Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,362 I did this on purpose

Under the siege of the scarlet creatures, many powerful people from the Transcendental Immortal Sect felt as if their heads were going to explode!

Why couldn't they find Jiang Xiaobai, and why were they besieged?

It was as if Jiang Xiaobai disappeared out of thin air after entering the prism space!

"Son of a bitch, is this the way you came up with to make us besieged like this now?"

A Hunyuan Daluo slapped a scarlet creature to death. The scattered scarlet fragments stayed in the air. Not only did they not dissipate, but they were slowly gathering together again at a slow speed.

This is the rebirth of the scarlet creature!

Although these Transcendental Immortal Sect masters are powerful, there are also many who touch the level of divine power and the middle-level divine power level.

But this damn place is repressive!

It can only display three to four tenths of its strength, and there are too many scarlet creatures, like a constant stream of water.

The battle here can even attract scarlet creatures not far away.

"If we continue like this, we will be surrounded here. We will not be able to escape even if our spiritual power is exhausted."

A strong man from the Yuyao Sword Sect gritted his teeth and angrily shouted: "You bastard, this Jiang Xiaobai is really beating us around!"

"I finally figured it out. That kid was not covering up anything, he just let us in openly and wanted to trick us in this way!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was very unhappy and wanted to catch Jiang Xiaobai and chop him to death.

If I had known this, I should have taken action directly and captured Jiang Xiaobai first!

But it's too late to say anything now!

"Don't worry, there is a riot in the prism space now. As long as Jiang Xiaobai is among them, they will definitely be implicated. No matter what means they use to hide it, they will be discovered by the scarlet creatures in the prism space."

"As long as you persist, you will be able to find the other party's traces. When the time comes, just move towards him."

The strong men of Qingyang Holy Land hit the nail on the head.

The prism space is different from the outside world, and the rules inside it are another world.

All methods from the outside world are not applicable here. The scarlet creatures in the prism space can clearly know where you are hiding. If they feel the aura that does not belong to the prism space, they will attack you.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Although Qiong Yu and others are hiding under the cover of the dark law and blending into the darkness, the scarlet creatures can indeed detect and attack.

It was Bai Liang who used secret means to destroy him, and Jiang Xiaobai took the opportunity to let Xiao Gourd absorb all the fragments.

This was not exposed at all.

After hearing what the guy said, many powerful people from the Transcendental Immortal Sect gritted their teeth and continued to endure, constantly arranging the attacking scarlet creatures into red fragments.

And Jiang Xiaobai also understands this, so he must make a quick decision!

He and Bai Liang secretly left the shroud of darkness, and suddenly started to attack one on the left and the other on the right!


Bai Liang's terrifying body was exposed, like a small mountain, even more terrifying than those huge scarlet creatures.

Revealing his true form, Bai Liang roared and slapped those powerful men of the Transcendental Immortal Sect.

A huge claw mark appeared in the prism space and fell from the top of everyone's heads!

As soon as he takes action, it is the most powerful attack. Now these powerful men of the Transcendent Immortal Sect are besieged by scarlet creatures. How can they react?

As the saying goes, killing him while he is sick is the best way to kill him directly!

And the moment Bai Liang took action, a dark and dazzling sword light erupted from the left side!

"The Ten Thousand Daos Destroying Divine Sword!"

This is also Jiang Xiaobai's strongest method. There are not many things that can be fused, but with the current level of Taiyi Golden Immortal, it is enough to cause more powerful damage.

The sneak attack effect is even more obvious!

For a time, everyone was confused by the double-sided attack.

Where did Jiang Xiaobai come from? ?

Now these powerful men from the Transcendental Immortal Sect are really attacking from all directions, leaving them with nowhere to run!

"You bastard, Jiang Xiaobai, are you trying to trick me?"

The powerful Hunyuan Daluo from the Qingyang Holy Land roared, without even a chance to defend.

In an instant, two attacks came on the scene accompanied by the impact of many scarlet creatures.

The prism space also vibrated because of this!

The terrifying aftermath swept across thousands of miles, even the scarlet creatures around them were not spared. Just looking at such an attack, Jiang Xiaobai didn't know how much those powerful Transcendental Immortal Sect men could survive.

Of course it's all due to Bai Liang, Hunyuan Daluo, the top-grade peak divine power level, is only one step away from breaking through Hunyuan Wuji!

Full attack, or sneak attack, these people have a devil of a chance to resist!

And the moment the attack fell, Xiao Gourd and the other four big daddies couldn't help it anymore, and got out to absorb these scarlet fragments frantically!

The aftermath has passed and everything has subsided.

Only a few of the originally large number of strong men were seen, including Miao Qing, who came in later and was hidden in the crowd.

She stood alone and embarrassed in the void.

All the powerful warriors from the God of War Sect who came in with him were wiped out!

And the remaining few people on the side are also in the realm of Hunyuan Daluo, at least at the middle level of divine power!

When you reach such a state, you naturally have some unknown means to save your life. Although you survived the horrific sneak attack just now, you have exhausted all means!

If you do it again, you will definitely die!

Miao Qing looked at the void that was almost a vacuum around him, and saw that the scarlet fragments were no longer reborn, but were swallowed up by invisible forces.

His eyes were scarlet, staring at Jiang Xiaobai.

"Boy, you are really difficult to deal with..."

"But so what, after this, how long do you think you can live?"

Miao Qing is now broken!

She knew that she could no longer be Jiang Xiaobai's opponent. Bai Liang was enough to crush everyone on their side.

The only way is to run for your life.

But how could she be willing to do so before escaping?

"Jiang Xiaobai, your choice to resist our War God Sect is the stupidest decision in your life!"

After saying these words, Miao Qing disappeared in an instant before Bai Liang could take action again.

The rest of the Hunyuan Daluo strong men also had palpitations on their faces, but in order to survive, it was a waste not to be surrounded by treasures!

Let’s talk after we get out!

"Boy, you're dead!"

They also used various means to escape from the scene.

Bai Liang looked at Jiang Xiaobai in confusion for a moment: "Boy, I'm afraid your secret will be known to the entire Jiutian Continent now. I obviously have the opportunity to kill them, why did you stop me?"

Bai Liang was not really in a daze just now. He could not achieve anything with one strike. He still had the ability to strike again and kill everyone including Miao Qing.

But Jiang Xiaobai stopped him!

Jiang Xiaobai could only see the corners of Jiang Xiaobai's mouth raised as he looked at the scarlet creatures that kept coming from the distance.

"Bai Liang, you don't understand. Since everyone is here for the little gourd on my body, Jiang Xiaobai, why don't you make the matter bigger and make everyone my enemy."

"In this way, the enemy is facing me head-on, instead of Miao Qing who is always hiding in the dark and wants to make a sneak attack on me at any time, just once or twice. I won't be able to handle it more times."

"And I feel that after this time I will improve a lot in strength again."

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