Zhao Bo had his hands behind his back, his expression was aloof, and his brows were filled with arrogance.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the cliff in front of him, smiling lightly.

"The Li family will come here if nothing unexpected happens, right?"

A middle-aged man beside him nodded hurriedly: "Yes, we were watching the Li family and reported that Li Zhilin led people in this direction."

"The Li family has a lot of experience in catching Tianyuan, and they know that this kind of fixed breeding place is normal. If it weren't for Sun Gangniang, a person who is familiar with Tianyuan's routine, to lead the way, we wouldn't have been able to find this place."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he turned to look at the cold-looking man in the middle of the team.

Sun Gangniang felt the gaze and smiled lightly at the other party and nodded.

"Senior Xiao Si's words are serious, they are just some small opinions."

Xiao Si waved her hand: "No, no, no, little friend Sun, your understanding of Tian Yuan is indeed unrivaled. Even the Li family, and even those families that specialize in dealing with Tian Yuan, can't compare to you."

"It is indeed a great blessing for the Zhao family to find you to help this time!"

Zhao Bo also looked at Sun Gangniang.

His aloof look was a little dazed.

Five days ago, this talent suddenly appeared in Juling City, where the Zhao family is located. It was nothing, but he happened to meet a group of hunting teams chasing Tianyuan. His remarks made sense, and he knew Tianyuan's habits very well. !

Immediately, the Zhao family took a fancy to her, and even the Li family sent people to contact her. However, the Zhao family made contact earlier, and Sun Gangniang was recruited!

It is reported that Li Jia was so angry that he slapped his thigh directly!

Smiling kindly at Sun Gangniang, Zhao Bo said: "The current situation is almost the same. The Zhao family does not make a living by catching kites, and is not as good as the Li family in this regard. I hope Brother Sun can help more."

Sun Gangniang put her left hand on her back and nodded calmly: "The Tianyuan seems to have no fixed habitat, and basically flies in the air when it sounds, but their only flaw is reproduction!"

"They have to fall to the ground afterwards. Just for safety reasons, they will build their nests in the highest cliffs. This place is the highest steep mountain within tens of thousands of miles. It will become their fixed habitat over millions of years. Not surprising at all.”

"What Young Master Zhao needs to worry about most now is not the Li family, but the other people who are chasing Tian Yuan."

As soon as he said this, Zhao Bo smiled.

"My Zhao family has already made it known that no one else will be allowed to fight for it. Brother Sun, don't worry."

As a result, Sun Gangniang shook her head: "It's just the Julingcheng family. The Gobi Desert is tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of miles away. There are too many such people. The Zhao family does not have the strength to stop everyone."

"If you have this strength, you don't need to make any bet with the Li family. You can just annex it by force. The Li family doesn't dare to complain at all, or even ask for it."

After Sun Gangniang finished speaking, she didn't care at all about the sparkling eyes of the Zhao family around her.

Zhao Bo, on the other hand, squinted his eyes and looked at it before suddenly laughing.

"Brother Sun is really upright and outspoken. I like him!"

"Then according to Brother Sun's wishes, how should we deal with it?"

Sun Gangniang raised her head and looked at the sky: "Two hours later will be the time for Tianyuan to concentrate on hatching. At this time, vigilance is at its weakest, and it is extremely tenacious. It would rather die than surrender, and it is impossible to move even an inch."

"With Senior Xiao Si's strength, it is extremely easy to capture dozens of Tianyuan that refuse to move."

Zhao Bo frowned: "Do others know this?"

"Haha, they just have a little experience, but I know the most!"

Sun Gangniang was very confident: "I can guarantee that the best time to take action will be after two hours. Others will wait for another two hours before thinking that will be the best time, because Tianyuan will be unusually quiet at that time. "

"As everyone knows, silence is a means of protection. The most dangerous time has been spent long before this. This is an illusion."

As she spoke, Sun Gangniang looked at the cliff not far away with emotion.

"I have to sigh, monsters also have certain wisdom. If Tianyuan and I hadn't been traveling together for hundreds of years, we wouldn't have known such intricate things!"

Zhao Bo and other Zhao family members nodded subconsciously.

This is why they brought Sun Gangniang into the team and promised many benefits!

Sun Gangniang has been able to live and eat with Tianyuan for hundreds of years. This kind of experience is not comparable to those experienced Tianyuan hunters.

It's a pity that the Li family is a step too late!

The more he looked at Sun Gangniang's confident look, the more fortunate Zhao Bo felt that he had gotten such a talent so early.

Of course, there is a certain amount of doubt in this kind of thing.

But it only takes two hours to give it a try and you will know. If it really works, the Zhao family will definitely decide on this talent!

In Juling City, the Zhao family's strength is at the top level. It is too easy to leave Sun Gangniang in the Golden Immortal realm.

"Then, let's wait. I hope Brother Sun's opinion will not disappoint us."

Zhao Bo looked at Sun Gangniang meaningfully, but the latter looked directly at him without dodge at all, full of confidence!

"Haha, that's interesting."

On the other side, under the leadership of Li Zhilin, the Li family found a suitable position.

The cliff is steep and there are almost no points of strength.

Tianyuan likes this kind of environment the most, because it is enough to fight against danger.

If human monks want to capture Tianyuan alive, they will inevitably need to fight. Suspending in mid-air is not a good idea. Due to Tianyuan's terrifying combat power, if you dare to levitate, you are seeking death!

The sky is their world!

"Miss, let Aman be here later

"Tian Yuan is very cunning. It will probably start hatching in a while. Under such circumstances, it is the best opportunity to take action!"

"We can't miss today."

It has been prepared for a long time. The Li family has arranged everything. It would be a pity not to take action today!

This is also the plan they prepared early in the morning.

"There are several groups of Tianyuan hunting teams outside. Once we take action, they will also notice it and must seize the opportunity!"

An experienced person whispered: "We are not fools. In this period of incubation and reproduction, if we don't get a share of the pie, there will be a problem."

Li Zhilin nodded, with a worried look on his face.

They searched secretly this afternoon and found many Tianyuan hunting teams coming from outside.

What worries Li Zhilin the most is that the Zhao family will also come after hearing the news. After all, many people know that this place can become an incubation site.

The bet has just begun, the Zhao family will definitely come!

If we hit this first wave, I'm afraid we'll suffer a big loss.

"Fortunately, we have the Wu Guo Wings that the young master gave us today, which gives us a little bit of peace of mind. Otherwise, we would have been doomed if we had collided with the Zhao family."

Li Zhilin murmured.

At this moment, a terrifying battle wave suddenly broke out on the cliff!

Someone took action? !

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