Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,380 Let me see if you die this time

Jiang Xiaobai didn't know that the Yantian clan was already in trouble.

I don’t know that the Yantian Clan is connected. The Yantian Clan in the Transit World and the Yantian Clan in the Three Thousand World may seem different, but they are actually the same.

This is their clan identity.

At this time, he was obsessed with fantasy and couldn't extricate himself.

"I have killed more than ten Hunyuan Daluo, and now the number is almost two hundred. It's a pity. I don't dare to waste too much time here. There are still potential risks on Yan'er's side."

"Otherwise, just because of the bug in the card system, I will definitely create a whole body of merit and virtue!"

Jiang Xiaobai sighed, what a pity, such a good opportunity.

While he was running fast, he was looking for opportunities to hunt down the blood slaves. Although he was already very fast, the opponent was Hunyuan Daluo after all, and he almost caught up with him and launched a siege several times.

Fortunately, the number of the opponent's Hunyuan Daluo is not large, only a few thousand at most. In such a large Wang Liang world, Jiang Xiaobai still has quite a lot of space to escape and hide.

At the same time, he has been guarding against the Yantian Clan's sneak attack!

These black-skinned old dogs are so sinister!

There was no guarantee that a guy would come out from somewhere and attack him while he was hunting the blood slaves. With those weird tree roots there, he knew that the entire Wang Liang world was under the surveillance of the Yantian clan.

It just depends on when the other party will take action.

While running, Jiang Xiaobai killed three Hunyuan Da Luo blood slaves with one sword. Jiang Xiaobai rushed in another direction, but at this moment, a black light suddenly stabbed up from below!

Jiang Xiaobai felt creepy all over his body!

The Law of Annihilation appears again, and the true powerhouse of the Yantian Clan appears!

"I shrink!"

The golden light flashed, and Jiang Xiaobai entered the Qibao Exquisite Tower. He was gasping for air and trembling with fear.

If he had been just a little slower, the opponent's attack would have been unstoppable.

"Brother Jiang, what are you..."

Sun Gangniang didn't know what was going on outside and had been worried about Jiang Xiaobai. She was also frightened to see him like this.

All I saw was that Jiang Xiaobai was neither human nor ghost at this time, his whole body was covered in blood stains exuding an indescribable stench, and he was panting heavily, looking quite embarrassed.

"No problem, it's just a small thing, I can handle it."

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and said that he could already feel the appearance of three strong men from the Yantian Clan outside the Qibao Exquisite Tower, exactly the same as the ones he had seen in Three Thousand Worlds.

These three Yantian tribe exudes a terrifying aura, Hunyuan Daluo, understands at least the middle-level divine power level!

This is also a special method of the Yantian Clan. Through the black book, they can understand the rules despite the rejection of the world today.

"This little tower is very hard and cannot be penetrated."

"Can the spiritual treasure be the same the day after tomorrow?"

"Take him back, this kid is already a turtle in the urn, he can't escape!"

Jiang Xiaobai was happy when he heard the conversation between the three people outside.

Okay, take it back. Doesn't this mean that the scene in the Three Thousand Worlds will appear again? Do you want to be honest with them and let them control you through their souls?

"Good guy, he just fell asleep and someone gave him a pillow. The child cried and his uncle came!"

"I originally thought that there would be a fierce battle before we could know the situation of your Yantian clan, but now someone will send me there directly without any needles!"

Jiang Xiaobai's face was full of smiles, and he was no longer nervous immediately. Instead, he lay comfortably on the ground and looked at Goudan and Xiaoyue, who were closing their eyes to relax.

Sun Gangniang didn't know what was going on outside. Seeing Jiang Xiaobai talking to himself crazily, she felt her scalp numb.

Could it be that Brother Jiang was stimulated by something outside and is now broken?

"Brother, speaking of which, what are you going to do next?"

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly looked at Sun Gangniang and smiled: "After you return to Jiutian Continent, are you going to practice with me, or do you have your own arrangements?"

"No, Brother Jiang, we are in such a dangerous situation now, you don't think about the outside world, but you think about returning to Jiutian Continent later?"

Sun Gangniang was a little confused and couldn't tell what Jiang Xiaobai was doing now.

"It's okay, it's a small problem, we can handle it."

"This little tower has been following me for so long. Although I haven't really used it to hit people many times, it's just too solid to hit."

"No one can get out of hiding in there, just feel safe."

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and said: "Suddenly it reminded me that when I first went to the Yantian Clan Continent, there was an old guy who accompanied me and was arrested together. Tsk, tsk, tsk, has the scene reappeared now? ?”

When Sun Gangniang heard that she was being taken away to the Yantian Clan, her heart almost stopped!

He could only look at Jiang Xiaobai with a wry smile: "Brother Jiang, you really make me... want to cry without tears. I don't seem to have a good life following you!"

"Huh? You can't say that!"

Jiang Xiaobai spoke righteously: "Think about it, although it is exciting to follow me, there are many benefits. Otherwise, how would you activate your bloodline?"

"Haha, Brother Jiang, do you believe me when I say I didn't know I had this bloodline?"

"You've started lying again, you guy, you seem to lie to people as soon as you open your mouth!"

While he was talking, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly frowned.

Three powerful men from the Yantian Clan from the outside world grabbed the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, and through some unknown means, they instantly appeared in a huge city.

Just by looking at the architectural style, you can tell that this is the base of the Yantian Clan.

As soon as he appeared, a group of Yantian clan black skins all arrived, staring at the Qibao Linglong Tower, just like when he was first taken to the Yantian clan continent.

Everyone surrounded the Qibao Exquisite Pagoda and took action immediately if there was any problem.

On the other side, the news was also uploaded to the third elder.

The third elder who was drinking tea to calm down almost choked to death on a sip of tea!

"What? You captured the man and the little golden tower again?"

The third elder suddenly stood up!

Isn't this the script of the Yantian Clan Continent in the Three Thousand Worlds?

Come again?

"Son of a bitch, I'm afraid this guy doesn't know that our Yantian clan is connected, so he's up to his old tricks again. This time I'm going to fool you again and think I have your last name!"

The third elder of the Yantian clan gritted his teeth, crushed the tea cup in his hand, and led everyone out of the hall.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai was inside the Qibao Exquisite Tower watching the situation outside.

Thinking about how to break the situation.

"Should I wait for them to speak, or should I take the initiative to confess?"

"Would it be a bit too weird to directly tell them to control me and arouse suspicion?"

Jiang Xiaobai was thinking in his mind when he suddenly saw a figure and was stunned.

Hiss, this guy looks familiar.

"Isn't he the third elder of the Yantian clan? This guy is not dead?"

Jiang Xiaobai looked over in confusion.

The third elder also looked at the small golden tower in front of him, remembering what he had experienced in the Yantian Clan Continent.

At that time, Jiang Xiaobai should have been hacked to death at all costs!

Now it was determined that Jiang Xiaobai would try his old trick again, and he would naturally get angry.

He immediately waved his hand.

"Go, take this thing to the ancestral tree, and use all methods to devour it and peel it off."

"Jiang Xiaobai, let me see if you die this time!"

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