Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,388 The mission is inexplicably completed

In Wang Liang's world at this time, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the third elder of the Yantian clan with empty eyes and was puzzled.

Your Yantian Clan plan has not even started yet, so why don’t you have to fight to the death like this?

We just can’t survive today, not that we can’t survive in this life!

As for that?

"The Yantian Clan has no retreat, Jiang Xiaobai, rest in peace. You and I were in a fight. What you said just now is something I can benefit from. Don't worry, I will give you a decent way to die."

The third elder said and nodded.

The power of the ancestral tree completely exploded, and it rushed towards the Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower wrapped in the roots of the tree.

In an instant, the first layer of Taoism outside the Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower will be completely shattered!

Fortunately, there were some little gourds sitting in charge, who had already sensed that the ancestral tree would go berserk, and she immediately began to absorb all the power.

"Well, although the quality department is bad, the quantity is enough, and it is enough for me to have a small meal!"

The little gourd was slightly excited and kept shaking, wildly swallowing all the power pouring down from the ancestral tree into its belly.

Among all the spiritual treasures, she is the only one who can deal with the annihilation power of the ancestral tree, and the others are not yet qualified.

"Master, I feel that after this time, if I eat a few more rewards from heaven, I will be improved!"

Jiang Xiaobai's heart suddenly moved.

There is even an urge to cry.

Good guy, after raising this little thing for so long and consuming so many resources, he can finally see some hope?

He did not expect that he could use this little gourd to kill all the invincible enemies in the world right now.

I just hope that this guy can be of some use and not be a vase that only eats and drinks nothing!

"Okay, not bad. When things here are over, I will take you to the prism space for a walk!"

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled.

At the same time, Zushu finally discovered the clue.

"No, this bitch has been lying to us. My power is useless to him at all. Now after the full-scale riot, he has absorbed all my power, and I can't escape!"

Ancestral Tree's thoughts were extremely frightening.

The third elder standing by was completely stunned!

He looked up at the sky, filled with resentment!

"Damn Tiandao, you're going to kill us all like this. If that's the case, you might as well have destroyed us when the Yantian Clan came out!"

"You were given a chance and then completely strangled to death. You are nothing!"

Naturally, Heaven will not respond.

And Wang Liang's world, where the Yantian clan is located, has begun to shake.

As the power of the ancestral tree was infinitely absorbed by the little gourd, huge cracks began to appear on the ground, filling the eyes like a series of bottomless rifts!

The whole world seems to be in doom!

The third elder's eyes were scarlet and he looked at Jiang Xiaobai unwillingly.

"Boy, if you do this, you will definitely die miserably!"

"You're welcome, we're all old acquaintances, so there's no need to say such high-sounding words."

Jiang Xiaobai's rogue voice came out, and the corner of the third elder's mouth twitched.

He closed his eyes tightly, and this time he looked like he was about to die.

[The host task is completed and the rewards have been distributed]

Suddenly Jiang Xiaobai received a system prompt in his mind and was stunned.

He didn't seem to have done anything, he didn't even know what the real conspiracy of the Yantian clan was, and yet he completed the mission?

Not so!

"Hey, old thing, what's wrong with you?"

"Aren't you quite good at jumping? Talk about it! How did everything turn into this? You guys are no longer planning on researching for millions of years. Do you really want to break the pot?"

Jiang Xiaobai scratched his head and scratched his head anxiously, joking that now he really wanted to know what the Yantian clan's conspiracy was, and what he had done to prevent their conspiracy from continuing!

He is really anxious!

But the third elder did not say anything, and suddenly waved his hand to cut off the roots of the ancestral tree that were wrapped around the Qibao Exquisite Pagoda!

The whole world experienced the most violent shock. The earth cracked and smoke and dust filled the sky, covering most of the planet and world, making it impossible to see the light of day!

The third elder took a deep look at Jiang Xiaobai, and as his aura circulated, a gate to the void appeared behind him.

It is exactly the door through which Jiang Xiaobai entered this place!

"Jiang Xiaobai, you will know the consequences of driving my Yantian clan out of this chess game."

"We, the Yantian Clan, may seem unbearable, but we will sympathize with this world after all, but they will not be like this."

"I hope you won't regret your decision today."

The third elder sighed: "This time, I was defeated without a fight. Facing you, the Yantian Clan lost so unfairly!"

He is obviously just a guy with a rubbish level, but he has repeatedly made Yantian Clan, such a powerful race, unable to do anything.

The decisive battle in the Three Thousand Worlds forced them to despair!

In the end, I tried all my methods, but I couldn't even kill Jinxianjiang Xiaobai!

Is this a joke?

If he said that Jiang Xiaobai was not sent by Tiandao to torture the Yantian clan, the three elders would never believe it to their death!

Immediately, the third elder stopped staying. As soon as he stretched out his hand, the ancestral tree began to rise from the ground. The huge body shrank with unimaginable speed and means, and finally turned into a vine wrapped around his arm.

Without saying any more, the third elder turned around and stepped into the void door.

At the same time, many gates to the void have appeared throughout Wang Liang's world. If the Yantian clan wants to evacuate this place, if they want to destroy this place, they will also take away all the living forces here.

These are the keys to their future position in the Yantian Clan.

All the Yantian clan and blood slaves in Wang Liang's world ran away, leaving only the Seven Treasures Exquisite Tower suspended in the air.

The little gourd was still very angry inside.

"I'm so angry, why don't you let me eat more, damn it!"

"It's obvious that if you eat more, you'll be able to improve a little bit, but at such a critical moment, it's gone!"

"Master, they are so disgusting, go and capture that ancestral tree, I will suck it dry!"

The corners of Jiang Xiaobai's mouth twitched, it would be better to avoid saying such harsh words!

"Brother Jiang, what's going on? What on earth did you do when you went out? Why are all these guys running away for no reason?"

"This shouldn't be their base camp for countless years. How could they just give up?"

Sun Gangniang was a little confused and looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked.

After he said this, Jiang Xiaobai reacted. Could it be that he had stolen the souls of all the planets, and that the Yantian clan was unable to continue to develop?

"That's really a trick. It's a coincidence, isn't it!"

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and scratched his head. He was surprised.

He thought that cracking the Yantian Clan's conspiracy this time would be a protracted battle, or even very involved, and he wouldn't be able to do it in a short time.

How long has it been since the marriage was completed?


But he still realized that the Yantian Clan was so tortured by him this time that it was almost impossible to continue to harm the transit world.

But there is obviously another group of powerful beings mentioned by the third elder!

"It looks like it will be more troublesome later!"

"What a headache."

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