Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,347 Acting should be more like it

However, Zhao Yude thought about it carefully and realized that it was wrong.

Jiang Xiaobai is definitely a strong Hunyuan Daluo, and he has touched the threshold of divine power. Even if such a strong person goes to Yuyao Sword Sect, he will at least be at the level of an inner sect elder.

There is no need to join forces with outsiders to trick him.

If you really want to have any grievances with the Zhao family, you can just crush them directly with your strong strength!

This is the case with doubtful people, they... only believe what they think in their hearts!

At this moment, Zhao Yude completely believed in Jiang Xiaobai's identity, and the way he looked at Sun Gangniang was full of murderous intent!

"You bastard, my Zhao family treats you well. Knowing that you know Tianyuan well, I spent a lot of money to invite you to work for the Zhao family. In the end, this is how you repay me?"

"Tell me, why did you attack our Zhao family? Who asked you to do this? Is it the Li family?"

"Where is the soul of my grandson Zhao Bo? If you don't explain everything clearly today, can you leave?"

Zhao Yude also exploded with his peak cultivation level in the later stage of Daluo Jinxian and sealed the area around Sun Gangniang.

Jiang Xiaobai also revealed his aura at the right time, and the pressure came.

Opposite me, Sun Gangniang's face turned pale to the naked eye, and her body was even trembling, as if she couldn't withstand the pressure!

Seeing this, Zhao Yude felt that everything was safe and smiled ferociously.

"If you refuse to tell me, I have no choice but to let you try my Zhao family's methods!"

A porcelain bottle appeared in his hand.

"I think the things in this will be very interesting if you use them."

"Master, please take action and capture this man alive. As long as he is handed over to my Zhao family, half of this commission will be completed!"

Jiang Xiaobai casually took the porcelain bottle and looked at it, feeling surprised.

With his level of alchemy, he can tell the clues at a glance. This is actually a torture medicine that acts on the soul. The soul will be burned. The actual damage is not big, but the severe pain of the soul being burned is not human. I can withstand it!

Regardless of whether it is Daluo Jinxian or Hunyuan Daluo, no matter how strong the soul is, it will be the same for anyone who suffers some injuries.

The pain of the soul, regardless of the level of strength!

This is so cruel.

"Haha, Zhao Yude, this medicinal powder of yours is interesting. Do you have more? Let me go back and study it." Jiang Xiaobai played with the porcelain bottle in his hand and ignored the suppressed Sun Gangniang at all.

Such a frivolous and indifferent attitude is Zhao Yude's favorite attitude!

This proves that he doesn't take the other party seriously at all, and he is absolutely sure of everything!

Immediately he took out two more porcelain vases: "Master, just take them, a small thing is nothing!"

Jiang Xiaobai accepted it naturally and immediately looked at Sun Gangniang.

"Boy, do you still want to persist? Or do you think there is any way to compete with the old master?"

Sun Gangniang's face was cold and blue veins popped out: "You bastard, so what if you are Hunyuan Daluo, will I be afraid of you?"


He suddenly broke free from all the pressure and restrictions, and suddenly threw something towards Jiang Xiaobai.

"Little tricks!"

With a sneer, a terrifying law barrier appeared in front of Jiang Xiaobai, which made Zhao Yude on the side feel frightened just by looking at it.

Damn it, how many laws have you understood?

Is it a human or a ghost?

Zhao Yude was frightened, but even more excited!

too strong!

Countless possibilities for currying favor with the other party have emerged in his mind, and there is no problem even using this skill to make the Zhao family soar to the sky.

The thing suddenly exploded in front of Jiang Xiaobai, and white powder enveloped him.

Jiang Xiaobai's face did not change, it still had that sarcastic and indifferent expression.

Just when he was about to say something, his expression suddenly changed.

"What, how is this possible?"

Zhao Yude was stunned and turned around to look, only to see that the law barrier in front of Jiang Xiaobai was disintegrated piece by piece! ?

"Old man, what about Hunyuan Daluo? Your law can't be used anymore, right?"

"Hahahaha, do you know how I killed Xiao Si? I just used this thing to disintegrate his laws. A guy who can't use the power of the laws, so what if he is Daluo Jinxian? Isn't it just killing him casually?"

Sun Gangniang smiled evilly and quickly threw another object over. Jiang Xiaobai seemed to be dumbfounded and did not react at all.

There was another bang, and the white powder exploded. This time, all the laws around him were completely useless!

From Zhao Yude's perspective, all the laws around Jiang Xiaobai were seen disappearing, and then his face turned blue and purple.

"No...impossible, how could such a method be used? The power of law is invincible!"

"It's a joke, the law is invincible, so you have to use it!"

While she was speaking, Sun Gangniang had already stepped forward and rushed forward. A long sword appeared in her hand and she aimed it at Jiang Xiaobai's heart.

Everything happened so fast!

No one expected that even Jiang Xiaobai seemed to be frightened and could not dodge at all, and the sword pierced his heart on the spot!


Jiang Xiaobai's upper body exploded in front of Zhao Yude!

Holy crap, crap, crap!

Although Zhao Yude has seen a lot in his life, he never expected to see this scene!

That was Hunyuan Daluo. He touched the threshold of divine power and exploded like this?

Jiang Xiaobai's lower body fell firmly to the ground and was clearly visible.

Zhao Yude was stunned.

What's going on?

The next second, Sun Gangniang was looking at Zhao Yude with a ferocious smile.

"Zhao Yude! Do you still remember what happened with Zhao Xinwei?"

"It just so happens that you dare to come out of Zhao's house in Juling City today, then I will kill you to avenge her!"

At this time, Sun Gangniang's hatred was overwhelming, and her murderous intent was as strong as real!

After experiencing the scene where he had just killed Jiang Xiaobai, the Hunyuan Daluo, with one sword, and then being deceived again, Zhao Yude panicked.

He doesn't want to die!

Then he saw Sun Gangniang throwing something towards him. At that moment, Zhao Yude felt hairy all over his body!

Isn't this the method used to trap and kill a Hunyuan Daluo before?

Escape, escape first!

A talisman appeared in his hand and he crushed it on the spot. Space fluctuations swept over him. On the eve of the pill-like thing exploding, Zhao Yude's figure disappeared.

Not even the few Zhao family masters who came with him were taken away!

Those masters were stunned on the spot, and their reaction was to run away, but they were destined to not be able to escape.

Invisible power came, and only the bang bang explosion was heard, and all the Zhao family members exploded!

Bai Liang's figure jumped out from Jiang Xiaobai's 'lower body' body and shook his head.

"Hey, kid, are you still pretending?"

"Did you go too far with your acting? Did you really blow yourself up?"

On the side, a flash of light and shadow flashed, and Jiang Xiaobai appeared in front of them with a smile on his face.

"When it comes to acting, of course it has to be realistic. Can he believe it without exploding in front of Zhao Yude?"

"Brother, how long do you think it will take Zhao Yude to recover from the shock?"

After patting his clothes, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the corpses of the Zhao family and said calmly.

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