Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,364 There is still a way out

The vibrations in Jiutian Continent were more intense than Jiang Xiaobai expected!

If someone just spreads the news that Jiang Xiaobai entered the prism space and then disappeared from the prism space, maybe it will just make someone aware of the abnormality and come back to investigate.

But this time, it was these powerful men from the Transcendent Immortal Sect who saw it with their own eyes, especially Miao Qing, the ninth elder of the Ice Mountain of the God of War Sect!

They watched helplessly as the scarlet creature was crushed to pieces, and the fragments disappeared bit by bit.

Not long after they left the prism space, the entire prism space dissipated before their eyes!

Saying the same thing in another way and telling it to another person will have completely different effects!

With such impact and credibility, who wouldn’t believe it?

The Jiutian Continent began to sway, countless forces had their own agendas, and countless strong men were excited!

The prism space has appeared in the Jiutian Continent for who knows how many years. It is rumored that it began to appear one after another after the collapse of the Taoist system. The specific period cannot be traced back.

There are also many people who have entered prism spaces and speculated on various situations, but the point that everyone agrees on the most is that these prism spaces originate from problems with the way of heaven itself.

The way of heaven seems ruthless but extremely fair.

If someone can really clean up the prismatic space like cleaning up stubborn acne, God will definitely send a gift!

Just such speculation makes countless people want to clean up the prism space.

This is why they were so excited when they knew that Jiang Xiaobai could clean up the prism space!

Everything is nothing more than profit, just improving the realm and strength.

A gift from heaven is really the kind of thing that forcefully shoves benefits into your mouth, even if you don’t want it!

But when many super powerful people took action upon hearing the news, many top-level beings narrowed their eyes and their expressions became extremely solemn.

What happened in the Frost Plain Secret Realm is still fresh in these people’s memories!

As if it was an agreement, when the news spread throughout the Jiutian Continent, all these super powerful people gathered at the entrance of Tianji Pavilion!

The sleeping guard disciples of Tianji Pavilion almost fell out of their eyes when they saw such a scene.

When has Tianji Pavilion ever seen such a scene?

Although there will always be strong people who need help and calculate something, it is not common, let alone today's scene where all the strong people come.

The gatekeeper disciples all thought that Tianji Pavilion had done something wrong and was besieged by these powerful men.

However, the old man Jianyuan appeared with a faint smile. Seeing this gatekeeper disciple, he felt at ease in his stomach!

"Everyone, please come inside."

Old Man Jianyuan naturally knew the intention of these people's arrival, otherwise he would not be qualified to become the master of this most mysterious Tianji Pavilion!

A group of strong men filed in, their expressions seemed a little anxious.

When they arrived at a large hall, many powerful men started asking questions without even waiting for old man Jianyuan to be polite.

"Who is that kid?"

"Becoming the person predicted by the Suhai Dynasty can turn oneself into a prism space and purify the prism space. What should we do?"

"Old man Jianyuan, you are the most mysterious, strange and powerful person in the Nine Heavens Continent. Do you know any secrets?"

"This kid is so mysterious. Could it be that he is the reincarnation of Sage Suhai?"

Listening to many questions, even this extremely bizarre question, the corners of Old Jianyuan's mouth twitched.

Your brain circuits are really great. It would be a waste not to write novels!

"Ahem, everyone, don't be so nervous and flustered. It's just a small matter."

Old Man Jianyuan chuckled and said, "I don't know much about many things, and there are quite a few that I can't tell you. Fortunately, I won't tell you."

"As for the identity of that kid, it is definitely either the reincarnation of Holy Lord Suhai or the rebirth of his body. There are too many causes and effects on him, both good and bad. I would like to advise you here, no matter what, don't be an enemy of that kid. It benefits no one.”

After Old Man Jianyuan finished speaking with a smile, everyone looked at each other.

What's the difference between what you said and what you didn't say? Who among them doesn't know that they can't be Jiang Xiaobai's enemy?

It’s not like they didn’t see the powerful woman who appeared in the Frost Plain Secret Realm!

"It's precisely because we know we can't be enemies with each other that we thought of asking you."

"You have to give us a way out!"

It is impossible for these people to become super strong men who dominate the Jiutian Continent without brains. Just after hearing about some traces of Jiang Xiaobai, plus the Frost Plains Secret Realm and this time, I realized that there is a hidden secret in it. !

Perhaps, a prosperous age is coming!

What they are most struggling with now is to find a way, how to follow Jiang Xiaobai to eat meat and drink soup, even if they only get a little gift of karma, it will be enough!

Seeing the bosses defeating them like this, old man Jianyuan showed a strange smile on his face.

But no one knew, but he was extremely shocked!

All this development is exactly the same as what the person told me!

Are there any chess players like this in the world?

You must know that Tianji Pavilion can calculate the location of part of Tianji, and achieve the supreme and transcendent position in Jiutian Continent.

Before old man Jianyuan met the other party, he even boasted that he was the most awesome being in Jiutian Continent.

As a result, compared to now, his methods are like a child playing house, and people can knock him over in one breath!

After reacting, Old Man Jianyuan looked at the many bosses with doubtful faces and smiled lightly.

"Don't be nervous. At this stage, just let nature take its course. However, it is not impossible for you to hitch a ride. Of course, this have a certain amount of courage and means."

Old Man Jianyuan's smile became more and more mysterious, making everyone's scalp numb.

I don’t know what everyone discussed in the hall afterwards. Anyway, half a day passed. In the end, these strong men all rose into the sky and returned to their own territory without saying a word.

There is no movement!

Quietly eerie!

Time goes back to Jiang Xiaobai waiting for heat to leave the prism space.

Outside, several powerful men from the Transcendental Immortal Sect and Miao Qing looked at him with horror.

The heat in Miao Qing's eyes disappeared, replaced by shock and horror!

She suddenly realized that the War God Sect's attempt to seize the treasure opportunity from Jiang Xiaobai was just a joke!

But it is absolutely impossible for them to fight against the God Sect.

"Hey, haven't you guys left yet?"

"Are you going to keep it until I treat you to a meal?"

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the people in front of him with a smile, and his eyes fell on Miao Qing: "This elder of the God of War Sect, shouldn't you be looking for a strong man from the God of War Sect to come and deal with me at this time?"

"Why does it look like there's no movement at all?"

"Don't be nervous, just call me. I, Jiang Xiaobai, have always been a hospitable person!"

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