Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,363 The whole world is in an uproar

Not to mention that Jiang Xiaobai himself can benefit from purifying this huge prism space.

Even Bai Liang may directly break through and become Hunyuan Wuji because of this time!

Hunyuan Wuji, this can be regarded as the most powerful one!

"Are you so sure?"

Bai Liang raised his eyebrows: "This prism space is vast and boundless. I don't know how many areas there are and how many weird creatures there are. If any special race is born in it, it will be difficult to deal with."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly: "It is impossible for an intelligent race like the Yantian Clan to be born here. According to my inference, if such a race is to be born, the entire prism space reminder must be extremely large and exist for countless years. And after they are born, This prism space is almost useless!"

"All the power is used to give birth to a powerful race. There is no way there is any spare power to give birth to so many other scarlet creatures."

This makes sense.

Just like the way of heaven, the total amount remains unchanged, and all living beings nurtured by the way of heaven absorb the power of the way of heaven.

There is always a limit!

"Then what to do next, kill him forcefully?"

Bai Liang frowned as he looked at the many scarlet creatures that were roaring towards them: "It's not difficult to kill them all, but there are too many and it will waste a lot of time."

"You block it for a while, and I'll see if there's anything I can do."

Jiang Xiaobai asked Ao Yan and others to come over, so that they would be safer under Bai Liang's protection.

He himself opened the system mall.

Only the system mall can provide large-scale killing methods. If he had not needed to buy time, otherwise he and Bai Liang would have fought all the way through, and he would have gained some combat experience, which would be more beneficial to the application of the law.

It's a pity that the situation in the outside world will be even more severe now that it is urgently delayed in the prism space.

When Miao Qing and the others go out, no doubt everyone in the Jiutian Continent will know that Jiang Xiaobai can purify the prism space.

At that time, the Suhai Dynasty will become a millstone, and all the powerful people will swarm in and be crushed here!

"The All-Evil Nirvana Array?"

"Five hundred million points...should be enough."

This formation is a complete version, not some kind of castrated version. It is just another super terrifying sky-destroying formation. Jiang Xiaobai has no money to exchange it.

too expensive!

Zhuxian Sword Formation, authentic, five billion points once!

Jiuqu Huanghe Injection, authentic product, 3.5 billion points once!

Even if Jiang Xiaobai sells him, he can't afford it.

Of course, the power of these two formations was terrifying. Not to mention conquering this prismatic space, he felt that once the genuine ones were used, they could wrap up the entire Jiutian Continent like a galaxy, and destroy the Jiutian Continent easily.

"It's too scary, too scary. As a human being, you have to be down-to-earth. Five hundred million is enough."

Jiang Xiaobai immediately changed the formation without hesitation, and he was dumbfounded the moment it was used!

He still underestimated this formation!

The coverage area alone is enough to accommodate three such large prism spaces!

"Damn it, is a guy worth 500 million so awesome?"

Jiang Xiaobai was frightened, but the formation had already begun to show its power!

Countless purple-gray thick fog erupted, like a purple-gray wave, sweeping away, covering all locations except the center point where Jiang Xiaobai and others were.

Wherever it went, the scarlet creatures didn't have a chance to resist!

They are all destroyed and shattered!

Little Gourd and Daddy Lingbao had enough of it this time and began to devour the scarlet fragments crazily!

Such a scene surprised everyone!

Bai Liang was even more confused: "Jiang Xiaobai, are you mentally ill? You didn't need to use such an awesome formation just now?"

"I told you I want those people alive!"

Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes: "And do you think this kind of thing is common? I only took it out when I had no other choice."

Although he has 500 million points, he doesn't feel bad!

No one else, because Jiang Xiaobai knew very well that this time this huge prism space was cleared, the entire Jiutian Continent would know about it.

At that time, the reputation will be absorbed by all the monks in the entire Jiutian Continent!

Five hundred million?

He feels that he can get his money back in minutes and earn another billion!

As for why he didn't use it before, it's still the same sentence. He wants these people to live, and only the news that is spread alive will be accurate!


It was just an instant technique, and the power of the Ten Thousand Evils Nirvana Array had swept across the entire prism space.

The little gourd simply stopped pretending and flew into the sky. The vortex in front of the gourd's mouth became extremely huge. The scarlet fragments scattered in the space were visible to the naked eye and dissipated in large pieces!

Yuan Hong, Qibao Linglong Pagoda and others can't defeat this guy!

But they didn't fight for it because they all knew that Xiao Gourd needed these things the most!

Looking at all this, Bai Liang felt that the world was so big and full of wonders!

Especially staring at the little gourd, he felt a little familiar...

"Tell me honestly, kid, where do these special spiritual treasures come from?"

"Can the acquired spiritual treasure also participate in absorbing the scarlet fragments?"

"And that little gourd, this thing is definitely not simple, it is more terrifying than the innate spiritual treasure. It seems that this thing exists in my bloodline memory!"

Bai Liang grabbed Jiang Xiaobai and questioned him.

Of course, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't tell him this kind of thing. Just when he was thinking about how to fool him, suddenly, the entire prism space became dazzlingly white!

Purification complete!

The mysterious power descends on everyone from above!

Of course, Hong Jingtian and the others did not gain any power.

When they entered the prism space, Jiang Xiaobai stuffed them into the Qibao Exquisite Tower.


The extremely pure power forcibly descended on everyone, and everyone felt as comfortable as a spring breeze. Bai Liang had never experienced this power at all, but he understood that this was the opportunity for him to make a breakthrough!

The rewarding power of heaven is like another level of merit, he can use it!

Bai Liang couldn't help but make a series of obscene noises.

"It's great, it's so great!"

Everyone’s strength is improving!

In the outside world, Miao Qing and others, who had escaped, had just agreed to tell the world about Jiang Xiaobai's ability to clean up the prism space.

Suddenly I saw that scalp-numbing prismatic space, which suddenly began to fade.

Then a burst of heavenly power poured down, bathed in golden light, the prism space gradually dissipated, and finally disappeared completely!

The many powerful men who saw all this were completely confused!

The blood speeds up and the heart beats wildly!

It really works!

And how long has it been? Almost as soon as they came out of the prism space with their front legs, Jiang Xiaobai purified the prism space with their back legs?

"This method will benefit Jiutian Continent!"

"This... this time, Jiutian Continent is probably going to be lively!"

"What are you doing in a daze? Spread the news quickly. You don't think that just a few of us can get involved in that kind of method, do you?"

Everyone reacted and quickly spread the news.

At this moment, Jiutian Continent shook!

Countless forces are shaking.

Countless super strong men soared into the sky!

Target, Suhai Dynasty!

Jiang Xiaobai!

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