Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1331 Why is my mother-in-law here?

Jiang Xiaobai's vain appearance was something Sun Gangniang didn't expect.

But if this happens...

At this moment, Xiao Si, who was disturbed, was furious and stared at Li Zhilin.

"You bitch, you know you can't compare to my Zhao family, so you start looking for trouble?"

Li Zhilin was also confused.

After reacting, he immediately sneered: "If your Zhao family can't catch Tian Yuan, my Li family can catch it!"

"Hmph, aren't you just no match for the Zhao family, and you plan to defeat them all?" Xiao Si looked at Li Zhilin coldly, the aura on his body was violent, and the veins on his forehead popped out.

If there weren't other teams hunting Tianyuan around, he would have taken action against the Li family!

Li Zhilin was also sensing what was going on, and soon saw Jiang Xiaobai.

Shocked in my heart.

Why is this guy here again?

Could it be that he was causing trouble just now? Is this helping or hurting?

At this time, the hunting numbers of the Li family and the Zhao family were inconsistent. Due to their skillful experience, the Li family captured nearly forty kites, including three that were in the Great Luo Golden Immortal realm.

There are less than thirty in the Zhao family, but there are six in the Daluo Golden Immortal realm!

Quantity cannot be compared, but quality can also be compared!

The final outcome is to refine all the results into Innocent Wings to judge the value ratio.

However, he has more than 30 pieces of Wushou Wings that Jiang Xiaobai gave him before!

Although there are many questions in his mind, Li Zhilin will not go to Jiang Xiaobai now to ask clearly. The Zhao family is still there!

If this time passes, it will inevitably make the Zhao family think too much.

And he himself was also thinking too much, constantly thinking about what Jiang Xiaobai wanted to do.

But Xiao Si didn't care about this. Seeing that he couldn't deal with Li Zhilin, he turned around and led many masters to rush towards Jiang Xiaobai.

"You bastard, were you up to something just now?"

"Do you know what you did!? Damn it, you're just a golden immortal, do you think you'll be fine with the support of the Li family?"

Xiao Si was furious, and at the same time he raised his hand and slapped it down.

He didn't know if Jiang Xiaobai and his group had anything to do with the Li family, but he just wanted to kill them directly.

Even if the Li family is up to something, they can't really admit it.

Killing is the best way.

The moment he took action, three cold eyes looked over, and Xiao Si was frightened on the spot and felt a chill in his heart.

Damn it, what’s going on!

Who was looking at me just now?

Xiao Si felt like he was falling into an ice cave, and the movements in his hands stagnated, causing the palm to dissipate in the air before it could take shape.

At the same time, Li Zhilin and others also suddenly reacted. Even if they didn't want to care about it, they couldn't do it anymore!

When he led the masters to rush down to stop Xiao Si, a figure also came over.

It is the girl Li Qiling!

She stood directly between Jiang Xiaobai and Xiao Si, looking at him coldly.

"If you want to take action, kill me first!"

The little girl didn't know why, she only knew that Xiao Si was very strong and wanted to attack Jiang Xiaobai, and she had to stop him!

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Li Qiling with a smile, his eyes full of amusement.

Why is this girl so interested in outsiders for no reason?

Just because I gave them some Untainted Wings during the day?


Aman hurriedly chased after him, and at the same time, Li Zhilin also led someone to fall beside Li Qiling.

The two sides formed a confrontation for a while.

At this time, Zhao Bo came with Sun Gangniang and others.

The moment they met, Jiang Xiaobai and Sun Gangniang were both confused.

The former was surprised why the other party was here, and the latter was shocked that it was indeed him!

"Brother Jiang, don't say more, you don't know me, and I don't know you either!"

Sun Gangniang's voice transmission suddenly sounded, and Jiang Xiaobai resisted his desire to ask.

This guy must have his own reason for being here.

Let’s take a look at the situation first.

At this time, Zhao Bo took the lead and said with a gloomy face: "Miss Li, aren't you going too far? Knowing that you can't compare with the Zhao family, you use such despicable means to drive away all the Tianyuan, and your Li family won't get anything! "

Li Qiling blushed and was about to speak when Li Zhilin spoke first.

"Mr. Zhao Bo, Mr. Zhao, I still say what I said, this kind of thing is not good for our Li family, we don't need to do this!"

"Furthermore, if my Li family doesn't resort to despicable means, can't I defeat your Zhao family?"

Zhao Bo's face was cold, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he clenched his fists!

"You're a slave like a dog, it's your turn to be wild with me?"

Zhao Bo snorted coldly and looked at Li Qiling: "Miss Li, do you really want to stand in the way for these people?"

Li Qiling said nothing and just looked at him coldly.

Gritting his teeth, Zhao Bo really wanted to take action at all costs.

But some hunting teams have gathered around to watch the excitement. They are not from Juling City, and the Zhao family cannot control them.

If Zhao Bo dares to take action today, tomorrow the whole area will be full of news that the Zhao family is ignoring the rules of the bet and causing trouble. Who will look down upon a person who breaks his promise?

"Hmph, although the Li family has experience, my Zhao family is not without countermeasures!"

"Aren't you always curious about why Sun Gangniang disappeared? Let me tell you, he followed my Zhao family!"

After saying that, Zhao Bo also pulled Sun Gangniang out.

Sun Gangniang was still a little confused when she suddenly appeared in front of everyone, mainly because his attention was focused on Jiang Xiaobai and his party.

But he immediately showed a calm smile, just like he had been pretending before.

After meeting Sun Gangniang, Li Zhilin also understood why the Zhao family suddenly took action before.

The other party once appeared in Juling City, and he knew Tianyuan's habits so well that it was terrifying.

Even a family like the Li family with extremely rich hunting experience can't compare to him!

Everything you say is true and makes sense!

When they learned about the existence of this person before, the Li family wanted to recruit him, but he was nowhere to be found, and the bet started again, so they had no choice but to give up.

Unexpectedly, the inferior people were actually found by the Zhao family!

The actions of the Zhao family tonight were probably instigated by this person!

In this way, Li Zhilin's heart sank to the bottom. With Sun Gangniang's understanding of Tianyuan, and the strong people in the Zhao family, it is really possible, even very possible, for the two of them to join forces to surpass the Li family!

"The Zhao family is really good at it."

Li Zhilin gritted his teeth and sneered: "But so what, the bet has just begun."

"At the beginning, you couldn't compare with my Zhao family. Look at the kites you captured. So what if they are large in number? Can their final value be comparable to that of my Zhao family?"

Zhao Bo pointed at the six golden fairy kites on his side and sneered. At the same time, his eyes fell on Li Qiling without any concealment.

"The Li family is mine, and you will be mine too!"

At this time, Zhao Bo was immediately torn apart. The faces of the people around him were changing as if they had seen some shocking news.

Li Zhilin didn't say much, just looked at them like this, a bit like driving them away.

Zhao Bo just snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Today's capture feast was disrupted. He, Zhao Bo, remembered it, but the most important thing now was to search for other Tianyuan.

When they left, Li Zhilin and others breathed a sigh of relief.

But Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes and started thinking.

Why is my mother-in-law here?

This place is far away from the God of War Sect!

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