Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,341 My Mother-in-law’s Past

Sun Gangniang had seen Jiang Xiaobai's shameless ability before.

Especially knowing that this guy can do anything for a little money!

Originally, Sun Gangniang planned to handle the matter of the Zhao family by herself. Although it would take a long time, it was not impossible.

He was fully confident that he could trick everyone in the Zhao family to death without losing a cent himself.

But when he saw Jiang Xiaobai on the cliff that day, another plan emerged.

As long as Jiang Xiaobai is brought into the situation, this matter will be very simple. Whether it is forcibly or according to his own route, ten Zhao family members will die.

Especially when he saw Jiang Xiaobai easily kill the strong man Xiao Si with one sword, he was even more sure of his thoughts.

Brother Jiang's strength has improved so much that it's unheard of!

Of course, he only had to pay for the Zhao family's basalt crystal vein. As far as he knew, not to mention the Zhao family, not even the Yuyao Sword Sect could open that vein.

Even if he discovered it, he didn't notice it, and he was still like a greedy insect, whetting the appetite of Zhao Yude of the Zhao family!

Now he had already guessed Jiang Xiaobai's reaction, but it still didn't stop the corners of his mouth from twitching.

"Haha, Brother Jiang, you are so eclectic..."

Sun Gangniang said awkwardly.

Jiang Xiaobai shrugged his shoulders. Everyone knew about his virtue, so why hide it?

Since Xuanwu Crystal is a treasure specially used for cultivation at the Daluo Jinxian level, why doesn't he want it?

He had eaten all the Red Fire Immortal Bamboo, and all the mineral veins that the roots could cover and absorb. Jiang Xiaobai only thought that the small basalt crystal mineral veins were just a big meal.

My real favorite is prismatic space, no one else!

"Brother, don't you know who I am? Of course I don't value this little money, but the brotherhood between my brother and me is worth a thousand gold!"

"Now, being a brother is in your heart. If things like hatred accumulate in your heart for a long time, it will easily affect you. So I, as a brother, will solve it for you and save you any psychological burden."

Jiang Xiaobai patted Sun Gangniang's shoulder and laughed.

Everyone around them had their eyelids twitching wildly, and Ao Yan and others were even more helpless.

Among them, Qiongyu and Nangong Wuyou have both been following Jiang Xiaobai for a while, and they know deeply how outrageous this guy's desire for resources is!

So scary!

"But come back, brother, you have been in the Three Thousand Worlds all the time, how can you know so many things about the Zhao family?"

"Do you know that Zhao Xinwei?"

Jiang Xiaobai asked curiously. Not only was he curious, but everyone in the Li family was also curious.

How can there be deep hatred for someone who is beyond your reach?

Hearing this, Sun Gangniang's face showed bitterness. He waited for a long time before saying: "Brother Jiang, sit down in a restaurant and have a drink with me."

The group of people didn't even clean up and just left.

The corpses of everyone in the Zhao family who had died tragically, including the tortured body of Zhao Bo, were just thrown to the ground in a prickly manner.

You can see how the Zhao family felt when they noticed the situation and came here.

But Jiang Xiaobai didn't care.

In the final analysis, this matter is not about Xuanwu Crystal, but because of Sun Gangniang.

The Xuanwu Crystal was just a passing thing. Without it, he would still help Sun Gangniang.

There is no benevolence, righteousness, morality, and the heart of the Holy Mother in him.

A brother's enemy is his enemy!

Back then in the world of Star Purgatory, Sun Gangniang never said she would abandon Jiang Xiaobai and leave alone, even when she faced the most powerful sect in the world.

How could Jiang Xiaobai disregard Sun Gangniang's safety at this time?

In Juling City, in a luxury restaurant, Jiang Xiaobai and others were toasting and drinking.

Sun Gangniang's somewhat disappointed mood was already evident at this time.

No one thought that they had killed members of the Zhao family, even stripped Zhao Bo of his soul, and yet dared to return to Juling City with such arrogance!

After having a drink with Jiang Xiaobai, Sun Gangniang also slowly revealed the secrets she had buried deep in her heart for many years.

It turns out that Sun Gangniang was not a wretched person from beginning to end. He was always the kind of wise man who could control everything in his hands.

It's just that when I met Jiang Xiaobai, I felt that this person was extraordinary and wanted to win over him to get some opportunities. I didn't expect that it would turn into what it is now.

As for the grievances of the Zhao family, let’s talk about more than ten years ago.

Zhao Xinwei suddenly broke into Sun Gangniang's world. With just one glance, Sun Gangniang fell in love with this woman. She entangled and pursued her and finally won Zhao Xinwei's heart.

The two began to wander around the world.

Well, Sun Gangniang is not from the Star Purgatory World!

Finally, in the world of Star Purgatory, Zhao Xinwei told her all about her identity and past!

She had been greatly wronged by the Zhao family in Jiutian Continent.

Back then, Zhao Xinwei was the most talented girl in the Zhao family. Her talent was unprecedentedly powerful. If the Zhao family had trained Zhao Xinwei well, she would definitely skyrocket.

But at that time, the head of the Zhao family, Zhao Yude, had no idea what was going on in his head, and he insisted on giving Zhao Xinwei to a direct disciple of the Yuyao Sword Sect as a concubine!

How could Zhao Xinwei agree to such a thing?

She resisted desperately, but the family secretly poisoned her and drugged her. Then she was tainted by her direct disciple!

Such a blow made Zhao Xinwei seek death, but she had already given her life to the other party, and the Zhao family had also begun to make profits. How could she be allowed to die?

Imprisoned, tortured, and even threatened and forced, Zhao Xinwei sought death several times but had no choice but to finally make up her mind to destroy everything in the Zhao family.

After lying dormant beside that direct disciple for three years, Zhao Xinwei arranged everything and began to murder the disciple!

All the efforts of the Zhao family were ruined on the spot, and then she started to fight with the Zhao family. Needless to say, how much sadness, anger and sorrow there was in it, but her personal strength was not as strong as that of a family, let alone the death of a direct disciple, Yuyao How furious Jian Zong was.

She was caught, her cultivation was crippled, she was tortured for a long time, and finally she was thrown from a cliff like garbage.

What happened next was like God opened his eyes. Zhao Xinwei saw the heaven-defying spiritual grass, her Dantian repaired and survived by chance. In order to hide her power to fight against the Zhao family, she left the Jiutian Continent through the War God Sect and met Sun Gangniang a hundred years later in the three thousand worlds. .

Sun Gangniang barely disclosed the relationship between the two. She only told Jiang Xiaobai and others that a lot of the information he knew was from Zhao Xinwei.

And Zhao Xinwei is dead.

He was unwilling to give up until his death, always thinking about destroying the Zhao family.

Sun Gangniang's beloved woman died in her arms. The pain was indescribable. Hatred had already grown from the seed in his heart to become the only driving force for his survival!

When everyone knew what was going on, they were all silent.

"Brother...I won't advise you, just tell me how you want the Zhao family to die!"

Jiang Xiaobai said softly.

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