Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,327 The Li family confronts the Zhao family

Do you want to start at this time?

Looking at the night skyline, Li Zhilin felt his head buzzing.

Isn't this a joke?

The sun has just set, and Tianyuan is now at its strongest vigilance time. After all, the darkness just after sunset is the beginning of the most danger.

Can we not be vigilant?

Taking action now is simply courting death. Not only is it courting death, it will also delay their Li family's plans!

He is simply a bastard, a piece of shit who fails to succeed but fails to succeed.

Li Zhilin could imagine that other teams hunting Tianyuan arrived and found that there were so many Tianyuan here and couldn't help but take action.

Under such circumstances, the Li family was absolutely passive.

What a great opportunity!

Everyone in the Li family gritted their teeth and looked at the top of the cliff. Anyone with some experience knew that they couldn't take action now, and they would have to wait until an hour later.

However, just when everyone in the Li family thought that those who took action would be attacked wildly by Tianyuan, resulting in heavy casualties, the situation suddenly turned around!

Tianyuan couldn't hold it back in front of these people. The ferocious beasts that used to be extremely powerful in combat couldn't even fly into the sky. They could only fight those people on the cliffs. The screams of Tianyuan and Tianyuan could not be caught. .

In an instant, Li Zhilin's eyes widened and he stood up in disbelief.


"How could this happen? Logically speaking, Tianyuan shouldn't be the most vigilant at this juncture?"

"The counterattack should also be extremely intense and exciting. How could it be crushed by the opponent like this?"

Li Zhilin couldn't believe his eyes. He must know that among these kites, there are at least dozens of Daluo Golden Immortal realms!

The ways in which ferocious beasts and human monks improve their strength are completely different. With the benefits brought by their bloodline, they can grow into fixed strength as long as they have enough time.

Seeing this situation, Li Zhilin knew that he had to take action.

Although I don't understand why Tian Yuan became like this, if the Li family doesn't take action, the other party will take away all the benefits. Moreover, the other hunting teams that are ready to move around are not vegetarians, and there will be a chain reaction soon.

"Aman, take care of the young lady and find a place to hide. We'll go in first!"

Li Zhilin snorted coldly and led everyone up the cliff.

Not only did the Li family move, but the rest of the hunting team that had been waiting around them also rushed forward.

Tianyuan's defense is at its weakest at this time. If he doesn't understand the reason, why doesn't he still understand the situation?

How long will it take if we don’t take action now?

At the same time, looking at his master who had the upper hand, Zhao Bo was really surprised and looked at Sun Gangniang in disbelief.

"Brother Sun, you are indeed a god, how can you still know this?"

You know, many family forces have a part of their business used to capture Tianyuan. If the refined Wings are of good quality, they will definitely earn a lot of money. For forces with a certain strength, this kind of money is simply worth it. Picked it up for nothing!

Who won't miss it?

And after so many years, the experience summed up is actually no better than that of Sun Gangniang?

I only saw Sun Gangniang looking indifferent: "After all, we are traveling together with food and accommodation. All these years of expenses and time losses cannot go in vain, right?"

"After getting such important news, it's reasonable to find some force to give me some compensation, right?"

It seems that he is just after money!

Thinking of this, Zhao Bo was even more excited. He was worried that he would not be able to control Sun Gangniang, but now Sun Gangniang took the initiative to expose his weaknesses.

Good for money!

The Zhao family can afford the price!

Especially when he thought that he would annex the Li family this time and take the lovely Li Qiling into his pocket, Zhao Bo became even more excited.

"Brother Sun... No, Mr. Sun, our Zhao family will definitely not forget your kindness this time."

"Hey, hey, let's forget it at this time. When I help your Zhao family complete the bet, that's when my value will be reflected. It's too early to talk about money now."

Sun Gangniang laughed.

To outsiders, he looked like he was just waiting for a price, and he simply fell into the trap of money.

I can't help but feel contempt in my heart, but this is the effect Zhao Bo wants!

If you don’t love money, why don’t I want you?

However, in the dark night, no one saw the icy look flashing in Sun Gangniang's eyes.

Soon, Li Zhilin led the Li family masters to rush up the cliff and join the hunt for Tianyuan.

What shocked and angered him was that the moment he came over, he recognized that the first few people to attack were actually the masters of the Zhao family!

"Gan, it's the Zhao family. How could they know so clearly?"

"You let them take the initiative, and now they have captured at least seven or eight kites?!"

Li Zhilin felt like he was going crazy.

When the Zhao family members saw Li Zhilin's appearance, they all sneered.

"Is this the Li family? You can't even find the right time to capture it. How can you play with our Zhao family?"

"You rubbish, get out of here, don't force me to do anything to you."

"The Li family is nothing more than that. You will definitely lose this bet!"

Seeing this, Li Zhilin's eyes burst into flames. Damn, can I still be afraid of you?

It was said in the bet that both parties were not allowed to attack each other.

For so long, we can only compete in catching Tianyuan!

The Li family is worthy of being professional. Although the Zhao family had information provided by Sun Gangniang, they took action at the best time and took the lead to easily capture seven or eight kites.

But he didn't have enough experience in fighting Tian Yuan, so he could only rely on his tyrannical strength to do it.

But the Li family is different. Li Zhilin and the others know the weakness of the sky kite, and they even know how to capture a sky kite with the greatest ease.

In half an hour, both sides caught more than 20 fish!

The rest of the hunting team also joined in, causing chaos on the entire cliff. The monks roared and cursed, and the kites screamed in resistance, creating a chaos.

Xiao Si from the Zhao family was staring at Tian Yuan, who was in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, and used his strong strength to suppress and beat the opponent.

But it's hard to fight, but it's extremely difficult to catch it!

At this time, there was no time to pay attention to the Li family who also joined the ranks.

Below, Li Qiling looked at this scene and couldn't help but clenched her little hands nervously.

The competition between the two families in catching is very fierce!

I don’t know why, but at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in Li Qiling’s mind. What would happen if that person was here and helped the Li family?

The identity of the other party is certainly not simple.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai was painstakingly searching for traces of the Red Fire Immortal Bamboo along its roots.

It's been a whole day!

"I'm so angry. Do you call this a root? This is called the Internet!"

"I thought back then I couldn't follow the network cable to beat the trolls, but now I can't follow the roots to find you?"

Jiang Xiaobai rolled up his sleeves and really got into a fight with this thing!

Not long after, he suddenly found a thick red root that he had never seen before. The root was as thick as a century-old tree.

"Haha, so is this the main root?"

A sinister smile appeared on Jiang Xiaobai's face.

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