Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,348 This wave is in the atmosphere

It's all an act!

They were all performed for Zhao Yude!

First, Zhao Yude was asked to confirm Jiang Xiaobai's identity as Hunyuan Daluo and be sure of it, and then Sun Gangniang was asked to use unnatural means to kill him on the spot, so that Zhao Yude could be even more shocked.

Then Sun Gangniang said the name Zhao Xinwei again, and the other party would definitely be more frightened. At the same time, he also knew the reason why Sun Gangniang came to attack his Zhao family.

It was impossible for him not to panic.

Doing so was pouring oil into the fire, making Zhao Yude even more frightened.

It is true that Zhao Yude can be killed easily, but by doing so, he cannot experience fear!

The fear of death and the sense of compulsion to be retaliated by strange means will make Zhao Yude seek help at all costs to destroy Sun Gangniang!

The most important thing is because of these three words Zhao Xinwei!

There are too many secrets involved. If the details about Zhao Xinwei are revealed, I am afraid that the Zhao family will not be able to gain a foothold.

The Yuyao Sword Sect will not admit this kind of thing, nor will it continue to have any connection with their Zhao family!

The Zhao family is absolutely doomed!

What's more important is that Zhao Xinwei knows where the basalt crystal vein is, and he can't guarantee whether Sun Gangniang knows it, so he must act in advance!

After all, if this mineral vein is exposed, the Zhao family will not be able to keep it!

Why not just give the things away before you can't keep them anymore, in exchange for a chance?

It can be said that Zhao Yude's thoughts were taken over by the two of them, and they were easy to control!

"Zhao Yude is too suspicious. We just exposed the flaw on purpose. When he realizes it, the first thing he will do is go to the strong men of Yuyao Sword Sect to inform him about the Xuanwu Crystal vein."

"Otherwise, this mineral vein will be of no use to him."

"Instead, let him cherish it for hundreds of years and waste it in vain. He will hate himself enough to beat himself to death."

A sneer appeared on Sun Gangniang's face. Through Zhao Xinwei, he knew Zhao Yude too well!

Jiang Xiaobai shrugged his shoulders: "Let's go, don't worry about it, just go and guard the basalt crystal vein."

The two looked at each other and left immediately.

While on the road, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realized why Huangpao Taoist and others wanted to become chess players.

This feeling of calculating everything clearly and controlling the overall situation from an angle that no one else can see is so cool!

"So are all the big guys who play chess so good at it?"

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but wonder, what role did he play in that chess game?


On the other side, Zhao Yude was still in shock after desperately returning home.

The scene where Jiang Xiaobai was beheaded just now made his liver and gallbladder burst!

What method is this?

How could this person be so scary?

Why does he know about Zhao Xinwei? How much does he know about this matter? Does he know about the hidden mineral vein?

The more he thought like this, the more panicked Zhao Yude became.

If the other party reveals this matter, the Zhao family will be completely ruined!

"Damn it, what's going on? Zhao Xinwei died hundreds of years ago!"

Zhao Yude was in a panic and kept wandering around. At the same time, the attendants at home rushed to report that the soul cards of those powerful men were all shattered at the same time!

This time he was even more frightened!

Those few were all masters, and there were two Da Luo Jinxian, but they were killed by Sun Gangniang.

That's right, even Hunyuan Daluo is no match, Daluo Jinxian is nothing.

Without rules, what is the difference between them and immortals?

Laws are the cornerstone of all power.

Suddenly Zhao Yude was stunned.

No, something is wrong!

He felt that there was a strange point in this matter, but he couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he tried.

Stopping and frowning, Zhao Yude didn't even care about the few flustered and helpless attendants around him.

After careful review, a loophole suddenly occurred to me.

The old Taoist pretended by Jiang Xiaobai, even without the support of the power of law, is still Hunyuan Daluo. With the realm there, how could he not even be able to dodge the attack of a golden immortal?

When Sun Gangniang threw something at him, Zhao Yude could react, but couldn't he Jiang Xiaobai?

What about playing?

"Colluded? So you just wanted to trick me out?"

"Okay, good method!"

"Damn thing, I do underestimate you, but no matter how insidious you are, in terms of absolute strength, you are nothing!"

Zhao Yude, who wanted to understand everything, sneered in his heart.

Suspicious people only believe in their own judgment.

He decided that this was a ploy to trick him into sneaking out and killing him!

It's a pity that everything is revealed and it becomes a blank piece of paper!

However, Zhao Yude didn't know at all. He thought Jiang Xiaobai and others were on the third floor and he was on the fourth floor. In fact, he never thought that Jiang Xiaobai was actually in the atmosphere!

This wave has really been taken advantage of!

"Since you want to deal with my Zhao family like this, let's see, which one is more powerful is your method or the Jade Yao Sword Sect?"

Now Zhao Yude feels that he understands all the situations and is confident!

Is there anything else I need to worry about?

At that moment, a token appeared in his hand, and his originally ferocious expression turned into extremely flattering when he sent the message.

Soon, exciting messages appeared on the token in his hand.

It’s useless even if you feel extremely reluctant to part with it. Facts have proved that things that don’t belong to you don’t belong to you after all!

How long has the basalt crystal vein been in Zhao Yude's hands?

It’s useless!

On the contrary, he was on tenterhooks all day long. Now that he knew that Sun Gangniang was seeking revenge for Zhao Xinwei, he couldn't delay this even more.

The best way to show its value is to show it as early as possible!

Soon, two strong men exuding the aura of Hunyuan Daluo suddenly descended on the Zhao family's residence, and all the attendants and disciples were shocked.

Someone from the Yuyao Sword Sect?

The other party ignored the person and went straight to Zhao Yude!

"Is what you said true?"

The leader's face turned red, obviously excited by the news.

"Seriously, I just discovered it yesterday. After some exploration, I found out that there is a terrifying amount in it."

"But it's a pity that there is a special formation to wrap it up. Otherwise, I would have opened it myself and come out to deliver it to the two adults. Do we still need the Yuyao Sword Sect to mobilize troops like this?"

The regretful expression on Zhao Yude's face fell into the eyes of the two of them, just for a bigger bargaining chip.

Only a fool would believe that Zhao Yude had just discovered this mineral vein!

If there really is a massive basalt crystal vein, whoever takes it out will be mentally ill. The only explanation is that Zhao Yude was unable to break through the special formation covering the vein.

The two Yuyao Sword Sect masters looked at each other and immediately understood what the other meant.

"Take me to see the mines. If there is no situation like what you said, you will be responsible for the consequences."

The leader of the strong men said coldly.

At this time, how could Zhao Yude dare to put forward conditions first?

Now he was leading people to the stone forest in the desert. Only when he could truly see the existence of the mineral veins could he have the capital to negotiate.

Of course, it is an extremely weak one. Whether it can work or not depends entirely on the charity of Yuyao Sword Sect.

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