Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,386 The Third Elder Wants to Cry

After hearing this, the third elder stood up suddenly.

The ferocity in his eyes can't help but burst out!

"Okay, finally you can't bear it anymore, right?"

"Back in Three Thousand Worlds, it was because I listened to you, you bastard, that our Yantian Clan was exposed in advance and was immediately defeated!"

"Now let me see how you can still jump. The entire Wang Liang world has been blocked. You will not have the chance to send the message out!"

Perhaps, this is the only good news that the third elder has heard so far.

All the family property was gone, the plan was strangled in the cradle, and the Yantian clan could be said to be abandoned.

They really don't have another million years!

Thinking of that incident in his mind, he felt despair.

This is really the last chance for their Yantian clan. Under the current situation, if they want to make a comeback and survive, there is already little hope!

For a moment, all the emotions in the third elder's heart were gone.

Only despair remains!

As the saying goes, the more you know, the more painful and desperate you become.

This is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people!

"Third Elder?"

The strong man from the Yantian clan asked carefully.

The third elder waved his hands and said unusually sluggishly: "It's nothing. Our clan has been able to reach this point today and last for millions of years. It is stronger than many creatures in the local world here."

"Third Elder, what's wrong with you? Although we have lost almost all the souls of the planet, we can still condense them in a short time. We still have enough resources!"

"It just takes a certain amount of time. I've been waiting for this for millions of years, so what if I wait for tens of thousands of years?"

Hearing this, the third elder smiled bitterly and waved his hand.

"You don't understand, it's nothing, nothing will happen."

"Since our Yantian Clan's plan doesn't have much chance or room for implementation, then let's forget it."

After saying that, the third elder stood up, put his hands behind his back, and walked slowly towards the direction of the ancestral tree.

The strong men from the Yantian Clan behind looked at his back and felt unusually desolate.

How did it become like this?

In fact, the third elder of the Yantian clan did not really compromise completely. He believed that there was still a glimmer of hope on his side.

That is to get rid of Jiang Xiaobai!

This man is mysterious, has many tricks, and is extremely terrifying and treacherous.

If there is really a way to completely control it and become a dog of the Yantian clan, there will be absolutely no room for resistance.

Not only can the Yantian Clan's plan continue to be implemented, but it can also be completed better!

Having made up his mind, the third elder walked to the edge of the ancestral tree.

As soon as they arrived here, they could feel the terrifying power emanating from the ancestral tree. The roots and vines wrapped around the Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower were like a scepter that would destroy the world. Even before they got close, the third elder's heart palpitated.

This is the power of the ancestral tree!


"Are you crazy, using so much power?"

The third elder exclaimed.

The ancestral tree sent a thought: "This thing is very weird. No matter how much strength I use, it is useless. Now I have used 30% of my strength to digest it, but it is still unmoved. If it is not that some other strength is needed to prepare, otherwise it will be with all my strength." In the next moment this thing will disappear into nothing.”

"I was born in a prism space. My special power of annihilation is contrary to the laws of this world, and the effect will be stronger."

The Ancestral Tree seems a little helpless and unwilling. If the Yantian Clan doesn't need its power to do something, it will definitely fight to the death with this pagoda!

Hearing this, the third elder became more and more stooped.

All the reserved planet souls are gone, what else can be used to launch a war, change the entire transit world, and transform and occupy it?

However, looking at the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda tightly wrapped in the roots of the tree, the third elder felt a burst of hope in his heart.

At this time, screams continued to come from the Qibao Exquisite Tower.

"Come quickly, Jiang Xiaobai will be dead if he doesn't come. Will your Yantian Clan really kill him?"

"Jiang Xiaobai is still useful, I testify!"

Sun Gangniang's voice was extremely miserable. The Yantian clan still doesn't know the situation inside the Qibao Exquisite Tower, otherwise they wouldn't believe it.

Because the third elder really thought Jiang Xiaobai was dying.

He must have controlled the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda to fight against the Ancestral Tree, thus being backlashed!

Subconsciously, the third elder wanted to smile proudly, but thinking about the misery of the Yantian clan now, he couldn't laugh.

He signaled the ancestral tree not to do anything yet, and immediately walked to the root of the tree.

"Jiang Xiaobai, do you know the methods of our Yantian clan now?"

"If I hadn't believed your nonsense, the Three Thousand Worlds would have belonged to my Yantian Clan, and this upper world would have been our Yantian Clan's base, in order to besiege the Earthly Immortal Realm!"

"You really deserve to die!"

The third elder gritted his teeth and spoke, thinking that it was impossible not to let Jiang Xiaobai die.

But there is no way, given the current situation...

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai's slightly weak but still sarcastic voice came from inside the Qibao Exquisite Tower.

"Tch, if you have the guts, you can kill me. What's the point of locking me in!"

"How did I know that you piece of shit and that guy from Three Thousand Worlds can connect memories together? Otherwise, I would definitely come over and kill you in another way!"

Hearing this, the third elder's eyes widened: "Okay, you dare to say that I broke in accidentally. Do you really think that I am an idiot?"

"I knew I shouldn't believe every word you said!"

The third elder smiled ferociously: "But Jiang Xiaobai, although you have done many abominable things to our Yantian clan, and I wish I could skin you and eat you, but now there is an opportunity in front of you, an opportunity that can keep you alive." .”

A pill appeared in the hands of the third elder. Of course, it was not a method of controlling the soul, but poison!

After all, in the Three Thousand Worlds, the Yantian Clan was in trouble because of the soul controlling Jiang Xiaobai!

This poison has a violent effect, and it is made using some of the materials obtained by the Yantian clan in the prism space.

At least in the eyes of the third elder, there is no antidote to this place.

"Eat this thing and serve our Yantian Clan. When the big plan comes to fruition, the Yantian Clan will not treat you badly."

The third elder said slowly: "If you refuse to agree, you will be imprisoned here until you die."

"Son of a bitch, do you think I, Jiang Xiaobai, will become a lackey in order to survive?"

Jiang Xiaobai sneered: "Unless you give me another five hundred thousand planet souls!"

Inside the Qibao Linglong Pagoda, Sun Gangniang was stunned when she heard this.

Brother Jiang, are you so big?

The third elder was also stunned. He really didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to be so shameless?

But he immediately realized that there might be something explosive!

Jiang Xiaobai was so calm and calm when he was controlled by his soul. At first, the third elder thought he really had such a character, but now it seems that it was just Jiang Xiaobai's disguise to deceive others!

The Yantian clan must not fall in the same pit twice!

"Then come out and I promise not to kill you. After all, the Yantian Clan does need an internal agent within your human race."

The third elder said calmly.

The next moment, the roots of the ancestral tree dissipated, revealing the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda inside.

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