Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,332 Just meeting an old acquaintance

Jiang Xiaobai really didn't understand why Sun Gangniang would appear here!

Could it be said that this thing came up as early as when the space channel was opened?

But that’s not right either!

The God of War Sect is too far away from this place. Even if Da Luo Jinxian rushes over, it will take a lot of time. What shocked him even more is that Sun Gangniang has already reached the Golden Immortal realm!

This may have something to do with his bloodline, but for some reason, Jiang Xiaobai felt that he had changed a bit when seeing him this time.

Although he still looks the same, his temperament is completely different!

"What's wrong?"

Ao Yan looked at Jiang Xiaobai curiously and said, "Seeing as you started to think about it after meeting the Zhao family, do you want to help the Li family?"

Through the conversation just now, they probably knew the situation of the Li family and the Zhao family.

There was a bet and the relationship was troubled.

And it seems that the Zhao family is stronger than the Li family, but it is interesting to say that the Zhao family obviously has strong people who can directly force the Li family to surrender, so why do they want to make a bet?

Maybe there are other secrets in it.

But what does this have to do with them?

The more he thought about it, the more Ao Yan looked at Qiong Yu and Nangong Wuyou. There was something wrong with their eyes, and from time to time they would glance at Li Qiling who was being comforted by Li Zhilin!

Could it be that Jiang Xiaobai really fell in love with this girl?

"Nothing, just meeting an old acquaintance..."

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and said, "It seems like it's quite interesting here. I just came out to have some fun. Let's take a look first."

When the three women heard this, they suddenly felt bad.

It's over, I'm afraid it depends on that girl's rhythm!

At this moment, Gu Ning suddenly patted Ao Yan on the shoulder.

"Silly girl, what are you thinking about? Xiaobai is not what you think."

As a strong person for countless years, how could she not see through the thoughts of the three women? She couldn't help but feel amused.

You love Jiang Xiaobai so much, don’t you know what his temper is?

When have you ever seen him be so attentive and proactive towards women other than Ao Yan?

Especially this girl Ao Yan, she can still think wrongly!

"Don't think too much, let everything take its course, and this place is indeed not simple."

Gu Ning said softly.

I kept thinking back to the scene I saw before!

There is indeed a line of cause and effect on the cliff connecting Jiang Xiaobai, and it is not a simple cause and effect.

Gu Ning really couldn't understand why such a situation could still happen here.

She didn't see clearly where the specific cause and effect came from, and she didn't even pay attention to Sun Gangniang.

If Gu Ning had looked carefully when someone from the Zhao family came, he would have discovered that the causal thread had been completely integrated with Jiang Xiaobai the moment Sun Gangniang appeared.

At the same time, Li Zhilin also looked at Jiang Xiaobai and others, with a hint of caution in his eyes.

There is really no way to explain it!

Why did Jiang Xiaobai suddenly burst out and drive away all the Tianyuan?

Why do they meet here again?

The reason?

The more experiences people have, the less they believe in coincidences. Just a few clues can make them think about countless possibilities.

Especially when he thought about his young lady suddenly trying to stand in front of Jiang Xiaobai at all costs, he felt even more uncomfortable.


"This young master, why do you want to drive away all Tianyuan?"

Li Zhilin frowned and protected Li Qiling behind him.

Li Qiling had already recovered from her previous frightened state. She also knew what Li Zhilin meant and didn't do anything too extreme. She just stuck her head out and looked at Jiang Xiaobai with curiosity on her face.

For some reason, she felt that Jiang Xiaobai was very mysterious, and she had an idea that she wanted to explore.

Jiang Xiaobai scratched his head: "Ahem, do you believe it when I say it was an accident?"

"My little friend, are you living like me and traveling around the world for nothing for so many years?"

The corners of Li Zhilin's mouth twitched. If the other party refused to explain clearly the root cause, he would either do something or stay away.

However, he did not dare to provoke the enemy rashly.

The current bet between the Li family and the Zhao family is the most critical.

"It was really not intentional, it was just an accident, a beautiful accident. You have to believe me!"

Jiang Xiaobai said: "In this case, how about I compensate you with some Wugou Wings?"

He didn't have it in hand, but that didn't stop him from getting it from the Qiu family.

Moreover, he now wants to have a relationship with the Li family and wants to find out what Sun Gangniang is doing here.

Brother-in-law is just a Golden Immortal, and the other side is a Daluo Golden Immortal and even a strong man who has touched the threshold of divine power. No matter what Sun Gangniang has planned, as a friend, she cannot just sit idly by.

I will definitely help if I can.

Now Jiang Xiaobai has a clear mind and is not in a hurry to go back to Suhai Dynasty to deal with things.

On the other side, Li Zhilin and others were shocked when they heard Jiang Xiaobai's words.

And use the Innocent Wings as compensation?

How many do you have!

This put him in a dilemma. The bet between the Li family and the Zhao family ultimately relied on the value of the Wugou Wings to determine the outcome.

It can be said that Jiang Xiaobai is directly stuck on their necks.

Although Li Zhilin was very fierce when he treated Zhao Bo just now, he didn't have much confidence to really defeat him, because they had a mysterious person who knew Tianyuan's habits very well, and he also had great strength.

As Zhao Bo said, they captured Tianyuan who was in the Daluo Golden Immortal realm, so the value of the refined Wings was naturally much more than theirs.

During the hesitation, it was Li Qiling who spoke first.

"Master, you don't need to go to such trouble. In fact, it's a good thing that I have your help today, otherwise the Li family may not be able to defeat the Zhao family in this game."

"But regarding those Wushou wings... our Li family can pay a price to purchase some from Young Master, what do you think?"

Li Qiling was not very old, and she spoke and acted quite calmly at this time, which made Jiang Xiaobai and others look at her with admiration.

Especially Nangong Wuyou, an outspoken woman, glared at Li Zhilin on the spot.

The meaning is obvious!

Look, look at the courage of your young lady, and look at the courage of your housekeeper?

Li Zhilin's face turned red for a moment.

"That's all. It's true that I made some mistakes today. Why don't you find a city to go in and rest first? How about I treat you to a meal tomorrow?"

Jiang Xiaobai said kindly.

Li Zhilin didn't even say a word, but the little girl Li Qiling nodded excitedly and started laughing.

Li Zhilin couldn't help but sigh secretly, "Miss, could you not speak so fast next time? It would be better if there is some testing between the two parties."

But Li Qiling agreed, what else could she do?

Not only that, it is now impossible to find Tianyuan and start hunting.

We can only wait and see what happens!

Jiang Xiaobai and the others immediately followed the Li family and rushed to the nearest small town to settle down first.

On the other side, in the Zhao family’s team.

Zhao Bo looked at Sun Gangniang with a gloomy face.

"Brother Sun, if the plan is disrupted this time, it is most likely that the Li family has prepared it a long time ago."

"This time, I'm going to trouble you a lot to find a small gathering place for Tianyuan."

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