Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,389 Things are over and I’m starting to improve

Wang Liang's world has been run by the Yantian clan for who knows how many years, and it has long been hollowed out.

According to their unscrupulous methods, absolutely not a hair of anything available in the world will be left.

The Yantian clan left this place, destroyed the corpses and destroyed all traces, and the entire Wang Liang world began to collapse.

Without the control of the Yantian clan, all the formations disappeared. Jiang Xiaobai quickly fled the planet with the Qibao Exquisite Tower.

He and Sun Gangniang stood in the void, watching the huge planet in front of them gradually collapse and turn into pieces suspended in the air.

I have mixed feelings in my heart.

Witnessing the destruction of a huge world with your own eyes is too shocking.

At this moment, Sun Gangniang suddenly shook her body, with a painful expression on her face.

"What's wrong, brother?"

Jiang Xiaobai asked hurriedly.

"It's's just that I had an inexplicable cramp all over my body just now. It hurt so much, but it only lasted a moment."

"Hmm, are you trembling after getting revenge?"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and joked without paying much attention: "What to do next, follow me, there will be a big excitement in the Suhai Dynasty this time."

Wang Liangshi's reward this time almost made him laugh from ear to ear!

One reward from heaven, one chance to realize enlightenment, a lot of merit, and 500 million points!

The formation that I exchanged in advance was not used again!

Thinking about it carefully, none of the formations he exchanged in advance to prepare for other situations could be used directly!

With this harvest, Jiang Xiaobai felt that if he used it well, his strength would skyrocket!

Tens of millions of planet souls, plus all the resources collected before, are enough for him to break through and become the Great Luo Jinxian, right?

The understanding of the law should also be improved at this moment!

It seems that based on his own strength, after returning to Jiutian Continent, wouldn't he sweep all the powerful masters?

"Let you chase me and snatch the little gourd like this?"

"Hmph, you have no idea what this little gourd's real name is!"

Immortal-killing flying knife! Treasure of Chaos!

Even though I am still underage...

But Xiao Gourd said that she would be promoted immediately!

Even if it can't reach its most powerful state, it can at least be used, right?

"Brother Jiang, where should we go next? Go back to Jiutian Continent?"

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and took out his communication token to contact Ao Yan to inquire about the situation.

Ao Yan, who was drinking tea calmly in the small courtyard at this time, was dumbfounded.

That guy was so worried that when he had the time, he asked, how long had it been?

However, the gleam of happiness in his eyes could not be concealed, making Qiong Yu and Nangong Wuyou who were sitting beside them extremely envious.

Then Ao Yan began to talk to Jiang Xiaobai about the situation of the Suhai Dynasty. Generally speaking, there was no big problem. Because of the actions of Beidou Immortal Palace, the attacks of several dynasties were delayed, and the Transcendental Immortal Sect forces behind them also appeared to speak. .

The two sides were probably anxiously confronting each other, wondering if there would be big trouble soon.

In addition, there was no news about many powerful people in the entire Jiutian Continent. Ao Yan asked people from Beidou Immortal Palace to inquire about it and found that they had been competing with the Red Sea Forbidden Land.

There is also no risk.

It can be said that Ao Yan and others should not be too relaxed now.

Jiang Xiaobai was relieved.

"If you have any questions, contact me immediately. I'll wash my face outside first, but I'll be back soon."

After saying that, he put away the token.

Although those Hanhan are still competing with the Red Sea Forbidden Land, Jiang Xiaobai understands that after the Yantian Clan collapses in Wang Liang's world, the blood slaves there will also evacuate.

The biggest danger is dealt with. With the strength of those strong men, they will soon discover the situation in the forbidden area of ​​​​the Red Sea.

If Jiang Xiaobai doesn't appear on the Jiutian Continent by then, I'm sure these people will go crazy and deal with the Suhai Dynasty, and Ao Yan will be in danger!

"Let's go find a place to practice. We will gain a lot this time, so enjoy it!"

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and began to roam the void with Sun Gangniang. The two finally landed on a deserted planet.

After giving the soul of one hundred thousand planets to Sun Gangniang for cultivation, he also began to close his eyes.

"Rewards from heaven, opportunities for enlightenment... I don't know what it will be like."

"Let's get the reward from Heaven first. This thing sounds a bit like a gift from Heaven after cleaning up the prism space."

Jiang Xiaobai muttered in his heart and used it directly.


A white beam of light appeared above Jiang Xiaobai's head, and then his whole person disappeared in the beam of light.

Sun Gangniang, who had not yet started practicing, was dumbfounded!

"What the hell!"

"As expected, it's Brother Jiang. He has endless tricks... It's incomparable."

After shaking her head, Sun Gangniang frowned.

The violent stinging pain in the meridians in his body came again, giving him the despair he felt in the star purgatory world.

"Damn it, Brother Jiang has already taken care of it, why is there still trouble now..."

"Let's just let Brother Jiang take care of me when the time comes. How can we live with him without eating a meal from a big dog like him?"

He was already magnanimous and would never be polite to Jiang Xiaobai!

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai opened his eyes in confusion and found himself in a snow-white space.

There is no edge visible in the surroundings, but there is a strong aura of heaven.

Different from the Heavenly Space, this place is more gentle and comfortable.


With a thought, more than ten stones of different colors and shapes appeared in front of him.

"Is this...a reward from heaven? Let me choose at will...or should I say..."

Jiang Xiaobai grinned and wanted to grab all the rocks, but before he could move, a black thunder struck down from the snow-white space and hit Jiang Xiaobai's forehead.

In the state of explosive hair, he froze on the spot, opened his mouth, and bursts of green smoke spurted out from his mouth.

"Is there any mistake? I will be struck by lightning just thinking about it?"

Boom, another chaotic thunder!

Jiang Xiaobai was completely speechless. Tiandao seemed to have a strong opinion on him?

It can be seen that the stone in front of him is for him to choose, and he can only take one.

"Stingy guy... He's so rich, why should he give me more?"

Jiang Xiaobai scratched his head and muttered, then kept looking at the stones in front of him.

He didn't know what it meant, but there was a different aura on the stone.

There is the aura of law, the taste of martial arts, and the sharpness of martial arts.

He even felt the meaning of the acquired spiritual treasure!

"It's so powerful. If I take away this stone, will Heaven reward me with an acquired spiritual treasure?"

That is an existence that countless people admire!

Before entering Jiutian Continent, he felt that the acquired spiritual treasure was just like that. After all, Lin Tianjianxian had an acquired spiritual treasure long sword in his hand.

But now I realize that Lin Tian is not a simple person!

Where did the acquired spiritual treasure come from?

"I don't think so much, let me see what I should choose..."

"Wait...fuck, f*ck, do you have this?"

Looking at a silver stone in front of me that looks like mercury flowing, I feel the strong aura of the law of time on it.

Jiang Xiaobai's heart is no longer calm!

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