Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,365 Jiang Xiaobai is black

Listening to Jiang Xiaobai's words, the corners of Miao Qing's mouth twitched.


What is waiting for their God of War Sect may not be some super terrifying method. If a strong person really comes, they will definitely be wiped out in one fell swoop!

The God of War Sect will be severely damaged!

"Do you really think I'm stupid?"

"I still say the same thing, Jiang Xiaobai, please wish yourself well!"

Miao Qing ran away after saying that. If she didn't run, would she really have to wait for Jiang Xiaobai to treat her to dinner?

Eating is easy, but paying is hard!

She finally understood that everyone underestimated Jiang Xiaobai. He was not a piece of trash who didn't understand anything at all, but a black-hearted bastard who was good at calculating!

This bitch's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are all black!

Black from the inside out!

She has been tricked twice!

This time, all the powerful men who followed the God of War Sect were wiped out, forcing her to have no choice but to spread the news that had been hidden for a long time!

As soon as Miao Qing left, the other powerful men of the Transcendental Immortal Sect did not dare to stay. Whether they could explain it when they went back was one thing. How to face the next feast was the most important thing!

There is no doubt that the entire Jiutian Continent will be boiling because of Jiang Xiaobai's incident, and the Suhai Dynasty will become the center of the entire continent!

After everyone left, Jiang Xiaobai sneered.


"I thought it was so powerful. In the end, wouldn't we have to rely on the entire continent to become my enemy?"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered again and again: "You must not be stupid, other forces may not be able to defeat you, but now, you really are no match for me, Jiang!"

This harvest in the prism space is so big that people can’t believe it!

The realm has been improved to the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal in the middle stage. Not to mention the breakthrough in the later stage, there has also been some progress in understanding the laws, and the power of the soul has been greatly improved!

Jiang Xiaobai feels that if he spends more energy to increase the power of his soul, the memory of reincarnation that was sealed by Gu Ning can be unlocked a little more.

Unblocking means that his understanding of the law will be stronger!

The rest of the people have also gained a lot. Ao Cheng is about to break through to the Golden Immortal, and the same is true for Nangong Wuyou. She has accumulated a lot of experience, and now she wants Jiang Xiaobai to take her back to find a place to practice.

Ao Yan Qiongyu has also improved a lot, and you can tell by the excited smile on her face.

Among them, the most excited one is probably Bai Liang!

"Boy, I understand why Master asked me to wait for you here. This kind of gift and reward from heaven is so cool!"

"Grandpa Bai Liang, I feel that if you give me this level of gift again, you will definitely be able to break through and become Hunyuan Wuji. When the time comes, tell me who bullies you in Jiutian Continent, and you will see if I beat him until his shit leaks!"

Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes: "You are overthinking. You can see such a prism space once, but you may not see it again. You can only rely on quantity to win."

"It doesn't matter. I know the locations of many prism spaces. Let's go now and take it all to ourselves before others react."

Bai Liang was very excited. If Jiang Xiaobai hadn't stopped him, he would have led everyone to rush to the location of other prism spaces.

"Go back first, reorganize yourself, and then look at the situation in Jiutian Continent to find countermeasures."

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the horizon and said calmly: "It can be regarded as cherishing the last tranquility before the storm."

God, things are really going to change.

Can Jiang Xiaobai handle it next?

This is an unknown, so it’s better to go back and make some adjustments so that we can cope with all changes by staying the same.

At this time, the Hong Jingtian brothers who were imprisoned in the Qibao Linglong Tower were released. They looked at the disappeared prism space and their bodies trembled.

The look in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes also held resentment.

"Master Jiang, you promised to make my Suhai Dynasty soar to the sky. Why did you lock us up at the critical moment?"

Hong Jingtian said quietly.

Jiang Xiaobai touched his nose and looked slightly embarrassed: "Unexpectedly, who knew these guys would really dare to come in because of their brains? The situation in the prism space, if you are not locked up, you will be in big trouble. I This is all for your safety."

The two brothers looked at each other and didn't believe Jiang Xiaobai's excuse, which was full of loopholes!

They had been locked up for only a short time, no more than an hour at most. As a result, all the powerful men from the Transcendental Immortal Sect disappeared, and who knows how many died.

What’s even more shocking is that the prism space has completely disappeared!

Such a prism space disappeared in a flash. How long had it passed?

Everyone knew that heaven would bring rewards for cleaning up this kind of thing. The two brothers thought that this was the real super benefit in the prophecy, but in the end they didn't even see a hair!

Especially Hong Jingtian, he felt like he was going crazy.

In order to curry favor with Jiang Xiaobai and get more good things from the prophecy, the Suhai Dynasty was very attentive to Jiang Xiaobai!

I gave away so many good things!

The result seems to be that not even a hair can be seen!

But does Hong Jingtian dare to talk more to Jiang Xiaobai?

Jiang Xiaobai, who doesn't even pay attention to the alliance of many transcendent immortal sect powerful men, can his Suhai Dynasty afford to offend?

Moreover, the relationship between Beidou Immortal Palace, the backer of their dynasty, and Jiang Xiaobai is quite ambiguous!

Hong Jingtian could only break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach, swallowing all the bitter water by himself.

The only good thing to be thankful for is that the terrifying prism space in their dynasty has been cleaned up, which can be regarded as indirectly helping to deal with a big hidden danger...

Soon the group rushed back to the royal city of Suhai Dynasty.

Everyone here knows the news about what happened in Wushan. After all, no one in Jiutian Continent knows who is stupid.

For a while, many people felt a little unwilling.

They gave Jiang Xiaobai so many benefits as gifts, but they were all law crystals and resources, but in the end they couldn't get anything in exchange?

What a loss!

In the palace hall, Hong Jingtian, who had settled Jiang Xiaobai and the others, sighed, and Hong Jingchen beside him was also sighing.

The two brothers raised their heads and looked at each other.


Another sigh.

"Brother, at this juncture, don't argue with me. If you have the time, you might as well go and see where those dynasty coalition forces are."

Hong Jingtian said helplessly.

"It's pointless to fight. It's boring. If you have this skill, it's better to think about how to practice to improve your strength and how to find a big backer."

Hong Jingchen looked away with a look on his face: "Look at Mr. Jiang, how powerful he is. He came to the palace and did nothing. He almost emptied the royal city and even the dynasty of many family forces."

"We don't even dare to fart."

Hearing this, Hong Jingtian was even more helpless: "Young Master Jiang has an extraordinary background and is very powerful. We can't afford to offend him."

"Let's not talk about this first. Let's go see those coalition forces. If that doesn't work, ask Mr. Jiang to take action."

Hong Jingtian said and immediately sent people to investigate the news.

Before entering the Wushan prism space, I had already guessed that if no countermeasures were taken at this time, the Suhai Dynasty would be doomed.

But I didn’t worry too much, after all, Mr. Jiang was here.

At this time, Mr. Jiang was laughing in the yard!

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