Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1385: Brother, I will wrong you first.

But Sun Gangniang beside him was swallowing her saliva!

"Brother Jiang, what happened when you went out? Is it like this when you come back?"

"You have no idea how obscene you are trying to laugh!"

Sun Gangniang was even a little scared when she saw Jiang Xiaobai like this.

It was so good that if it suddenly turned out like this, he might not be able to give an explanation to Ao Yan and the others.

When Jiang Xiaobai saw his confused look, he calmed down and coughed dryly.

"Don't worry about these details. Anyway, you will gain a lot after you go out."

As he spoke, a round bead appeared in his hand.

It is the soul of the planet that contains terrifying power!

At that time, Jiang Xiaobai was really shocked when he saw the soul of the planet in the entire warehouse.

You must know that in the Three Thousand Worlds, the Yantian Clan struggled for countless thousands of years to collect so much.

But there are actually so many in Wang Liang’s world!

Although this is not even a drop in the bucket compared to the number of planets in the entire transit world, it is still shocking enough.

The moment he took out the soul of the planet, the girl Yue'er, who was concentrating with her eyes closed, suddenly moved her nose, and then suddenly opened her eyes!

"Yeah, daddy!"

"What delicious food is this? Yue'er wants to eat~"

With a snap, Xiaoyue lay on Jiang Xiaobai like a koala.

The cute little head was moved to the side, and his two big eyes were staring at the soul of the planet in his hand. His saliva was drooling, and it almost landed on Jiang Xiaobai's shoulder.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

"You're a girl who knows how to eat. Your father and I have been here for so long, but you don't know how to wake up and say a word to me. You show your face when you take out this thing?"

Jiang Xiaobai stared and pinched the girl's face angrily.

I saw the girl Xiaoyue laughing and joking, suddenly reaching out to grab the soul of the planet and stuffing it into her mouth!

Seeing this scene, Sun Gangniang's eyes almost popped out.

Although he didn't know what it was, the pure terrifying power contained in it was definitely not something a little girl could resist.

But Xiaoyue was like eating jelly beans, biting them crunchily, with an expression of enjoyment on her little face, and her eyes narrowed happily.

Sun Gangniang was stunned on the spot.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly threw a handful of planet souls to him: "Take it and practice hard. You can use these first, and I will give them to you after I get out. You can't just follow me and let you bear the risk." Nothing gained, right?"

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled.

Sun Gangniang is very aware of his behavior. He is never stingy with his friends and brothers!

Without any courtesy, he hid everything on the spot. As soon as a smile appeared on his face, he became nervous again.

"Brother Jiang, what should we do with the situation outside? Are we going to be trapped here all the time?"

"Didn't you say that the situation on Jiutian Continent is not good?"

Sun Gangniang said nervously.

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hands calmly: "It doesn't matter, let's watch the excitement first, and it's not possible to rush out now. I still don't know what the Yantian clan wants to do."

As he said this, he suddenly thought of a way.

What if we attract the three elders of the Yantian clan and cause a wave of explosions to see if we can get any news?

Immediately he looked at Sun Gangniang and whispered something in his ear.

"No... no, Brother Jiang, isn't this too shameful?"

"No shame, no shame, sacrifice yourself for everyone, and everyone will remember your contribution!" Jiang Xiaobai patted his shoulder seriously.

Sun Gangniang was stunned, feeling a little confused.

How shameful to let him do such a thing in front of Jiang Xiaobai!

"Brother Jiang, if not, it's up to you. I feel like you're the best at this. You're thick-skinned and you're a libertine. Really, Brother Jiang, you have so many advantages that I can't even mention them all."

Sun Gangniang looked at Jiang Xiaobai seriously, her face full of expectation.

As a result, Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes: "Brother, your words don't sound so good to me."

"Then what's the matter? Brother Jiang, just tell me, I'm willing to do anything!"

"Then it's you!"

"do not…"

"Hurry up, Ma. Whether you can get out early depends on your luck."

Sun Gangniang's face turned red for a moment, and he didn't dare to look at Jiang Xiaobai, while Xiaoyue on the side continued to make noises.

The more this happens, the more difficult it is for Sun Gangniang!

In the end, he couldn't withstand Jiang Xiaobai's coercion and inducement, so he blushed and roared outside.

"Come on, help me, I'm dying!"

At this time, the Yantian clan was in chaos, and the third elder already felt that he was in trouble.

When he knew that all the tens of millions of planet souls in the warehouse had disappeared, his vision went dark and he almost passed away.

That is the millions of years of accumulation of their Yantian clan in the transit world, and it is all the prerequisite for executing their heaven-defying plan!

Now you tell me it's all gone?

"Seal the entire Wang Liang world for me and open the formation. Quick, don't let that bitch escape!"

"In addition, everything in the warehouse is sealed off. Search for me, let the ancestor tree search for it too, use all means, you must find that piece of shit for me!"

The third elder roared crazily.

After roaring, he lay down on the chair dejectedly, with a look of despair on his face.

The family fortune accumulated over millions of years will be lost at the drop of a hat?

And all of this has happened since Jiang Xiaobai came to Wang Liang’s world. Damn it!

"That bitch is a disaster star. Damn it, I'm afraid it wasn't specially derived from the way of heaven to defeat my Yantian clan!"

"Goutiandao, if you see that my Yantian clan is dissatisfied, can you just strike me to death with a Chaos Thunder Punishment? Why do you make my Yantian clan so pitiful?"

The third elder of the Yantian clan suddenly wanted to cry. He felt that everything was empty.

In order to identify these things, the Yantian clan spent countless energy and spent countless years dormant and hidden.

All in vain?

Without a sufficient amount of planet souls, they would not be able to carry out their plan at all, and even their own survival would be a problem.

Unlike the creatures under the heaven, they have no way to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. All sources of power are the soul of the planet!

The entire world has already been targeting them, but now they are making the already miserable Yantian clan even worse?

"Jiang Xiaobai Jiang Xiaobai!"

"It's you. Before you showed up, everything in our Yantian clan was fine. Everything was developing according to plan. There were no mistakes at all. Why did it seem that our Yantian clan didn't do anything as soon as you showed up?" ?”

The third elder roared in his heart, wishing he could tear Jiang Xiaobai into pieces right now, peel off his soul, and torture him every minute!

At this moment, a strong man from the Yantian Clan rushed into the hall.

"Third Elder, there is movement over at the Ancestral Tree. It seems that Jiang Xiaobai and the others are in trouble."

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