Jiang Xiaobai couldn't move his eyes away at this time.

Although the soul of the planet is nothing in the level he is currently in contact with, there are still many Xuanwu crystals in his pocket that have not been used.

However, this is the soul of the planet in the transit world, because the rules of the upper world and the three thousand worlds are different, and many situations are different.

The quality of the planet soul here is quite good, not as good as the basalt crystal, but it has a purer power than the law crystal.

After all, the main function of the law crystal is to use it for formations and other things. It is not enough for practice.

In front of him, there were really mountains of planet souls. The entire large warehouse was not a building at all, but a bit like a space storage ring.

From the outside, this place doesn't look big. It's at most a larger palace. You can enter it. It's a unique cave. The amount of planet souls stored makes people's scalp numb!

The few strong men from the Yantian Clan who came in came to take resources. Only then did Jiang Xiaobai notice that beside the hills made of planet souls, there was also a dark man from the Yantian Clan.

Very fat, very short, even a little deformed.

The strength is only Taiyi Jinxian, who is probably responsible for guarding this place.

The two parties communicated in an unintelligible language, and more than a thousand planet souls were taken out. Only Jiang Xiaobai and the guarding Yantian clan member were left in the huge space.

Jiang Xiaobai naturally refused to give up on these planet souls. They were just like the law crystals, and because of their size, the number here was at least tens of millions!

If he didn't get rid of them all, he would be a little sorry for his title of Jiang Bapi.

As the saying goes, wherever Jiang Xiaobai walks, mice will cry when they come.

The meat and bones that Jiang Xiaobai had eaten made the dogs cry when they saw them!

But if you want to get rid of the things here, you can't do it without alerting the other party.

However, he doesn’t think that the Yantian Clan really only allows one Taiyi Golden Immortal to sit in such an important place. Otherwise, if there are other powerful people coming, even if one of his own people within the Yantian Clan can’t help it, he will also Hands on.

No deterrent!

He didn't dare to attack the other party. If there was some trick or something happened that he didn't know about, and the entire Yantian clan was alarmed, he would directly become a turtle in the urn.

It doesn't matter. The key is that if you are seen, it won't be fun.

"It's a good idea to prevent the Yantian clan from knowing who took the things away."

Jiang Xiaobai said with a ferocious smile in his heart, his eyes turned around on the other person, and he walked deeper.


Suddenly there was a strange noise, and the strange Yantian tribe responsible for guarding this place frowned, and used his sense power to detect it, but found nothing.

I didn't pay attention to it at first, but as soon as I turned around, that sound came again.

He stood up suddenly. As the Yantian clan guarding the warehouse, he would be responsible for anything that happened, so he couldn't help but look at it.

The guy stood up, and Jiang Xiaobai, who was hiding in the dark, saw clearly that he was indeed a deformed figure.

The body is almost twisted, with a hunched back and two legs spread outward in an irregular shape.

Just moving is a bit difficult, let alone fighting.

Of course, this is just an appearance. After Jiang Xiaobai has experienced so many things, he will never underestimate someone easily.

Seeing the strange-looking Yantian Clan walking towards the place where the sound came from, Jiang Xiaobai smiled evilly and took away all the souls of the planets not far away!

Nothing like this happened.

When the Yantian clan walked to the depths of the warehouse, they found that only some planet souls were scattered. They immediately shook their heads and didn't care, and returned to their place.

Just as he was about to sit down, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

He stared blankly not far away, and found that in a corner, there seemed to be some missing planet souls?

"Impossible, there is no one else here at all, how come there is no soul of the planet?"

He frowned, his face full of confusion.

There is no movement here, and even the souls of these planets seem to have disappeared out of thin air.

After all, when Jiang Xiaobai was doing trouble in Wangliang Continent, he had been guarding this warehouse. He had no contact with the outside world and would not know about this situation.

But as the guard here, how could he not know how many planet souls there are?

Here, it’s missing!

"what happened?"

He narrowed his eyes and wanted to step forward to explore, but suddenly there was another crackling sound from behind, which was very noisy.

Immediately, the Yantian tribe's strong man's face changed with shock, and he rushed over. He felt that it should be the person who stole the soul of the planet.

But after rushing over, there was nothing, no traces, no breath. From the perception, everything in the entire warehouse was normal.


In his perception, a huge hole appeared in a place. He rushed over and found that all the souls of the planet in this corner were missing!

Say less about millions!

When he realized the seriousness of the matter, he took out his token to contact the outside world and asked them to seal the entire warehouse and search for outsiders.

But when he felt something, he turned around and almost dropped the token in his hand to the ground.

I saw that all the planet souls in the entire warehouse in front of me were completely gone. Only a small hill in the farthest distance was still there.

This guy immediately understood that the guy who caused the trouble must be hiding behind the prism space.

As he rushed over, he spread the word about what was going on here through the token.

In an instant, the entire Yantian Clan base was in a state of panic.

That's where they store their resources. What's going to happen if something goes wrong?

All the powerful people were mobilized and rushed to the warehouse, sealing the place with water and leaving no dead ends in all directions.

In order to allow the guys inside to escape, they even set up formations on the outside to completely seal the place!

At the same time, in the warehouse, the guard guy had slowly walked behind the hill, and a black mist appeared in his hand.

The rich power of annihilation is displayed in the hand, which is definitely a sweeping monk level existence!


Without thinking much, he bombarded the opponent according to where he guessed he was hiding, and immediately rushed forward to prepare for a deadly battle with him, but found that there was nothing!


As I sensed it, the huge warehouse had been evacuated. I glanced at it and couldn't find even a hair!

But there is no one here, so what is going on?

Can't the other party be transparent and invisible?

The more bizarre it is, the more afraid it is to open the warehouse door, even though there are formations outside and a terrifying number of masters waiting to encircle and suppress it.

But this warehouse itself is a trap, and it is impossible to enter and leave without normal means!

For a time, every corner of the warehouse was searched. The guard had no choice but to open the door of the warehouse and let others come in to search.

He has an attitude of not giving up until he digs deep enough to catch the opponent.

As for the outside world, many powerful people from the Yantian Clan were also confused.

Where are people?

Just disappeared into thin air?

At the same time, in the prism space wrapped by the ancestral tree, Jiang Xiaobai was laughing and drooling!

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