Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,382 The Third Elder is About to Collapse

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned, what does this guy mean?

"You can do it if you can, but you can't if you can't. Why are you starting to mess with me now?"

"Isn't this because I'm afraid, Master, that you want to steal my Heavenly Dao Crystal..."

Xiao Gourd said aggrievedly: "Although the power outside is special and does not belong to the way of heaven in our normal understanding, it is nothing more than that to me. On the contrary, I can still absorb it and it can have an effect on me!"

"If you use all your strength, how long will it take to break through this situation?"

"About... maybe... maybe, ten minutes?"

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, feeling relieved at the same time.

It can be done in ten minutes, and the small gourd can also absorb the power of this strange tree, ensuring that the Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower is not harmed and allowing it to improve itself.

It can be said to be a good opportunity to make money.

He didn't let the little gourd make too much movement at first. He only absorbed part of the special power, and the other part of the power would not have an effect on the principles of the Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower.

Let’s take a look at the situation first.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai took out the communication token and contacted Ao Yan. No matter what, he had to pay attention to the situation at Ao Yan's side.

The news sent back by Ao Yan stated that everything was normal. Although the Suhai Dynasty was under siege, the other party would not fight with all their strength from the beginning. They would also be severely damaged by then.

Not only that, the reinforcements from Beidou Immortal Palace, a special group of immortal troops, have also begun to join the battle.

According to the judgment of the woman from Beidou Immortal Palace, this situation can last at least another month.

"Okay, Yan'er, please be careful and remember to contact me immediately if you have any questions."

"I will rush back immediately after receiving the news. There is nothing major happening on my side at the moment."

As Jiang Xiaobai said, something suddenly occurred to him: "By the way, have Ao Cheng and Nangong Wuyou broken through and returned?"

"Well, they just returned this morning and broke through the territory of the dynasty. All of them were successful and there was no risk."

Ao Yan sent a message: "Everything is fine here, don't miss it, you have to take care of yourself."

After hanging up the communication, Ao Yan, who was far away in the Suhai Dynasty of Jiutian Continent, raised his head and looked in a certain direction for some reason.

Although she didn't know where Jiang Xiaobai was, she now believed that he was in that direction.

A gentle smile appeared on his face, and his eyes were full of sweetness.

Xiaobai is really good now. He can actually say these things. He is much more reliable than before.

On the side, Ao Cheng curled his lips, pointed at Ao Yan and said to Qiong Yu and Nangong Wuyou.

"Look, look at this woman."

"When I talk about someone, I lose my mind. This story tells us that feelings are not a good thing and can make people stupid."

After Ao Cheng finished speaking seriously, he suddenly saw Qiong Yu and Nangong Wuyou looking at him with a half-smile but not a smile.

Not only that, but there seemed to be waves of oppression coming from behind.


Ao Yan raised his hand and hit Ao Cheng on the head: "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will tear your mouth apart!"

As soon as they finished speaking, Qiongyu and Nangong Wuyou also took action.

The two women, one on the left and one on the right, slapped Ao Cheng on the head.

"Ao Cheng, have you forgotten that we are both Jiang Xiaobai's women?"

Nangong Wuyou smiled and said: "Sister Qiongyu, deal with him well. This guy has been wandering around since he broke through to the Golden Immortal!"

Qiong Yu didn't say anything, just looked at Ao Cheng with a smile.

That smile is so creepy!

Then Ao Cheng's shrill screams came from the small courtyard.

Ao Yan ignored the commotion and continued to look at the sky not far away, where a star seemed to be shining.

After Jiang Xiaobai was sure that Ao Yan and the others had no problem, he explained to Xiao Hulu.

Absorb it secretly first and let her get more benefits.

The little gourd has shown such special power that it, the treasure of chaos, can devour it. Although it is not as good as the rewards and gifts from heaven, it is still better than nothing.

Huddled in the Qibao Exquisite Tower, Jiang Xiaobai began to think about another thing.

He can either leave here while he can, spend a few points to get a teleportation talisman, leave the Yantian clan's base, and continue killing blood slaves outside to improve his mission rewards.

Or, start practicing.

But after thinking about it carefully, Jiang Xiaobai felt that he had no need to practice!

"What I need to do most now is to improve my understanding of the power of the laws. Before I perfected at least a dozen laws, my strength was just like this."

"The devil knows how long it will take to understand the law. As for the breakthrough in divine power, it will be a long wait..."

"If you have the time, why not really go out and do something, kill some blood slaves, or secretly study what the Yantian clan wants to do?"

Jiang Xiaobai was thinking to himself when he was about to get a teleportation talisman and leave.

Suddenly the voice of the little gourd came.

"That guy seems to have discovered something unusual and is increasing his strength. What should I do?"

"How to do it, of course, absorb as much as you can. This is a rare and good opportunity."

Jiang Xiaobai said seriously.

Just kidding, he has been worried about how to feed this big daddy. Now that he has free energy to absorb, why not gather more wool?

It also saves him from wasting some resources.

"You continue to absorb it. If you have any news, contact me. I'll go out for a swim first."

Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking to Xiao Gourd, and gave Sun Gangniang some more instructions before taking out a talisman and disappearing into the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda.

Sun Gangniang looked at Jiang Xiaobai who suddenly disappeared, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

"Brother Jiang, if I don't take you to play like this, I'm afraid here."

Jiang Xiaobai did not teleport away from Wang Liang's world, but teleported a short distance away furtively. He happened to be not far outside the Yantian clan's stronghold.

After thinking about it, he asked Zixiao Yuanshen to change his aura and at the same time change his appearance.

"I don't believe you can catch me this time!"

With a cold snort, Jiang Xiaobai rushed out a long distance, and soon found a small village of blood slaves. He couldn't help but rush in and there was a burst of killing!

The more he kills, the greater his mission rewards will be!

Who can withstand this?

In small villages and towns, there are not many blood slaves, only about thirty, three of them are Hunyuan Daluo, and the rest are either Daluo Jinxian or Taiyi Jinxian.

It can be easily destroyed with just a few sword blows!

After finishing it, Jiang Xiaobai rushed to the next place without stopping. In his mind, there were countless small villages and towns of blood slaves.

We must kill as many as we can before the Yantian clan reacts!

And those blood slaves, without receiving instructions from the Yantian Clan, had no idea what was going on, let alone that many small villages and towns had already been massacred by Jiang Xiaobai!

In just one hour, Jiang Xiaobai went crazy and slaughtered nearly seventy Hunyuan Da Luo blood slaves and countless Da Luo Golden Immortals.

The third elder also felt this abnormality.

People are confused.

"Damn it, what kind of dog broke into Wang Liang's world again?"

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