Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,381 Just say it and it will be destroyed

Jiang Xiaobai realized from his confusion that something was wrong.

Why can the third elder still appear in Wang Liang's world? Wasn't he already destroyed in the Yantian Clan Continent in the Three Thousand Worlds?

And the other party still knows about me?


"Could it be that because of the special nature of the race, memories can be exchanged? If that is the case, it can be explained."

Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes, but after thinking about this, he felt scared again.

The other party knows his methods and his purpose, and now he won't let him repeat his old tricks at all.

Jiang Xiaobai felt a little panicked as he saw many strong men from the Yantian Clan in front of him dragging the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda in one direction.

"Damn, these three elders are unreasonable. After all, we are old acquaintances. Do we have to be like this when we meet?"

"Really, can't you just say a few words?"

Jiang Xiaobai said to himself, and then shouted outside: "Hey, Third Elder, can you give us a chance to chat?"

"Let me talk about your mother!"

The third elder of the Yantian clan was furious when he heard this.

Jiang Xiaobai Jiang Xiaobai!

Why are you everywhere?

Now he really wanted to drag Jiang Xiaobai out and tear him into pieces completely. It was simply disgusting. He had never seen such a guy!

In the original Three Thousand Worlds, if he hadn't been too detailed about the Yantian Clan's method of controlling the soul, many things would not have happened later.

As long as Jiang Xiaobai is destroyed at that time!

So the current third elder only has one idea for Jiang Xiaobai, send him to the ancestral tree and use all means to kill this bitch first!

Regardless of whether the ancestral tree's power would be depleted or not, he finally understood that this Jiang Xiaobai was just a troublemaker.

As long as he doesn't die, the plans of the Yantian Clan will not be fully presented in one day.

At worst, after this incident, it would be better to wait for tens of thousands of years for the ancestral tree to accumulate strength.

It’s better to have your plan delayed than to have it ruined!

"Hey, hey, you really don't want to chat?"

"I didn't know you were here. You were teleported here accidentally. How wretched!"

Jiang Xiaobai shouted.

He was serious. He didn't know that the Yantian clan was in Wang Liang's world, and all this was a beautiful accident.

But the third elder sneered: "Do you think I'm a fool for a dog-like thing?"

"If I believe a word of yours now, I deserve to die!"

"Take him to the Ancestral Tree quickly, and let the Ancestral Tree find a way to melt down this acquired spiritual treasure for me. No matter how much it costs, I will destroy that piece of shit Jiang Xiaobai!"

Several Yantian clan strongmen did not dare to delay. They could see that the third elder was really angry.

I have never seen the third elder so angry.

The group of people quickly grabbed the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda and left the place, while the third elder stood there still panting and looking purple.

"But speaking of it, who was this kid's guidance? How did he know about the existence of Wang Liang's world?"

"This painting of the Yantian Clan is hundreds of thousands of years old. There are only two passages. One is in the forbidden area of ​​​​the Red Sea, and the other is on a stone wall not far away. However, these are extremely secretive existences. People who don't know will never find out."

"This kid is really tricky... What if we let Ancestral Tree take action when the time comes and control him and force him to question him?"

The third elder narrowed his eyes and thought in his mind.

But after thinking about it, he still put an end to the thought of controlling Jiang Xiaobai.

Just kidding, this Jiang Xiaobai is like a monster. When they were in the Three Thousand Worlds, their methods of controlling the monks were inexhaustible, but it didn't work at all on this guy, and he almost got fooled!

At this time, the third elder seemed to be afraid of the well rope once he was bitten by a snake for ten years.

"If it doesn't create extra branches, just destroy it."

The third elder murmured.

On the other side, Jiang Xiaobai was speechless in the Qibao Exquisite Tower. Why did this guy let him go just as he said? When did he become so decisive?

"Brother Jiang, do you know that guy?"

Sun Gangniang was confused.

"Well... we are old acquaintances. Don't worry about these details. Let's first see what methods the Yantian Clan can use..."

Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes and concentrated on feeling the surroundings.

He came here not just to take a look at the third elder, an old acquaintance, but also to destroy the Yantian clan's conspiracy.

Needless to say, they should also be plotting the entire transit world, and they will probably encounter situations like prism space again.

But this time Jiang Xiaobai felt very stable.

With a large formation in hand, as long as an absolutely powerful being doesn't appear, he can definitely handle it.

"I hope that after taking care of the Yantian clan, we can be stable for a while."

Jiang Xiaobai muttered.

At this moment, many Yantian clan strongmen had brought them to a big tree.

Looking at the tree, the corners of Jiang Xiaobai's mouth twitched.

Is this a tree?

The dark tree trunk is extremely huge, covering an area that is as large as a super giant by visual inspection. The branches and leaves are so dense that you can't see the end at a glance.

Being under this tree is like entering another world.

"Is this the big tree where I was found?"

Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes. The tree roots were weird, they probably belonged to this guy.

Just looking at its size, Jiang Xiaobai believed that its roots could spread all over Wang Liang's world.

The small golden pagoda was placed next to the tree trunk under the protection of several strong men from the Yantian clan.

One of them mumbled something in words that Jiang Xiaobai couldn't understand. The ground began to tremble slightly, and several thick tree roots came out from the ground, with bursts of silver light emitting from them.

Before Jiang Xiaobai could react, the tree roots suddenly rioted and bound the Qibao Exquisite Tower tightly to the ground, leaving no gaps at all!

The boundless and terrifying power of annihilation slowly appeared, and Jiang Xiaobai was instantly frightened.

This is a level of strength he has never seen before!

"This power... is a bit strange. It is gradually disintegrating the Tao in me!"

Qibao Linglong Pagoda suddenly sent a message to Jiang Xiaobai: "Although nothing will happen for a while, but as time goes by, I will not let this strange power disintegrate. There is a feeling... that it is swallowing me!"

"Can you struggle?"

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but be shocked.

This is an acquired spiritual treasure. An innate spiritual treasure was born independently when chaos first emerged. It was nurtured by heaven and earth.

The Houtian Lingbao is a powerful treasure artificially created by top experts using the power of the Tao of Heaven.

It's not as good as an innate spiritual treasure, but it can't be destroyed by anyone.

He has never heard of anyone who can cause harm to Houtian Lingbao!

Suddenly, he thought of the fragments of acquired spiritual treasures that he had seen in Tianxuan Continent, and he had an unpleasant guess in his mind.

But at this moment, Qibao Exquisite Tower shouted again.

"Jiang Xiaobai, we have to find a way. I'm not an innate spirit treasure and I can't do it on my own. You can't control me in there."

"As time goes by, something big will happen!"

Jiang Xiaobai came back to his senses, frowned, and a small gourd appeared in his hand.

"Can you handle it?"

He looked at the little gourd seriously.

"Then should I say, can...or can't?"

Xiao Gourd said sarcastically.

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