Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,367 The Immortal Palace arrives and breaks the seal

Jiang Xiaobai didn't know about the difficulties of the Suhai Dynasty. He only knew that he was going to die now!

That set of techniques for cultivating the soul is quite effective!

After being hammered a whole time, the power of the soul can increase a lot, but the pain is really painful!

Jiang Xiaobai felt like his whole body was going to explode, and his soul was no longer his!

It was obvious that he was just sitting and practicing, but it had only been a day, and his whole body was already soaked with sweat.

The body was as wet as if it had been fished out of water.

But there is no way, this is the only way to improve!

Outside, in the palace, Hong Jingtian had already chased away countless people.

These people all came to ask about Jiang Xiaobai's situation. It seemed like this, but in fact they wanted to use various reasons to push Jiang Xiaobai out.

Isn't it because many dynasties joined forces because Jiang Xiaobai was causing trouble?

Why did they suffer such an unreasonable disaster?

What is even more puzzling is why there is no news at all from Beidou Immortal Palace. Is this still their backer?

After driving away another group of powerful people from the Wangcheng family, Hong Jingtian sat weakly on the throne.

When will this day end?

"What is Mr. Jiang doing recently?" He looked at his elder brother.

Hong Jingchen also sighed helplessly: "He has been practicing in the small courtyard, and the group of people are practicing, and there is no movement at all..."

As he spoke, he looked at Hong Jingtian: "Tell me, did we make a mistake in the prophecy? How did it become like this?"

"How do I know? It all happened endless years ago. I'm afraid only Shengzun Suhai knows about it."

Hong Jingtian looked at the door of the hall: "How can we little people get involved in the matters between big people?"

Just as he finished speaking, a group of people suddenly arrived at the door of the hall.

Wearing a white dress, a pocket on her head, and a silver cloak!

People from Beidou Immortal Palace!

With a swish, the two Hong Jingtian brothers suddenly stood up and hurried to the door to greet them.

"Fairy ladies, you are finally here. If you don't come here, the Suhai Dynasty will be doomed."

Hong Jingtian told the leading woman his heartache and suffering in the past two days. It was really torture every minute!

"No need to worry, this is part of the plan. If the tribulation is successfully overcome, the Suhai Dynasty will soar into the sky."

"If you can't survive it, everything will be destroyed."

The leading woman smiled lightly and said: "Everything I said includes all the forces in Jiutian Continent, and even the entire world."

For a moment, Hong Jingtian was stunned.

Holy shit what did I hear?

Is this something I can listen to?

Just this sentence made him realize that this matter was not as simple as he thought.

There is a conspiracy behind it!

And it’s a calculation that uses everything in the world as a bargaining chip!

"Where is Mr. Jiang?"

The woman suddenly said: "I have something to do and I want to see him."

"That... Mr. Jiang is practicing in the small courtyard right now, and none of us dare to disturb him."

Hearing this, the beautiful brows under the woman's veil frowned, she counted with her fingers, and then she nodded calmly.

"Just wait. Don't worry, they won't take action now. Now is not the most suitable opportunity."

Hong Jingtian nodded blankly, and at the same time he was shocked to discover that this time more than 20 immortal girls came to Beidou Immortal Palace, and they were all in the Hunyuan Daluo realm!

If you pick a random person, the aura on his body will be ten times and a hundred times better than Zhou Chi's!

This was even more shocking, and he really didn't dare to get involved.

"There are still things you need to do later, so don't belittle yourself. On the chessboard, every chess piece plays a vital role. Only when all the chess pieces come together can a magnificent chess game be completed."

The woman smiled lightly, looking extremely relaxed.

But the more this happened, the more frightened Hong Jingtian became, but he did not dare to say anything, and hurriedly arranged for many Beidou Immortal Palace experts to enter the exquisite courtyard, which was not far from Jiang Xiaobai's courtyard.

Not long after he entered, two towering auras suddenly came from Jiang Xiaobai's yard!

We are going to survive the Golden Immortal Tribulation!

Immediately afterwards, two figures were seen rising into the sky, one leaving to the south and one to the north.

In the small courtyard, Ao Yan was a little worried and wanted to follow, but Ao Cheng stopped him before leaving.

"Sister, I have grown up and I have to walk my own path. I am sure of it!"

"Besides, there's no point in following me about the Golden Immortal Tribulation."

Ao Cheng laughed and rushed out.

Nangong Wuyou did the same, blocking everyone's intention to go over to help take care of him, and quickly left the royal city, not knowing where he went.

Knowing that the two were about to break through, everyone was happy, but they also understood that the Golden Immortal Tribulation was full of dangers, especially the Heart Demon Tribulation, where one careless move could lead to death!

Worried, Ao Yan looked at the room in the center of the small courtyard.

That was where Jiang Xiaobai practiced.

"Xiao Bai, when will you come out? I don't know why, but I suddenly feel so panicked."

Ao Yan covered her heart and looked a little pale.

Naturally, there was no answer to this, and Jiang Xiaobai was at the most critical moment at this time.

There is only one step away from breaking through the level of divine soul power!

"If you practice again, you will definitely be able to break through. If you don't break through, I won't play anymore!"

Jiang Xiaobai looked ferocious, gritting his teeth and roaring in his heart.

Who knows what he has been through during this period. The pain in his soul is everywhere and will not go away for a long time. After completing one exercise, he must continue the next one as soon as possible, otherwise it will be a waste of time!

If it weren't for his amazing will, he really wouldn't be able to bear it.

Once, twice, thousands of times!

Every corner of his soul has been tempered!

When the last exercise was over, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt swollen!

The soul blew suddenly, but before he could react, he retracted it again!

But this time, the power of the soul has broken through to a new level!

A feeling of lightness surrounded Jiang Xiaobai himself, and he seemed to be flying, floating in the fairyland.

The stronger the soul is, the more enlightened it becomes.

While sinking into it, Jiang Xiaobai seemed to see a door. He subconsciously drifted into it and found that the perspective suddenly switched.

It became God's perspective, watching the scenes of his own journey through reincarnation.

He saw himself struggling desperately since he was a child. He saw himself working hard for Ao Yan and being willing to abandon everything.

The roles he plays are varied, including beggar, thief, orphan, sect's holy son, demon Tianqing...

But no one is simple. No matter what his identity is, he will be looked down upon and become the enemy of the world, which seems to reflect his current situation.

I don't know whether it is persistence or what is in his heart, but in every reincarnation, he will meet a woman named Ao Yan, her face never changes, always as cold as a water chestnut, but as warm as a spring breeze.

But the two never had a happy ending.

Either Jiang Xiaobai did everything he could to protect his beauty and died, or Ao Yan risked everything to protect him, Jiang Xiaobai, and died.

Being single in the future will be endless pain.

Jiang Xiaobai was unconscious and returned to the small training room as if he had woken up from a dream.

But his face was already filled with tears.

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