Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,340 I will avenge this revenge for you

Facing Jiang Xiaobai, Zhao Bo felt despair from his soul.

He was too strong, so powerful that even Zhao Bo couldn't compete with him even if he used all his life-saving cards.

But what about Sun Gangniang?

He is basically a guy at the same level as him. In the same realm, Zhao Bo thinks he has no opponent!

However, facing Zhao Bo's desperate roar, Sun Gangniang just laughed ferociously, without any intention of taking action.

"Killing you like this would be too advantageous for your Zhao family."

"Perhaps you didn't realize that you were already poisoned, right?"

As soon as he said this, Zhao Bo's eyes widened.

"Impossible, I've never let you get close to me, how could you possibly poison me?"

Zhao Bo has always been wary of Sun Gangniang. Although he really wanted to win the Li family's bet, he would never take risks with himself, so in his opinion, Sun Gangniang had no chance to poison him!

A sneer appeared on Sun Gangniang's face: "Haha, the Zhao family is indeed the same from top to bottom."

"Although you never let me get close, you did let Xiao Si get close, and Xiao Si's body is all poisoned by me!"

"Stop struggling, you can feel it if you use more than 70% of your spiritual power now."

Zhao Bo's expression suddenly changed in shock.

He took two steps back in disbelief, and then subconsciously tried to verify it. As a result, after using 70% of his spiritual power, he felt a sharp pain like tearing the meridians all over his body. He couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of dark blood on the spot!

Sure enough, he was poisoned!

"No...who are you, and what do you want to do to my Zhao family?"

"My Zhao family has never offended you, right?"

Zhao Bo fell to the ground with a thud, raised his bloody finger and pointed at Sun Gangniang.

At this moment, does he still look like the dashing young man before?

As for Sun Gangniang, her eyes had started to turn red, and her face was extremely sad despite her ferocious look.

"You have not offended me, but you have offended the one I love."

"Zhao Xinwei, do you remember?"


Upon hearing those three words, Zhao Bo's mind exploded!

This name is a taboo word in the Zhao family!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could you know this?"

"She...she died seven hundred years ago!"

Sun Gangniang roared: "She's not dead!"

"Haha... Or it could be that she was lucky enough to be thrown into the cliff by your Zhao family. She survived by chance and stayed with Tian Yuan for three hundred years."

As Sun Gangniang spoke, tears kept falling down her face: "Have you ever thought about how painful it is for such a young girl to experience such a thing..."

Zhao Bo didn't know about this past. He was the youngest child in the Zhao family.

But regarding this taboo Zhao Xinwei, when she was young, no one could bear the loneliness to inquire about it.

I only know that that person committed a heinous crime and was executed by the Zhao family. However, because of this incident, the Zhao family also experienced a great turmoil and was almost destroyed!

Therefore, it has become a taboo, but few people know what the real situation is.

"The Zhao family is very good..."

Sun Gangniang rubbed her face with her hands, wiped away her tears and looked at Zhao Bo coldly.

"Starting from you, I will make the Zhao family pay the due price!"

Then, as if Zhao Bo had encountered something frightening, he suddenly began to scream. The shrill howl echoed throughout the canyon, startling a group of patrolling kites.

Sun Gangniang didn't know what she had done. Zhao Bo began to roll on the ground. Every inch of skin on his body was cracking and blood was flowing out!

The scene was so miserable that Li Qiling couldn't bear to look directly at it, so she closed her eyes and turned away.

Li Zhilin and others were at a loss.

This man has a lot of hatred for the Zhao family!

Zhao Bo is the youngest and most talented disciple of the Zhao family. He is extremely pampered by everyone in the Zhao family. He is given whatever he asks for. He even spent countless costs to be accepted as a registered disciple by the Qianyuan Immortal Lord.

Well, although this guy's talent is very strong, it is nothing in front of those transcendent immortal sects.

Even so, the Zhao family can be considered a rise.

Now Sun Gangniang is torturing Zhao Bo like this, letting the Zhao family know that they will fight him to the death!

Jiang Xiaobai did not speak out to stop Sun Gangniang's behavior, and he should not persuade others to be kind without doing their job.

I'm just curious. Sun Gangniang doesn't seem to have anything to do with Jiutian Continent, right?

I don't know how much time had passed before Sun Gangniang stopped, but Zhao Bo had been tortured to the point where he was inhuman shape. Almost all the flesh and blood on his body had been stripped away, leaving only a pale skeleton with bloody flesh!

The scene is terrible!

However, Zhao Bo is still alive. The vitality of the Golden Immortal monk is no better than that of ordinary people. Under such circumstances, the soul will not dissipate and it is normal to be alive.

It's just that it would be better to die!

"The Zhao family will repay all debts. Starting from you, I will let you see with your own eyes how the Zhao family is destroyed!"

Sun Gangniang spoke grimly, and a small porcelain bottle appeared in her hand. She stripped Zhao Bo's soul alive and stuffed it into the bottle.

Such ruthless methods are completely different from those of Sun Gangniang back then.

"Brother, you..."

"It's okay, I'm fine."

Sun Gangniang interrupted Jiang Xiaobai's words, turned around and said with a smile: "Thank you to Brother Jiang for taking action this time, but Brother Jiang, don't worry, you just happened to show up this time, just enough for me to execute the plan in advance. As for the relationship between me and the Zhao family, You don’t have to interfere with grudges, I have my own rules.”

Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes: "I find that you are getting thicker and thicker now. You are obviously the one who brought me into this grudge, and now you are saying that you have nothing to do with me?"

"Did I not kill Xiao Si, but you?"

Seeing that her cleverness was exposed, Sun Gangniang smiled and simply stopped pretending.

"I'm sorry that Brother Jiang got you involved, but it's still the same sentence. Brother Jiang may gain a lot this time."

"The Zhao family has a special mineral vein in their hands, which is basalt crystal!"

"The energy contained in it is pure and precious, and cannot be exchanged for immortal crystals. Moreover, only the Zhao family knows about this matter. The Zhao family does not have the ability to mine such mineral veins."

"Even to put it harshly, the so-called Transcendent Immortal Sect they call does not have such a chance."

After all, if Jiang wants Jiang Xiaobai to help, even if the two parties are brothers, they must settle the score clearly!

How can it be done without giving some benefits?

"As long as the Zhao family dies, Brother Jiang, you can just accept the mine."

Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up.

Good guy, he knew it was not simple. He had never heard of Xuanwu Crystal, but it should be something more powerful than Law Crystal.

"Xuanwu crystal?"

At this time, Li Zhilin exclaimed: "Impossible, it is absolutely impossible for the Zhao family to find such a mine!"

"What on earth is that? Tell me?" Jiang Xiaobai was curious.

Li Zhilin explained that it turned out that this was similar to the law crystal, and it was only widely circulated at the level of Daluo Jinxian.

But it is more precious!

To a certain extent, law crystals are more suitable for use as currency and for blessing formations or other things. Using them for practice is only the last resort.

But things like basalt crystals are different. They contain sky-reaching energy and are most suitable for the cultivation of strong people.

A piece of Xuanwu crystal is worth at least ten Law crystals, and you can't get it even if you have money.

The forces that can obtain these things will basically not trade them!

After hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai's eyes never stopped shining!

"Brother, please be polite when talking about money. You and I are brothers in life and death. Your business is my business!"

"I will avenge this revenge for you!"

Jiang Xiaobai slapped Sun Gangniang on the shoulder and said righteously!

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