If the same thing happened to him, Jiang Xiaobai.

Haha, if the sky doesn't jump and the earth doesn't crack, then it means you've seen a ghost!

If Ao Yan and other women become like this, what if Jiang Xiaobai destroys the world?

Just a Zhao family!

What a fart?

Sun Gangniang smiled lightly: "Brother Jiang, you don't have to do this. How can you make them feel Xiaowei's pain by directly destroying the Zhao family..."

"I have my own way, but it's more secure with Brother Jiang's support."


At this time, Nangong Wuyou suddenly slapped the table and stood up, the giant thing shaking with anger.

"If you ask me, go and kidnap the direct descendants of the Zhao family right now and torture them, or imprison them all and torture them in front of them!"

"Can you still call yourself a father if you do something like this?"

In this regard, Nangong Wuyou is the most qualified to speak.

Back then, she was going to be given to an old man as a concubine by her family. That old man was old enough to be considered her ancestor!

Although it is not as miserable as Zhao Xinwei, Nangong Wuyou is almost at that point. She can't imagine what would happen if the same thing happens to her!

Qiong Yu hurriedly took her hand and patted it comfortingly.

"It's okay, the Zhao family is just a small thing, the real difficulty is the Yuyao Sword Sect."

Speaking of this, Sun Gangniang also nodded calmly: "Of course I won't let go of the Yuyao Sword Sect, but we don't have the strength..."

"Tch, it doesn't happen now, it doesn't mean it won't happen in the future. Maybe I can get the Jade Yao Sword Sect to kneel down and beg me for mercy!"

Jiang Xiaobai snorted coldly.

After solving the troubles with the Suhai Dynasty, it would be impossible for the Beidou Immortal Palace not to come forward. With them, they can be checked and balanced in the Yuyao Sword Sect.

Not to mention, Jiang Xiaobai believes that after handling the big trouble in Wushan, how much strength can he improve!

"Brother, what are your plans next?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Sun Gangniang: "Speak directly, we will do it directly. It is true that you want to torture slowly, but I don't have much time here, and I really can't give it to everyone first. We’ll talk about it after we catch him!”

Although he wanted to help Sun Gangniang deal with the trouble, the Suhai Dynasty was still waiting!

"I originally planned to poison Zhao Bo first. Winning the bet with the Li family has gained the attention of the Zhao family. As long as I have the opportunity to enter the Zhao family, I can poison all of them!"

"This poison has been studied by Zhao Xinwei all his life. The poison is painful and painful to the marrow. No one in the world can resist it!"

"But since Brother Jiang you are so anxious, why not..."

Li Zhilin and others from the Li family were listening. The more they listened to their discussion, the more chilled they became.

Damn, so cruel!

Not human at all!

Fortunately, the Li family stayed on their own and didn't do anything outrageous, and they didn't provoke Jiang Xiaobai and others, otherwise they wouldn't know how they would have died!

Through their discussions, just hearing the plan was terrifying. Once the plan was implemented and placed on the Zhao family, they would not dare to think about it!

And Jiang Xiaobai and the others didn't shy away from it at all. Just kidding, the Li family hated the Zhao family to the core. They wished Jiang Xiaobai would just kill the Zhao family!

Li Qiling even said during the period that the Li family could also help a little and could even contact Beidou Immortal Palace.

But Jiang Xiaobai ignored it.

He felt that Beidou Immortal Palace must have known the news about his coming to this place for a long time. This force is not simple either.

The most urgent task is to deal with the Zhao family!

At this time, the Zhao family had no idea about this situation, let alone that these people were discussing things in a restaurant not far from the Zhao family.

Now they are angry and frightened by something!

All members of Zhao Bo's team perished!

Except for Zhao Bo, whose soul card has not been shattered, the others are all dead!

Not only that, the aura of Zhao Bo's soul card was extremely weak, as if there was only one soul left hanging for a breath.

The entire Zhao family was shocked!

Zhao Bo is the most talented young generation, and will even reach the level of Zhao Xinwei back then. He must be trained with all his strength. Zhao Yude, the ancestor of the Zhao family, holds it in the palm of his hand for fear of falling.

Such an existence is the hope of the Zhao family, so why don't you care?

Zhao Bo's team was originally used to compete with the Li family for bets. The Zhao family was full of confidence in this, especially with the mysterious Sun Gangniang joining, whose understanding of Tianyuan was unparalleled.

As a result, the team is now completely wiped out?

Who can tell him why Zhao Yude!


In the lobby of the Zhao family, Zhao Yude stared at the many strong men of the Zhao family in front of him, his eyes were scarlet, and the aura of his high position erupted, making everyone breathless.

"You haven't found any clues yet?"

"Are you, my Zhao family, all shit eaters? You can't even do such a simple thing?"

"How do you want me to explain to my family and how to explain to Qianyuan Immortal Lord?"

Zhao Yude's roar resounded throughout the lobby, but no one could answer his questions.

They had just found the dense forest canyon where hundreds of kites were hidden based on the last news from Zhao Bo and others, and what they found were the bodies of their Zhao family team!

And the tortured corpse of Zhao Bo!

But Zhao Bo's soul card was not shattered. There was only one reason, and that was that his soul was stripped alive!

Zhao Yude almost passed away when he knew the news!

Immediately dispatch all Zhao family experts to search for traces, even if they have a little bit of information.

But it has been so long, a full half day, and there is no news at all.

The Zhao family doesn’t even know who did it!

"Master of the family, after analyzing and comparing the corpses, we did not find that Tianyuan named Sun Gangniang knew about talents. We suspect that this person cooperated inside and outside and colluded with the enemies of the Zhao family to cause this!"

One person pretended to be brave enough to tell this analysis.

Hearing this, Zhao Yude felt like he was going to be exploded!

"So, do you know who did it? My Zhao family doesn't have many enemies. Can't you analyze this?"

The man lowered his head and his face turned red: "Our analysis shows that it is... the Li family!"

"Our people have found traces of the Li family entering Juling City before. All members of Li Qiling's team have returned, and there are also many outsiders, including Sun Gangniang, who is suspected to be among them."


Zhao Yude smashed the desk in front of him with a slap!

He pointed at the many attendants in front of him and shouted angrily.

"Then why are you standing there? Arrest them!"

"Is it possible that my Zhao family is afraid of the Li family in this Juling City?"

Zhao Yude wanted to eat everyone in front of him alive, why did he raise such a bunch of trash?

She obviously suspected Sun Gangniang, but she also knew that she was so close to the Li family and could die without arresting her?

"But our Zhao family is no longer as powerful as the Li family...Senior Xiao Si is...also dead,"

The attendant hurriedly said: "There are only a dozen Da Luo Jinxian who can use the masters now, and they can't be found at the level of the divine power level, at least they can't be called now, and the other party can destroy Xiao Si, this..."

Needless to say, it is impossible for the Zhao family to take action against the Li family.

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