Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,379 Breaking through the encirclement and starting hunting

While Jiang Xiaobai's eyelids were twitching wildly, he was actually surprised in his heart.

Why is it that my strength has improved, but it doesn’t seem to have improved?

In the past, I could fight against Hunyuan Daluo who had comprehended the level of divine power, and even killed people, but I didn't expect that I couldn't deal with a few blood slaves who could only enhance their physical strength.

While running for his life, this thought kept popping up in his mind.

The more I think about it, the more I wonder, am I not strong enough or do I have some special secret?


At this moment, several figures suddenly appeared in front of him. They were blood slaves surrounding him from the other direction. He, Jiang Xiaobai, had long been surrounded to death!

Looking at the fist rushing forward, Jiang Xiaobai swiped Yuan Hong's sword across without even thinking about it.

The sharp sword blade easily pierced the fist in front of him, and then the blood slave's body exploded on the spot, blood flying and splashing all over his face!

A strong stench hit him, and Jiang Xiaobai almost vomited on the spot!

"Isn't this a joke?"

Jiang Xiaobai cursed loudly. He was so disgusted that he wished he could bring out that big formation right now and destroy the entire Wang Liang world!

It's a scam, isn't it? !

And he didn't get too entangled with the other blood slaves. He dealt with the obstacles in front of him and rushed forward. There were too many blood slaves surrounding him now, all of them were in the Hunyuan Daluo realm, and there were countless big ones behind him. Luo Jinxian.

He, Jiang Xiaobai, could not kill these guys even if he exhausted all his spiritual power.

However, Jiang Xiaobai wanted to leave, but those blood slaves did not agree. Despite his cultivation level without the blessing of spiritual energy, he could physically cross the void, and his speed was no different from that of a normal Hunyuan Da Luo.

Jiang Xiaobai still couldn't run at this speed.

"You bastards, you are all stubborn, do you insist on catching me?"

Jiang Xiaobai was furious, raised his hand and slashed out with a jet-black sword light. Wherever the sword light passed, several blood slaves were unable to withstand such power and were wiped out on the spot.

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned again.

"Before, I could only kill three or four with one sword, but now I can kill seven with one sword?"

"Why, is this Schrödinger's strength?"

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned, but many blood slaves appeared behind him. He had no choice but to escape from the encirclement first.

You can't walk underground, and those weird tree roots seem to be all over the planet.

Fortunately, when Jiang Xiaobai discovered the problem, he escaped immediately. The circle of blood slaves was not large enough, and he could easily tear out some openings.

After breaking through the siege this time, he finally understood that the blood slaves seemed different from the void beasts.

They actually have the ability to jointly attack and jointly defend!

It is indeed the work of the Yantian Clan!

It took a long time to escape from the encirclement and rush out, killing several Hunyuan Daluo blood slaves on the way. Jiang Xiaobai could no longer feel the existence of many blood slaves in his mind, and then a sneer appeared on his face.

Then it’s time for him to hunt!

Although they said they were going to search for the Yantian clan, the appearance of the blood slaves now gave Jiang Xiaobai another plan.

Why bother searching so hard?

As long as a lot of blood slaves are killed and the Yantian clan's attention is attracted, they will definitely find out!

Moreover, killing a blood slave can also be counted in the settlement of that mission.

Before, Jiang Xiaobai felt that it was a pity that he failed to complete the mission in the Frost Plain Secret Realm. Now it seems that this is a blessing in disguise!

And it’s the kind of thing where you lose the sesame seeds and pick up the watermelon!

Looking at the record of killing dozens of Hunyuan Daluo and hundreds of Daluo Golden Immortals, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't imagine what the system's rewards would be if he really completed this task.

There is no limit!

The more he kills, the more benefits he gets.

Jiang Xiaobai was even delusional that he might be able to directly condense a complete golden body of merit through this mission, and by then he would be invincible in the world!

"That's all, what are you thinking about? There's no good in thinking too much. As a human being, you have to be down-to-earth."

"Set a small goal first, kill two hundred Hunyuan Da Luo blood slaves!"

Waving Yuanhong in his hand, Jiang Xiaobai had a sinister smile on his face.

Next, it’s his hunting moment!

He was no longer running away, but felt the situation during the spiritual exploration and took the initiative to find the blood slave rushing towards him.

The strength of Hunyuan Daluo blood slaves is basically comparable to that of monks of the same realm who have just touched the threshold of divine power. If there are not many of them, they will kill as many as they encounter!

Needless to say, the Da Luo Jinxian Blood Slave will be there within seconds of seeing him!

For a time, the progress of his mission in the Frost Plains Secret Realm kept jumping upwards!

Fifty Hunyuan Daluo, seventy Hunyuan Daluo, he killed a hundred of them in less than an hour!

I don’t know how many Daluo Jinxian has killed!

This made Jiang Xiaobai so happy!

But on the other side, the third elder of the Yantian clan was so distressed!

"Son of a bitch, who is this kid? How can his strength reach such a perverted level?"

"That's Hunyuan Da Luo. Although I, the blood slave, can't understand the laws, this is also the real Hunyuan Da Luo. Why do you, a Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

The third elder was stunned as he spoke.

Taiyi Golden Immortal?

Damn it, why is this guy improving so fast!

"Damn it, this bitch must have come here specifically to deal with our Yantian clan. Does he have to force him to death?" the third elder yelled angrily through gritted teeth.

Many of the Yantian clan elders beside him were so stunned that they didn't even dare to let go of anything.

Among the Yantian clan, the third elder is the largest.

Don't ask why there are no second elders and first elders. In fact, the second elder is the meat ball in the Three Thousand Worlds, and the first elder is the ancestral tree in this Wang Liang world!

These two are the truly awesome ones, but because of their own specialness, it is these three elders who are in charge!

"Third Elder, in my opinion, otherwise we should directly suppress it. Even if we can't compete, don't we still have the ancestral tree?"

An elder of the Yantian clan said cautiously.

The third elder raised his eyebrows: "You all know what's going on with the Ancestral Tree. Now is a critical moment. Once you take action, your strength will be consumed, and all these years of absorption and storage will be wasted. Once the plan starts to be implemented, it won't work if something goes wrong!"

"Let the blood slaves continue to besiege and consume this son first, and then let the Hunyuan Daluo of the Yantian clan prepare."

"Damn it, if it weren't for the fact that our Yantian Clan is in disharmony with the heavenly Dao here and is excluded, after so many years, a strong man of Hunyuan Wuji's level would be able to defeat them to death just by sheer numbers!"

The third elder gritted his teeth in hatred.

Although their race is strong and core, and they have a complete improvement process, it can be said that as long as the number is sufficient, improvement is only a matter of time.

Unfortunately, as the famous saying goes, when you open a window, several doors will be closed on you.

The Yantian Clan is too restricted in this world!

"Jiang Xiaobai, you harmed my Yantian clan once, and this time you make me lose face?"

"When you are in a hurry, let's fight together. There are people in the three thousand worlds who can help you. I'll see who can help you this time!"

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