Jiang Xiaobai burst out with such aura that everyone outside could feel it.

The expressions of Gu Ning, Bai He and the others suddenly changed with shock, and they looked at the mountain in disbelief!

At this time, in the cave, a black heavenly millstone appeared behind Jiang Xiaobai, with scarlet chains wrapped around it. When it shook, it seemed like a real thing.

In his eyes, black and red flashed.

With his thoughts normal, his understanding of the law made a breakthrough!

All have reached the 60% level!

Except for the law of time.

After waking up from the chaos, Jiang Xiaobai stared at his hands in confusion, his head confused.

He turned back suddenly, but the strange heavenly millstone behind him did not dissipate.

Instead, after seeing the owner who gave it birth, countless scarlet chains wrapped around Jiang Xiaobai's arms.

Jiang Xiaobai felt it so clearly at that moment.

This is exactly what he has built, a special field!

Here, he is like Heaven in the world, that is invincible!

Many of the insights I had gained in the special space of the Frost Plains Secret Realm came true at this time. They were all correct and correct!

"Awesome, this road really works..."

"As long as you give me Jiang Xiaobai time, I will probably become invincible!"

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, gently stroking the scarlet ferocious chain, just like a father stroking his child.

He created this!

"Huh? How did my level improve?"

"Damn it, the Red Fire Immortal Bamboo is gone, why is it gone?"

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt that his realm had reached the peak of Golden Immortal Dzogchen!

Breaking through the Taiyi Golden Immortal is only a matter of time!

In front of them, all the fiery red Crimson Fire Immortal Bamboo disappeared, leaving only patches of black ashes on the ground.

"You just had an epiphany and absorbed the power on your own. You couldn't help but suck up the red fire fairy bamboo. The mineral veins they spent thousands of years to find are probably also absorbed by you."

"Otherwise, it would be impossible to achieve such a huge improvement just by relying on the power of the Red Fire Immortal Bamboo."

Zixiao Yuanshen's voice came with a smile: "It's best if you can find your self. If your mind is completely opened, the future path is limitless."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded slowly.

Speaking of which, the powerlessness I felt before was not because of the so-called hypocrisy, nor was it because I really wanted to give up.

It's just that he felt confused.

If everything is settled by people, then what is the purpose of his existence?

Wouldn't it be OK to just change someone else?

This is questioning your own value!

But now he understands that no matter how the old man in Huangpao arranges for him or plots against him, the life he wants is within his reach to a certain extent!

So what else is there to worry about?

"Let's go, this place is really worth it."

Jiang Xiaobai murmured to himself. Just as he was about to leave, his body suddenly stiffened.

That feeling of being out of control emerges again!

Black mist keeps erupting around him, just like before in the Frost Plains Secret Realm.

With his mind filled with turmoil, Jiang Xiaobai struggled not to let his last bit of sanity be controlled, with veins popping out all over his body.

"Give me the town, give me the town!"

"What the hell is going on? Why does such prism space power appear on me?"

Although he knew something about it through Gu Ning before, Jiang Xiaobai is still unhappy now!

It’s so unpleasant!

He never wanted to experience the feeling of losing control again!

Gritting his teeth, Jiang Xiaobai tried his best to fight against this unspeakable force, and then his body involuntarily emitted a golden light of merit.


The darkness is gradually dispelled under the golden light, and similarly, the reserves of merit are decreasing crazily!

Fortunately, it only consumed a large amount of merit, and this situation was suppressed.

With a pop, Jiang Xiaobai collapsed to the ground, as if he had been fished out of the water, his clothes were all soaked!

"The effect of merit is really terrifying. Not only can it repair the way of heaven, but I can even repair it..."

Jiang Xiaobai muttered, while thinking about the previous situation.

He felt that the field he had built seemed to have touched something.

It's like... fighting for something with the heaven of this world.

The feedback I received was that God was willing to give, but the situation did not allow it, so that kind of black fog appeared...

"What a mess, don't care. Next time if this happens again, I will use my merits!"

"It seems that merit is also in short supply. I didn't think it was useful before the Immortal Road War. But in the end, it turned out to be something that was never enough, no matter how much I used it?"

Shaking his head, Jiang Xiaobai stood up unsteadily and rushed out of the mountain.

As soon as they appeared, Ao Yan and others rushed up, especially Ao Yan, who grabbed Jiang Xiaobai's arm tightly, looking extremely nervous.

Jiang Xiaobai has never seen Ao Yan in such a panic... The reason why he didn't see it was because he had passed out...

For a moment, my heart tightened, and I stretched out my hand to hug Ao Yan.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm fine!"

"Your husband-in-law may not be good at anything else, but he is very stubborn!"

Jiang Xiaobai comforted him, but in the end, Ao Yan grabbed the fat around his waist and twisted it!

"You are talking nonsense. If you dare to say such nonsense again, I will strangle you to death!"

Ao Yan blushed, feeling ashamed of her behavior because Ao Cheng was still watching from the side.

As for Ao Cheng...he picked his ears and didn't take it seriously at all.

It has long been commonplace!

Letting go of Ao Yan, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Gu Ning, his eyes clearer than ever before.

"Have you figured it out?" Gu Ning said calmly.

Jiang Xiaobai laughed and scratched his head: "It's okay. Although I don't know what the old man in yellow robe is planning, I just try my best. If it doesn't work, I will run away. It's none of my business how his plan goes!"

"Haha, this can be called cultivating immortality." Gu Ning smiled lightly: "Cultivating immortality is to cultivate a happy and comfortable life. Why do you care about those people who are doing nothing?"

Although he was smiling, Gu Ning was even more shocked.

She had just felt a line of cause and effect, and now Jiang Xiaobai had solved the obstacle in her heart?

If she said there was nothing behind it, she wouldn't believe it!

But there is no need to tell Xin Jing about this kind of thing, as long as he can survive this calamity of concern.

Recalling the breath that I just felt, it was like a new world, which made people yearn for it.

In the future, Jiang Xiaobai will definitely have something that shocks everyone.

At this moment, everyone on the cliff realized what was happening and looked at the flying kite in disbelief.

Xiao Si of the Zhao family gritted his teeth in anger!

Bastard, he was just about to control the Tianyuan that was in the Daluo Golden Immortal realm, but he fell into a trance and disappeared?

Who is it, who is it? ?

Xiao Si was furious because the aura that had just been revealed to be the monk suddenly broke out and ruined his good deeds.

Could it be that he is from the Li family?

As his mind spread, he sensed Jiang Xiaobai and others, and his expression suddenly turned cold!

And the person who also felt Jiang Xiaobai was Sun Gangniang!

There was a flash of light in his eyes!

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