Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,325 I don’t believe it anymore

Seeing the confrontation between one large and one small, everyone paid no attention to it and gathered around Gu Ning.

Ao Yan and the others had sensed something unusual since Jiang Xiaobai was about to go out for a night out, especially when Jiang Xiaobai had just woken up.

Although he was very excited and happy to face Ao Yan, Ao Yan could see Jiang Xiaobai's fatigue at a glance.

I felt so distressed at that time!

Taking this opportunity, they asked Gu Ning what he thought.

Gu Ning naturally wouldn't say much about some things, so he could only talk about them from another aspect.

"Jiang Xiaobai seems to feel that he has been manipulated by others all his life. He has no way to fight. The feeling of powerlessness is difficult to describe."

As soon as these words came out, the three women fell silent.

It can be said that they have all had such experiences.

Ao Yan was forced to marry the ancient tribe, Qiong Yu was abandoned by the entire elven tribe, and Nangong Wuyou integrated everything from the previous two.

One is more miserable than the other.

However, there is a solution for everything!

It was even because of Jiang Xiaobai that their lives had undergone major changes!

But now that Jiang Xiaobai was in trouble, they had no way to deal with it.

But they all understand.

The chess player plays chess. As a chess piece, he has no ability to resist at all, and he squeezes the whole time to the limit.

The enemies he faced were each stronger than the last. If Jiang Xiaobai hadn't had many tricks and powerful talents, he would have died ten thousand times.

But on the other hand, it is precisely because of his resilience that he was selected to become the most important piece on this huge chessboard.

"I know you all feel sorry for Xiao Bai, and I feel sorry for him too. However, the general trend of the world is that this should be his last chance."

"But it doesn't matter, just let him go. If he really doesn't want to continue and wants to escape, just carry it for him as a master. I, Gu Ning's disciple, will not allow anyone to bully me like this!"

Gu Ning's voice was calm and even had the gentleness of the past.

But extremely domineering!

Shocked everyone.

Everyone fell into silence. They didn't know what Jiang Xiaobai was going to face and what kind of environment he was in, but they were all willing to give everything to help him share the burden.

Even Aocheng is shouting, the worst possible outcome is to turn over the table!

Only in another corner of the Qibao Exquisite Tower, Feng Yunjian looked at Goudan and Xiaoyue, his eyes flashing, not knowing what he was thinking about.

If Jiang Xiaobai were here, he would definitely think that this old guy was thinking of some conspiracy!

In the earth, Jiang Xiaobai was dizzy while searching, and his head ached.

The roots of the Red Fire Immortal Bamboo were found, and they were also the main roots. This was a good thing.

But he never imagined how huge the roots of the Red Fire Immortal Bamboo could be. Even a single main root was terrifying enough to make people's scalp numb.

Maybe you've been chasing a thick root for a long time, and suddenly realized that it's over?


This turned out to be a part of the roots.

He had no choice but to go back and continue searching for the roots, but the roots branched not just once, but sometimes branched out two or three times in a row, twisting and turning, but in the end it was nothing!

Jiang Xiaobai was so angry that he went crazy.

But in order to prove what he thought, he could only continue to chase.

"I don't believe it. I, Jiang Xiaobai, am really the kind of despicable person. I obviously want to stimulate life, but I insist on escaping!"

“It’s really suffocating due to this sense of powerlessness.”

Jiang Xiaobai muttered and continued searching.

If you look down from above, you can see that he has been circling in an area. At this speed, he will not be able to find the location of the real Red Fire Immortal Bamboo in less than three to five days.

Jiang Xiaobai simply searched slowly and leisurely.

He was now wasting what he once wanted in his mouth.


On the other side, near the cliff where many Tianyuan ferocious beasts were located, the Li family members found a place again and sat on the ground. Surrounding them was a storage ring.

Everyone is staring at the storage ring.

"How can I say that our Li family is already going to win?"

Ah Man didn't know much about this aspect of things. He only knew that having more than 30 pieces of high-quality Wushou Wings was a huge wealth.

Not to mention there are thousands of law crystals.

Don’t look at it, it’s only a thousand dollars!

It is almost enough for a Daluo Jinxian for a long time. The purchasing power of this thing is simply unimaginable. Only owners like Jiang Xiaobai who are not short of money do not regard the law crystal as a thing.

Li Zhilin was in a trance.

He carefully reviewed the previous situation. They hid in a place and waited for time to capture the ferocious Tianyuan beast. Then they met a handsome guy. If the handsome guy spent a lot of money, they could win the Zhao family's Wushu Wings and a huge sum of money. wealth.

The point is, the two sides met by chance, and based on Li Qiling's words, the other side gave so much?


I really don’t believe it when I say there is no conspiracy.

This is also what Li Zhilin is most worried about. It seems that these people have nothing to do with the Zhao family, but if it is another more powerful existence plotting against the Li family, it will be devastating.

Isn't there a jackal in front and a tiger behind? If they are attacked from both sides, will the Li family be doomed?

"Uncle, what are you worried about?"

Li Qiling, this girl, didn't have much care. Although she was worried, she felt very happy when she looked at the more than thirty pieces of unsullied wings.

Naturally, her thoughts were not like Li Zhilin's. She only knew that the Li family might win over the Zhao family.

Now that the bet is complete, the Li family will no longer be harassed by the Zhao family. How great!

"Miss, have you really never seen those people?" Li Zhilin still expressed his doubts.

"I haven't seen him before, but it looks like that young master should be a good person."

Li Qiling shook her head wildly. She didn't know what she was thinking of, but her cheeks suddenly turned red quickly.

Across the way, Li Zhilin didn't notice this, but kept sighing.

"You know people but don't know their hearts. Miss, you have too little experience and you won't understand many things... I hope they don't have any agenda."

Li Zhilin now would not regard Jiang Xiaobai and others as some uncultivated little waste like he did before.

Yes, their own cultivation is completely inferior to that of Li Zhilin, my Daluo Jinxian, but with such temperament and methods, he would not believe it without the support of a super power behind him.

Maybe there were masters hiding there secretly at that time. If they started indiscriminately, the Li family wouldn't even need the Zhao family to take action, and the game would definitely be over!

Li Zhilin felt happy when he thought of this.

At this time, the sky was gradually darkening, and everyone's emotions gathered away from the storage ring, and they all looked up at the hundreds of kites on the cliff.

Opposite them, there was also a group of people staring at the kite on the cliff.

"Sir, these kites should be reproducing. They have a special nature. Once they start hatching offspring, they will not move even if big trouble comes!"

A middle-aged man looked at the young man behind him.

"This time, with the number of masters in the Zhao family, not to mention two hundred kites, one hundred will definitely be caught!"

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