Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,383 Sneak out and continue causing trouble

He originally thought that Wang Liang's world would be stable if Jiang Xiaobai was captured while hiding in the Qibao Exquisite Tower.

How long did it take for another batch of blood slaves to be slaughtered?

"Could it be that Jiang Xiaobai really has help?"

"Gan, it's endless, right?"

"Let me find out who is causing this. If I find it, I will cut him into pieces!"

The third elder of the Yantian clan roared angrily.

Another group of strong men rushed out from the Yantian tribe's stronghold, and at the same time, the entire Wang Liang world became lively again.

The blood slaves, who had just stopped chasing Jiang Xiaobai, once again went out in force and surrounded Wang Liang's world crazily.

No one knows that the person who caused the trouble is Jiang Xiaobai!

Feeling the changes in Wang Liang's world, the third elder felt a little palpitated for some reason.

It seemed like something bad was going to happen.

"No... Jiang Xiaobai has obviously been caught, why do you still have this strange feeling of worry?"

The third elder of the Yantian clan thought for a while and immediately shouted to the others: "Go to the ancestral tree and see how far it has progressed!"

One elder immediately got up and rushed to the ancestral tree, while the third elder frowned even more, and the feeling of panic in his heart became stronger.

But despite all my efforts, I just can't figure out what's wrong.

The elder on the other side was leading the ancestral tree. Seeing that the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda was still tightly wrapped and without any abnormalities, he asked the ancestral tree if there was any movement.

The ancestral tree cannot speak and can only convey its thoughts.

"Everything is under control. This small tower is quite powerful. I have spent a lot of energy but can only make a little progress. It will take at least two months to completely destroy it and smelt it."

When the elder heard this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It is better to be an aboriginal in this world of heaven, who can understand all the laws of heaven, and can improve his strength at will if he has the ability.

If you want treasures, you have treasures; if you want resources, you have resources.

Go wherever you want!

Like the Yantian Clan, they can only huddle in a corner after walking out of the prism space, for fear of letting others know that they are here.

He is more cautious and pathetic than a mouse!

Shaking his head, the elder didn't think much about it. In their opinion, the most powerful ancestral tree had taken action. What could Jiang Xiaobai do?

Returning to resume his duties, the third elder also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now go all out and catch the guy who caused the trouble!"

The third elder snorted coldly: "I don't believe it anymore. Without Jiang Xiaobai, this weird and weird person, how powerful can his helpers be?"

"Send a few more Hunyuan Daluo over there! The opponent's level may not be low, so we have to capture them alive directly."

After all, he was also worried that the news from Wang Liangdalu would be spread.

It doesn't matter that the blood slaves are being slaughtered outside. They are just strange creatures. The world is so vast that no one will pay too much attention to it.

But the Yantian clan is different. Once they show up, their special aura cannot be hidden from anyone!

Soon another group of strong men rushed out of the Yantian clan base and rushed towards the place where the guy last appeared.

But for some reason, that guy seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, without any breath or trace.

It’s like you’ve never been here before!

After searching for a long time, many blood slaves had gathered. They almost searched the surrounding space, but there was no trace of anyone.

The strong men of the Yantian clan were stunned.

"What's going on? Is it a ghost?"

"Are we going to ask the Ancestral Tree to take action again? Farewell. The Ancestral Tree is now going all out to smelt the treasure of the human monk. If we spare any energy, the Third Elder probably won't allow it."

The ancestral tree is of great importance and should not be taken lightly.

They immediately reported the news to the third elder. In the entire elder hall, many elders were silent.

"It seems that this is another difficult problem to deal with. In such a large Wang Liang world, the opponent is extremely powerful and cannot be discovered without using the ancestral tree."

An elder sighed and looked at the third elder: "Since this is already the case, why not let the ancestral tree take action again?"

The third elder hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Ancestral Tree, who was trying his best to smelt the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, was a little angry when he received the news.

The thought conveyed to the third elder: "We need to search again. What are you doing? There are so many blood slaves and you can't find a trace of a single person?"

"Do you know how much power I am consuming right now? According to my estimation, if I want to smelt this pagoda completely, it will take at least 30% of my total power, or even more. This pagoda is very weird!"

"If you search the entire world at this time, your strength will be consumed and your hormones will increase. Are you not ready to implement your plan?"

The third elder could only sigh helplessly: "I have no choice but to let others know about the situation here. If we can't find the other party, the Yantian clan will be exposed one day."

"But if Jiang Xiaobai, the troublemaker, is caught, there should be no problem. It won't be a problem if he lies dormant for tens of thousands of years. As long as the plan is not hindered, waiting for a while is nothing."

"I've been waiting for this for so many years, so what if I wait any longer?"

Since the third elder said so, Ancestral Tree didn't care about anything, and once again increased its efforts to smelt the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, while searching the entire Wang Liang world.

But the result shocked Zushu.

There is no trace at all. If it weren't for the fact that a large number of blood slaves were killed, the ancestral tree would have doubted its own ability!


The third elder heard this: "No? This is impossible. In Wang Liang's world, he can avoid your detection from the ancestral tree, unless he is an immortal!"

"But if it were the Immortal Lord, he would have discovered our Yantian Clan long ago!"

But the result is that there is none, and the ancestor tree is also helpless. Do you want me to change it?

The third elder began to scratch his head again, his face full of confusion.

Why do troubles come one after another today?

What the third elder and Zu Shu never imagined was that at this time, Jiang Xiaobai had already used the concealment method obtained from the system to sneak into the Yantian Clan's base!

As long as he was not seen on the spot, all methods would be ineffective in detecting him, and no trace of him could be found at all.

This is Jiang Xiaobai's plan.

Killing blood slaves outside will definitely attract attention. After walking the dog for a while, he returned to the Yantian Clan's base and planned to search for what the Yantian Clan was plotting.

After all, the real mission is to come here to destroy the Yantian clan's plan.

The Yantian Clan seems to be a core location here, or for some other reason, the number of people is not as terrifying as the Yantian Clan continent in the Three Thousand Worlds, and the number is pitifully small.

There were no patrols. Jiang Xiaobai avoided the eyes of some Yantian tribesmen. He was not nervous at all while walking in the shadows. He looked like he was just shopping here.

At this time, he suddenly saw a group of Yantian tribe leaders walking into a large warehouse-like building.

Not long after they entered, Jiang Xiaobai also slipped in without alerting anyone.

As soon as he entered, his eyes widened!

They are all planet souls with a higher purity level!

He was drooling a little watching all this.

Get rich, get rich!

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