Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,334 Meeting my mother-in-law

The small town is not big, and it is not as good as the surrounding cities that hold immortal cultivation. There are not many monks here.

When many bigwigs from the Zhao family arrived, the best restaurant in the city did not dare to neglect them and tried their best to please these people.

As for why the Li family didn't enter this was naturally Jiang Xiaobai's instruction.

He knew that this would happen after meeting Sun Gangniang, and deliberately left this restaurant to the strong men of the Zhao family.

Sure enough, when Sun Gangniang and the others discovered that the Li family was not staying here, a smile appeared on his face.

It was Zhao Bo who was sneering,

"It seems that the Li family is self-aware and knows not to be too high-profile."

In the eyes of Zhao Bo and others, the Li family is not comparable to the Zhao family at all. If it were not for some special reasons, the Zhao family would have annexed the Li family long ago.

It’s not like we’ve made a bet until now.

Then the group of people naturally checked into the most luxurious room in the restaurant. Sun Gangniang was assigned a huge room alone because she was a distinguished guest of the Zhao family.

"Brother Sun, take a good rest first. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

Zhao Bo said with a smile and left, a little hurriedly. Needless to say what he was going to do, of course he wanted to find out the situation of the Li family.

It is for this reason that they can move into this small town.

Sun Gangniang sat quietly in the room drinking tea, with a smile on her face from time to time, but it was hard to tell what she was thinking.

Suddenly, a figure appeared beside him.

"I said, you came too fast. When did you come to Jiutian Continent?"

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai appeared, he sat on a chair nearby without any scruples and poured himself a cup of tea naturally.

"I've met Brother Jiang!"

When Sun Gangniang saw Jiang Xiaobai, her expression was indifferent, but her eyes were full of gratitude and admiration.

He already knows a lot!

He also understood that the big trouble that arose in the void in the Three Thousand Worlds was because Jiang Xiaobai was helping the Three Thousand Worlds deal with a bigger crisis!

Jiang Xiaobai stared at Sun Gangniang for a long time before murmuring.

"How long has it been? How come people change so quickly?"

For a moment, Sun Gangniang couldn't laugh or cry: "Brother Jiang, do you still want me to be as wretched as before?"

"Hey, do you still know that you were a scumbag back then?"

"Young and frivolous, you can always do some unreasonable things. Don't blame Brother Jiang."

Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes: "You're just talking nonsense with me... tell me, when did you come up here, and why did you suddenly appear in a place like this? You kid's purpose is not simple."

There is nothing special, so why would a person from three thousand worlds come here?

This is already the area near the edge of Jiutian Continent.

It can't be said to be very barren, but all the people who came up from the Three Thousand Worlds must be striving for the development of the center, and no one would choose to come to such a ghost place.

Sure enough, when he finished speaking, Sun Gangniang's face showed a touch of affection.

"I came here not long ago. I came all the way here. I just arrived a few days ago."

"Haha, you immediately became the guest of the Zhao family as soon as you arrived. It seems that the Zhao family treats you with great respect." Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes: "Don't think I don't know. Your title outside is to follow. Tianyuan has been eating and walking together for hundreds of years, how long has it been since you came to Jiutian Continent?"

"Brother Jiang, people have their own difficulties..."

"Then you winked at me and asked me to help you?" Jiang Xiaobai said angrily.

Now it was Sun Gangniang's turn to be embarrassed. Although he didn't wink when he saw Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but see the look of expectation in his eyes.

After a long silence, Sun Gangniang took a deep breath.

"Brother Jiang, I do have my own things to do when I come here. I can't talk about it now. Brother Jiang will naturally know it after I succeed."

"Speaking of which, maybe there are some benefits for Brother Jiang here."

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows: "Have you seen any old man in yellow robe?"

Suddenly hearing Sun Gangniang's words, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but doubt it, as if he was sure he would appear!

Sun Gangniang definitely cannot do this, the only one is the old Taoist Huangpao.

"It's not as exaggerated as you said, Brother Jiang. It's just that I know some things, and now I'm sure."

Sun Gangniang smiled calmly and said: "Don't talk about this, since Brother Jiang is here, let's discuss things. I will take the Zhao family to a place tomorrow. I will tell you the location in advance. You come with the Li family. There will inevitably be a conflict between the two parties, and they may take action. When the time comes, please ask Brother Jiang to take action to seriously injure or even destroy the Zhao family!"

Jiang Xiaobai stared.

So, the other party had already thought of this move when he saw him?

Has he become a tool?

Why are you all so mysterious and calculating every day?

"Since you want to destroy the Zhao family, why do you still serve as the Zhao family's guest and help them win the bet with the Li family?"

"It's a long story. I originally had my own plan. I would first break into the Zhao family and then make the Zhao family fall apart. But things are different now that Brother Jiang is here. In front of Brother Jiang, the little Zhao family is nothing."

After Sun Gangniang finished speaking, she respectfully raised her hands to Jiang Xiaobai: "I would like to thank Brother Jiang!"

"Tell me, why did you destroy the Zhao family? There must be a reason, right?"

Sun Gangniang was silent for a while, then gritted her teeth and said something.

"I have a grudge against the Zhao family, a huge grudge!"

"Okay, done!"

After all, he is his friend, and revenge is no big deal. As for how he got such hatred, Jiang Xiaobai didn't want to go into details.

Cause and effect is something that no one can touch.

Then Sun Gangniang told the Zhao family that they would go to investigate the affairs of the Li family. Naturally, they could not get any information. On the contrary, because Ao Yan and others followed the Li family, they became even more convinced that they were from the Li family!

After discussing a detailed plan, Jiang Xiaobai disappeared.

After he left, Sun Gangniang's face showed a ferocious look, her fists were clenched, and her eyes were scarlet.

"Zhao family, Zhao Yude, I will definitely cut you into pieces!"

On the other side, when Jiang Xiaobai rushed to the restaurant where the Li family was staying, he secretly discovered that many masters of the Zhao family were snooping, trying to get some information.

It's a pity that everyone in the Li family is cultivating and can only know how to hammer.

Jiang Xiaobai had nothing to do and secretly spied on these strong men of the Zhao family, and found that they were looking at them, so he set his sights on Ao Yan and others.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, brother, this girl is absolutely stunning!"

"I've never seen such a beautiful figure before. Where did the Li family find these people?"

"There's also that woman with a body that makes people spit fire. Those strange lines make me feel animalistic when I look at them. I..."


Before any of the younger brothers could finish speaking, the leader of the Zhao family's master slapped him and interrupted.

"Please be clear, no matter how good these women are, you can't touch them?"

"After finishing the Li family, these people must be the young master's people!"

Many of the younger brothers could only nod and laugh.

Little did they know, Jiang Xiaobai saw all this and sentenced these people to death on the spot!

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