Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,366 The undercurrent is surging and the war is coming

Jiang Xiaobai's wild laughter was because after coming back to reorganize, he found that his soul power had reached a critical point.

With a little more effort, he can advance to a higher level. According to what Zixiao Yuanshen said, he will unlock another part of the memory of reincarnation!

"You guys practice well, I'll go and get busy too."

"Ao Cheng, Wuyou, I hope that when I complete my training, you both will break through and become Golden Immortals."

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled.

He never felt that it was a drag on the two of them because they were not strong enough. On the contrary, he felt guilty sometimes.

Without him, none of these people’s statement trajectories would be the same!

No longer sad and worried, Jiang Xiaobai returned to the room and began to practice.

Following the cultivation techniques given by the old ice crystal tree, Jiang Xiaobai calmed down and began to improve the power of his soul. This was the first time he practiced such techniques.

As soon as he got started, he wanted to scold the eighteen generations of Laoshu's family!

He even wanted to tear apart his ancestral grave!

The strength of the soul can only be improved through repeated training, just like when he refined his colorful soul in Tianxuan Continent.

And when you have reached this level, it is not just talk of hard work, it means not sparing every corner from the beginning to the end, and only by practicing them all can you improve.

If you give up and fail midway, all the previous training will be null and void, and all the suffering you have suffered will be directly in vain!

"You bastard, why didn't you tell me earlier when you gave me this technique!"

Jiang Xiaobai gritted his teeth. If he saw the old ice crystal tree again now, he would definitely let Bai Liang go up and beat him up to relieve his anger!

It hurt so much that he felt like dying!

If it weren't for his previous experience, he would have been able to hold back a little longer, otherwise he would have died of pain on the spot!

This is no better than the training that Zixiao Yuanshen had to undergo before he succeeded. At that time, it was painful to squeeze in at most, but now it really feels like someone is hitting his Yuanshen with a hammer!

"This is all something you should experience. Do you think it's easy to get along with Shenhun?"

Zixiao Yuanshen said calmly: "I estimate that if you practice like this for two days, you will be able to break through to the first level of the sky. Then all the hardships will be over."

Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes, it would be better to drink less of this chicken soup.

Then he began to refine his soul wholeheartedly, gradually increasing the power of his soul.

When Jiang Xiaobai was practicing, the entire Suhai Dynasty felt like it was facing a formidable enemy.

The coalition forces of several major outside dynasties are already approaching and are about to reach the border and can attack at any time!

Among them, the most powerful attack was at the Shuangyuan border, where the most powerful Qinglan army of the Suhai Dynasty was entrenched. As long as this immortal army was defeated, they could march straight in and divide the entire Suhai Dynasty into two!

The Tang family has already rushed to the border through the palace teleportation array, and they must block this wave no matter what.

The two brothers Hong Jingtian also made a temporary reconciliation and did not have a permanent dispute over the so-called throne. The current situation needs to be unanimously disclosed to the outside world.

As the king of Li, Hong Jingchen has been developing his own power over the years and wants to unseat Hong Jingtian at any time.

The power he had originally accumulated was to usurp the throne and enjoy all the glory and wealth after Jiang Xiaobai solved the prophecy, but he did not expect that this would be the situation.

He spent all his money just to help the Suhai Dynasty get through such a difficult time.

At this time, many dynasties are in an era of changing forces!

The many Transcendental Immortal Sects who had backers behind them no longer care about him. They suffered heavy losses from Jiang Xiaobai one after another. Since they are unable to deal with Jiang Xiaobai at the moment, they can only vent their anger on the Suhai Dynasty first.

The border at this time is the frost plain.

Tang Yaoqing and others looked at the situation in front of them with mixed emotions.

The opponent's army has arrived, totaling 50,000 immortal troops, while Qinglan's army only has less than 30,000 in number.

The battle of the fairy army not only relies on strength, but also relies on numbers and formations!

The Qinglan Army faces the biggest crisis in history!

"Sister, can we stop it?"

Tang Mu looked blankly at Tang Yaoqing beside him, only to see the latter's solemn expression and cold eyes.

"It must be stopped, otherwise it will be a dynasty town without any guarding force, and I don't know how many ordinary people survive in it."

"Once a dynastic war breaks out, everyone will inevitably suffer."

"And we will definitely stop it."

Tang Mu lowered his head when he heard this, with sadness on his face.

"Sister, you said that since Mr. Jiang has such strength, why doesn't he directly destroy the opponent? Why hasn't Beidou Immortal Palace responded yet?"

"Did they abandon the dynasty?"

"If not, shall we leave?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Mu was slapped on the head by Tang Yaoqing.

Tang Yaoqing's face was stern and he shouted: "Anyone in the dynasty can leave, but I, the Tang family, cannot leave!"

"You must remember, true strength relies on oneself, and in this situation, Mr. Jiang has nothing to do unless he can single-handedly take down all the Transcendental Immortal Sect backers behind these dynasties!"

"But this is impossible!"

Tang Yaoqing looked at the various methods of the immortal army covering the sky on the frost plain, and murmured: "Don't think about it, prepare to meet the enemy. They have been unhappy for a long time, especially the Yuling Dynasty. Now you have the opportunity to fight to the death. Don't miss it. Chance."

Speaking of this, Tang Mu also looked furious.

"Hmph, if it hadn't been for the emperor's previous order not to do anything, I would have beaten the opponent's head to pieces!"

"Don't worry, sister, I will never embarrass the Tang family again!"

Such a scene also happened on many borders of the Suhai Dynasty.

At this time, the entire dynasty has been surrounded by hundreds of thousands of immortal troops. Many surrounding dynasties have used all their strength. It is necessary to destroy the Suhai Dynasty!

It’s a desperate situation!

There was even more turmoil in the dynasty, and many people wanted to take advantage of this to escape, but they were horrified to find that the entire dynasty was surrounded, without even a chance to escape!

Not only that, there are also rumors circulating.

This time several major dynasties joined forces because the Suhai Dynasty prophesied that Young Master Jiang offended them!

For a moment, they were filled with sorrow, and many strong men in the royal city planned to push Jiang Xiaobai out.

Why is he, Jiang Xiaobai, so pretentious that he, the Suhai Dynasty, should bear the responsibility?

Throughout the whole day, the dynasty was in turmoil, and no one could calm down.

But what was surprising was that the immortal armies who were encircling and suppressing the dynasty did not choose to take action, but watched from the outside.

It seems that we are waiting for something more terrifying to happen!

No one knew that countless powerful men were already on their way to the Suhai Dynasty at this time.

Several transcendental immortal sect forces are waiting for them.

Once these people arrive, not only will the Suhai Dynasty be destroyed, but they will also bring Beidou Immortal Palace down from its altar!

Since there is no way to extract benefits from Jiang Xiaobai, then take this opportunity to annex a Transcendental Immortal Sect force.

This is also a great benefit to these Immortal Sects!

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