Zhao Yude's wait did not last long.

The master of the Zhao family who was waiting outside the restaurant early in the morning got the news from the old man. He found the opponent's location!

After Zhao Yude learned about this news, he was not excited because he could take revenge at the first moment, but was filled with endless doubts!

I asked you to look for it yesterday, and you found it today?

What method is so terrifying?

Why aren't you famous if you really have such a method? If you really have such terrifying abilities, you still need to do things for the Zhao family, just for the sake of hundreds of thousands of law crystals?

This is the truest thought in Zhao Yude’s heart!

The attendant on the side also twitched at the corner of his mouth when he saw the master's expression.

After following Zhao Yude for such a long time, the people who know him best are these attendants. Whenever he shows such an expression, he is suspecting something.

"The head of the family...this one is really in the realm of Hunyuan Daluo, I can guarantee it!"

The powerful attendant of Daluo Jinxian said cautiously.

Zhao Yude glanced at the other party: "I'll let you go in a while, don't say anything more!"

The head of the house has said this, how dare the servants say anything more?

He was quite convinced of that old Taoist. Hunyuan Daluo's aura was extremely strong, and it looked like he had been promoted for a long time.

Although the methods mentioned by the other party are too mysterious and I have not heard of them, there is no need to lie to others in such a state, right?

But Zhao Yude felt uneasy in his heart.

What he was most worried about was that someone was causing trouble. Although Zhao Bo's disappearance had not been spread, what if the other party could get the news?

It is not impossible that someone within the Zhao family leaked the information.

Soon, we arrived at the restaurant.

Suddenly the attendant signaled to Zhao Yude. Several people looked up and saw an old Taoist with a white beard wearing a shabby yellow robe coming down the stairs. He looked like a Taoist with an air of immortality.

Jiang Xiaobai, pretending to be an old man, had just come down, glanced at the Zhao family, and frowned.

"Master Zhao doesn't seem to trust me very much, does he?"


He threw a storage ring on the spot and seemed very unhappy.

"Since you don't believe in the old man, why do you still ask the old man for help? In this case, the deposit will be taken back. It doesn't matter if the old man doesn't help in this matter!"

After speaking, Jiang Xiaobai flicked his sleeves, turned around and walked outside.

Seeing such a situation, Zhao Yude was shocked!

What's going on? He just came over to take a look and this person left without even saying a word?

And how did the other party know his identity?

In the confusion, the attendant reacted first and hurriedly stepped forward to block Jiang Xiaobai's way.

"My lord...my lord is not what you think!"

"The head of my family is too anxious. It's not that he can't trust you!"

The attendant said that he had a nose and eyes, but Jiang Xiaobai sneered: "I am an old man and my methods are all-powerful, which is not something you can understand. Do you really think that I don't know Zhao Yude's thoughts?"


Zhao Yude felt like his head was going to explode. The other party not only knew his identity, but also his real name?

Is there really a way to calculate everything?

But as soon as he thought about Zhao Yude, he realized something was wrong!

The Zhao family is also a big family in Juling City, so it is easy to find out information about him.

However, Zhao Yude did not show it, but said with an apology on his face: "Master, it was me, Zhao, who was too reckless and made the master misunderstand!"

He also felt the aura of Hunyuan Daluo on Jiang Xiaobai, but he still had a dreamlike feeling.

Extremely untrue!

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at him and said calmly: "Zhao Yude, the old Taoist knows everything."

"Do you think that the old Taoist has inquired about the situation of your Zhao family before and is here to take advantage?"

Zhao Yude's heart tightened. This guy seems to know everything?

A bit difficult to deal with!

Then he gritted his teeth and said: "That's not the case. Master, please don't mind what happened before. Mr. Zhao is willing to add more money!"

Not only did he drop the storage ring that Jiang Xiaobai had returned before, but he also took out another one.

The total value is 170,000 law crystals!

Jiang Xiaobai accepted the storage ring with a look on his face, "If you don't believe me, I want you to believe me."

"Zhao Yude, the old Taoist is not the kind of person you think. Since you don't believe it, today is an opportunity to open your eyes!"

"Let's go, follow me to the land seven hundred miles east!"

Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his hand, and a gate to the void appeared in front of him!

Such a method can only be accomplished by a strong man like Hunyuan Daluo, who has a profound understanding of the law. Of course, Jiang Xiaobai cannot do it, but he has Bai Liang to help him!

This thing is hidden in Jiang Xiaobai's clothes, so the other party can't find it.

The Gate of the Void appeared, and Zhao Yude's doubts were instantly reduced by 70%!

This is a method that only Hunyuan Daluo can do, and it really cannot deceive anyone!

Do you think too much?

Jiang Xiaobai had already stepped into the portal, and the other Zhao family attendants wanted to follow him, but they looked at Zhao Yude and did not dare to move.

"It's okay, I probably thought too much."

Zhao Yude murmured, glanced at the surrounding guards and attendants, and walked into the door calmly.

Maybe the other party is really an expert!

In fact, Zhao Yude's thoughts were eaten away by Jiang Xiaobai and Sun Gangniang!

The opponent has a suspicious character, and the more he plays cards unconventionally, the more suspicious he will be. After some psychological games, Hunyuan Daluo's unique method will finally be directly displayed, which will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

As long as Zhao Yude believes it, half of the scene will be completed!

Sure enough, not long after Jiang Xiaobai walked out of the door, Zhao Yude and others followed.

Before he could speak, he saw a figure standing in front of him.

Sun Gangniang!

Although he had never met the real person, when Zhao Bo recruited him, the Zhao family's attendants reported everything to Sun Gangniang.

"This is the person who attacked members of your Zhao family."

Old God Jiang Xiaobai said: "Boy, the method is good. A mere Golden Immortal can kill the Daluo Golden Immortal, but he still has touched the threshold of the realm of divine power. It's a bit interesting."

"But it's a pity that you met me, a veteran. Just do it. Hand over Zhao Bo's soul, kneel down and commit suicide, and still leave a whole body."

It seemed that Sun Gangniang felt the frightening and desperate aura on Jiang Xiaobai's body, and she didn't even think about running away.

His face turned livid and pale, and he gritted his teeth.

"Damn it, how could you possibly find me?"

As soon as this statement came out, it was almost confirmed that he would take action against the Zhao family.

The Zhao family’s attendants were all so angry that they spurted blood!

I wish I could rush forward first and kill Sun Gangniang!

But in the eyes of Zhao Yude, there was something wrong with this situation.

Just open a portal and find the other party?

And as soon as they met, they recruited him?

Is it too much of a coincidence, too natural?

Zhao Yude was a little confused. Did the other party collude to trick me?

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