Before that, Gu Ning dared to say that she would kill anyone who dared to come and harass her apprentice during his vacation!

Fight to death!

With her top cultivation as an Immortal Emperor and holding the Innate Demon-Suppressing Sword, she will give way whenever the Supreme One comes!

But now, cause and effect are involved!

This is destined to be Jiang Xiaobai’s experience, this is his cause and effect!

If Gu Ning got involved, it would be unimaginable to cause huge changes.

Perhaps this is the reason why the old man in yellow robe did not confess before leaving. Gu Ning can see through the line of cause and effect and can understand something the moment he sees it, so there is no need to remind him at all.

Gu Ning was extremely angry when she thought of this!

He was being calculated to death!

Even Bai He and the Emperor were as if they had fallen into an ice cave!

These three Immortal Emperors are all top-notch beings in the Earthly Immortal Realm, yet they are all fooled around by others.

But there is no way to stop it, not even to intervene!

Once you intervene and disturb the cause and effect, you can't imagine the consequences.

Even all Jiang Xiaobai's efforts before this were in vain, and it was more likely to cause him death. Even Gu Ning was qualified to handle a situation of that level!

"So, we just watch?" Bai He raised his eyebrows.

Gu Ning nodded, looking a little confused: "What else can I do besides watching? Don't worry about this. What I'm most worried about is Xiaobai himself."

"If he sees through something, or falls into some kind of trap, things will get serious."

All three of them remained silent, lowering their heads and pondering something unknown.

In the end, Gu Ning waved his hand and stopped the topic.

"Don't let Xiaobai know. Depending on his character, he might do something irrational."

Gu Ning said softly and looked at Ao Yan.

At this time, she didn't know whether it was good or bad to have Ao Yan and the others here. Although their cause and effect were entangled with Jiang Xiaobai, there was still the possibility of danger.

According to Jiang Xiaobai's temperament, if anything happened to these women, he would go crazy.

When the time comes, no matter what your plans are, no matter what grand plans you have, no one can stop what he wants to do.

This is not the first time Jiang Xiaobai has done this kind of thing by using his merits to flip the table!

No one thought that wherever they went, they could fall into someone else's scheme.

Gu Ning even felt that she had been properly arranged.

Returning to Ao Yan and others, there was no discussion. At this time, Ao Yan and others were admiring the battle above.

Although there was Xiao Si, a Daluo Jinxian who had touched the threshold of divine power, he did not let a few women take a second look.

Ao Yan is completely honest, and even Qiong Yu doesn't have to worry.

Only Nangong Wuyou looked at it warmly.

She hasn't broken through to Golden Immortal yet!

Yes, not even now!

"It's really powerful when you touch the realm of divine power. If that guy attacks another group of people, no one can withstand it."

Qiong Yu spoke calmly.

They recognized the other person at a glance as the person they saw today.

The Li family and the Zhao family did not fight against each other. Instead, they were competing with Tian Yuan. There was probably some information they didn't know.

But so what?

who cares!

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai finally found a special space in the mountain!

He couldn't find the so-called roots at all in this place. Since the area was locked in the entire mountain, he could only use a stupid method, which was to search inch by inch.

There is a special cavity in the mountain, as if it had been there since its formation.

It's not a man-made space, it's not a special space, it's just a hollow cave.

When entering, Jiang Xiaobai's eyes widened as he looked at the bamboo forest in front of him that emitted a faint red light, illuminating the entire cave.

Such a beautiful sight!

It's so beautiful, it's like entering a world that only exists in dreams!

The Crimson Fire Immortal Bamboo is huge. A single branch is as thick as Jiang Xiaobai's entire body. I don't know whether it is because of the fixed space of the cave or because of the characteristics of the Crimson Fire Immortal Bamboo. The size of the bamboo can just reach the top of the cave!

Nothing more, nothing less, it seems that this cave was specially designed for them.

Among them, bursts of special spiritual energy were emitted, and the fluctuations were weak but made Jiang Xiaobai throb.

He subconsciously wanted to collect them all and practice well after returning, but his reason stopped him.

Jiang Xiaobai looked expressionless as he looked at the blood-red bamboo forest in front of him.

"So, what I was thinking about at that moment was to absorb all these red fire immortal bamboos and then go out to beat the enemy?"

"Jiang Xiaobai, why are you so mean?"


Jiang Xiaobai slapped himself on the face, and red marks appeared instantly.

At this time, he seemed to be going crazy!

The belief in life has been greatly affected!

He knelt down and sat on the ground, thinking about all the past, very solemnly.

"What do I want?"

"Live quietly with Ao Yan, or do you really enjoy the excitement between life and death?"

"Why do I always have so much trouble? Is it really because of myself, or is it being plotted against me?"

Many questions began to hit Jiang Xiaobai's heart, and he began to ask questions.

It is right to follow the heart, but where is the heart?

He never backed down in the face of powerful enemies, and faced troubles head-on. But in the powerless feeling of being controlled, he actually lost?

Thinking back carefully, what he usually likes to do most is to trick people, steal money, and improve his strength.

Subconsciously, I thought that I was doing this just to survive, just to give Ao Yan and Ao Yan a chance to breathe and find a small place to live peacefully.

But if it's stable, there won't be any problems?

Will there be no trouble if I hide?

Is running away from a problem still a problem?

Many shocking questions hit Jiang Xiaobai's heart again and again.

At this time, a voice recalled in his mind.

"Relive your life, is this all you want?"

Zixiao Yuanshen spoke.

He seems to have independent consciousness, but after all, he and Jiang Xiaobai are one, and he knows everything about Jiang Xiaobai.

He is Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai is him!

"Excessive wish?"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled bitterly: "What do I ask for? I just want to live and be safe, right?"

Zixiao Yuanshen spoke again: "The vast sky, all the conjectures in your mind, and the real purpose behind it all, don't you want to explore it?"

"If you stop here, you can actually do it at any time. You have countless opportunities."

"You know what I'm talking about."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the rocks on the ground.

He indeed has countless opportunities.

Find a place where no one has been before, disguise yourself, hide your identity, change your name, change your clothes, and live again.

His means can do that.

"Yes, there are so many opportunities, but I have no choice..."

Jiang Xiaobai looked up at the Red Fire Immortal Bamboo in front of him. His eyes were cloudy and chaotic, but eventually they became clear!

He understood that he had fallen into a misunderstanding!

What he needs has nothing to do with the invisible causal manipulation!

That feeling of powerlessness is simply due to the unknowability of the future!

The moment he figured this out, a majestic force burst out around him, shooting straight into the sky!

And the entire mountain peak was shaking!

Invisible power exploded, like a coercion coming from heaven and earth, and all the monks who were fighting Tianyuan stopped moving.

Even Tianyuan, who refused to move due to his own habit, started screaming in alarm.

No matter, no matter what.

Even if my eggs are still there

Run, run for your life!

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