint flashed in Miao Qing's eyes, and now she could only do this if she wanted to search for Jiang Xiaobai.

After all, he is a fugitive, and concealing his identity is a top priority.

And Miao Qing was sure that Jiang Xiaobai's strange situation would not end easily. Otherwise, would he need to escape?

He must have been out wandering around!

The more he inferred this, the more Miao Qing felt that the idea of ​​​​his search was correct.

"Jiutian Continent is so big, it's only a matter of time before we find you!"

"Jiang Xiaobai, you can't escape!"

Miao Qing snorted in his heart.

In a huge city in the far east, Miao Qing had always been worried that someone would disguise himself and change his identity. At this time, he openly used his true appearance to chat with the person in charge of Yiling Trading Company.

"Young Master Jiang is indeed a talented person. His insights and knowledge about elixir materials are beyond the reach of our Yiling Trading Company."

The burly middle-aged man laughed and complimented Jiang Xiaobai's attitude.

Just as he finished speaking, an attendant came in and handed a jade slip and a storage ring to Jiang Xiaobai.

Just after they sat down, Jiang Xiaobai explained his intention. The Qiu family behind Yiling Trading Company also wanted to have a good relationship with Jiang Xiaobai.

The person in charge immediately arranged for someone to communicate with the Qiu family.

It’s just the source of the Immaculate Wings, what can’t be said?

There is no point in exploring the root cause of why Jiang Xiaobai wanted to know this news.

This is a pure profiteer!

Everything is just to maximize your own interests!

Jiang Xiaobai looked through the jade slips, which recorded the origin of the Innocent Wing, and even told where the murderer was captured, how it was refined, and a series of other processes, without missing a single detail!

And in the storage ring, there is also a gift for Jiang Xiaobai, which is some extremely high-quality clean wings.

Without wasting any more time, Jiang Xiaobai stood up suddenly.

"Thank you Yiling Trading Company for your hospitality. We are in a hurry, so we won't delay."

The burly middle-aged man also stood up: "Master Jiang, please, I have a teleportation array in Yiling Trading Company, I will send it to you."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded lightly, thinking about his situation in his mind as he passed by.

He didn't know if he was tired of this kind of life, or if he just felt powerless because of a temporary fatigue?

All this, he could only make a clear judgment after seeing the Red Fire Immortal Bamboo.

He didn't know what he would gain from this trip.


Follow your heart and you will never go wrong!

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