Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,333: Make room early last night

Hearing this, Sun Gangniang nodded calmly.

Just a little Tianyuan, there are more than a dozen small gathering places he knows about!

It's just a matter of time to catch Tianyuan.

However, this is not the point. The point is that Brother Jiang is here!

"Brother Sun? What's wrong with you tonight? You seem to be in a trance?"

Zhao Bo looked at Sun Gangniang curiously. For some reason, after meeting the Li family just now, Sun Gangniang started to feel something wrong. She was always thinking about something.

If the other party wasn't just a golden immortal, Zhao Bo would have become suspicious!

"It's nothing, I was just thinking that the Li family would actually do such a despicable method."

"Perhaps we can search for Tianyuan in a relatively private place. I guarantee that the Li family will not know about this place!"

Sun Gangniang smiled lightly.

After hearing this, the doubt in Zhao Bo's heart disappeared instantly.

The only thing left in my mind is catching Tianyuan!

Once the bet is successful, not only will the Li family be completely conquered by the Zhao family, but the beautiful Li Qiling will also be taken under his wing!

Getting a woman he likes also secures a resource for the family.

He, Zhao Bo, will soar into the sky!

"In that case, please ask Brother Sun to take me there quickly!"

Zhao Bo couldn't help but said excitedly.

But Sun Gangniang waved her hands calmly: "Mr. Zhao, don't be anxious. Tianyuan's habits are elusive, and there is great communication in the group. Our actions tonight have already been to alert others. These Tianyuan will tell the news to others as quickly as possible." Tianyuan."

"For a while and a half, they won't fall from the sky again to find a hatching place. But when the time is almost up, they have no choice but to find a cliff to land on. That's when we have the opportunity to take action."

"Let's go to the city to rest first. It is estimated that the Li family will also be in the city. Maybe Mr. Zhao can also ask experts to find out what the Li family's plans are."

As soon as these words came out, not only Zhao Bo was stunned, but even Xiao Si and other Zhao family masters were stunned.

Everyone thought that Sun Gangniang was just a guy who knew Tianyuan's habits, but they didn't expect that she also had such a method?

Can you still think of going to find out about the Li family's plans?

"Why are you all looking at me like this? Under such circumstances, shouldn't you keep an eye on the Li family?"

Sun Gangniang put her hands behind her back and said calmly: "Go to the city quickly, otherwise the Li family has already finished discussing it and there is nothing we can do if we want to inquire."

Suddenly Zhao Bo looked at Xiao Si and saw a hint of wavering in the other person's eyes.

"Okay, let's go to the city to rest. Hahaha, although we didn't win a big victory tonight, Brother Sun gave my Zhao family a good start. I must treat him well!"

Zhao Bo laughed and said, and everyone immediately changed direction and rushed towards the nearest small town.

No one knew that Sun Gangniang had a strange smile on her face.

At this time, in a small city.

The Li family and others had already rested. Jiang Xiaobai was sitting alone on the roof of the restaurant, drinking wine and looking at the full moon in the sky.

This time, after getting through his thoughts, he felt that he was in better shape than ever before!

His strength has also improved a lot. Although he is still on the threshold of divine power, he has also found a direction to fight for.

As long as he is given some time to ponder and study in the Valley of Gods, he may be able to understand and apply the laws to a higher level!

Now he is not thinking about future plans, but feeling the clarity in his heart.

A figure fell next to Jiang Xiaobai, it was Master Gu Ning.

"You don't have to worry too much. Who can say for sure what will happen in the future?"

"Just do your best, my teacher will always protect you."

Gu Ning also held a wine flask in her hand. She was always more addicted to alcohol than Jiang Xiaobai!

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly turned around: "Master, you are wrong. Although I can't say what will happen in the future, I am not useless. I can buy some time by settling the affairs of the Suhai Dynasty as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, Master, if you come with me, with your strength, you won't be able to defeat any enemy."

Jiang Xiaobai began to follow the temptation, hoping to get a super helper for himself.

Gu Ning's strength is obvious to all, he is absolutely powerful!

Let alone the Suhai Dynasty, even if the top Transcendental Immortal Sect behind them, or even all the top masters from the entire Jiutian Continent, appear, they may not be enough to slap Gu Ning.

As a result, Gu Ning glanced at Jiang Xiaobai and directly saw through his mind.

"What you should do must be done by you. Being a teacher can't help you."

"Besides, I also have important things to do. Why do you think the Immortal Road is not open?"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Xiaobai was stunned.

Although he had not seen the scene after the battle on the Immortal Road, he also knew through that system task that the Immortal Road had not been opened.

The reason was that he originally planned to explore the Immortal Road by himself, but now it seems that Gu Ning seems to know something.

"The development of prism space is much greater than you and I imagined. There are some problems near the Immortal Road in Jiutian Continent... This is something I only found out after I came to Jiutian Continent..."

Gu Ning didn't say much, but Jiang Xiaobai could probably guess something, it must be something like the Yantian Clan causing trouble again.

Speaking of these races born from the prism space, this is the only way they want to survive.

There is no right or wrong, only your own position!

But he, with the hopes of many people on his shoulders, had no choice but to get involved in this kind of thing.

"Furthermore, do you think that the Immortal Road is on the Nine Heavens Continent? This is just a world, a place where the upper world and the lower world are technical schools. There is also a void here. Of course, it is not as prosperous as the Three Thousand Worlds."

"In comparison, the situation here in Jiutian Continent is more complicated and colder."

"You will know later... By the way, why do you suddenly want to help the Li family?"

Jiang Xiaobai took a sip of wine and shrugged calmly: "It's not that I want to help the Li family, but I met an acquaintance and I want to help that acquaintance."

Now Sun Gangniang has appeared in Jiutian Continent, and she doesn't know where the friends she knows are now.

An Ran, Zhuang Huanling, Mo Yu and so on.

"I hope you guys are here too... I can hang out with you when I have time."

Jiang Xiaobai had a smile on his face.

At this moment, he suddenly looked towards the direction of the city, and a group of people were coming from that direction.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai slowly stood up.

"Master, you drink here for a while first, I'll be back soon."

After saying that, Jiang Xiaobai turned into a jet-black sword light and rushed out, his figure gradually disappearing in the dark night.

Gu Ning looked at his back, her eyes filled with relief.

Jiang Xiaobai's current improvement was truly something she had never imagined. It only took a short time from realization to realization, and even many powerful people would go into retreat for dozens of times longer than this.

But Jiang Xiaobai's ability is overwhelming, crushing all the geniuses of his generation under his feet.

"Disciple, this is how it should be."

"Well, since you have nothing to do, it's time to go. As you said, if you finish some things earlier, you can free up time earlier."

Gu Ning's figure slowly became transparent.

No one can know about her departure.

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