Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,390: 30% Comprehension of the Law of Time

That piece of stone that was like mercury made Jiang Xiaobai extremely excited!

It contains the breath of the law of time!

Ever since he chewed the iron chain of the laws of the world, it has been almost difficult for him to make any progress in understanding the laws of time. It would be okay to say that he has made no progress at all.

He didn't even have a clue how to comprehend it, and he didn't have the time to do so. After all, he was not allowed to spend a lot of time comprehending the laws of time at that time or even recently. He had to focus on comprehending other laws. Can.

But now, the opportunity is in front of you!

He didn't know where this place was, but since the system said it was a reward from heaven, the mercury-like stone in front of him would definitely be effective if he asked for it!

Overall, the many benefits and rewards here are not as good as the rewards of this time law.

Although he knows that it is absolutely impossible for him to perfect the law of time through this reward from heaven, otherwise he would be able to directly sweep through the invincible opponents in the transit world with this!

However, there can definitely be improvement.

Even if it only allows him to comprehend 10% of the law of time, the power of standing up after fusion is definitely more terrifying than before.

After reaching the realm of Daluo Jinxian, a large part of the intensity of strength is due to the amount of one's own laws understood and the degree of combined application.

That is the level of divine power.

But if there is a situation where just one law is extremely powerful, it cannot be said to be the icing on the cake, but one plus one equals three!

Even just relying on a very strong law can sweep everything!

After looking around, Jiang Xiaobai grabbed the stone that was flowing like mercury without thinking any more.

The strength in his hands was as if someone would snatch this stone away from him.

There was also a sway around it while it was suspended in the air, and it seemed a little speechless.

Afterwards, all the stones disappeared, leaving only the one in Jiang Xiaobai's hand that didn't move. Seeing this, he nodded, indeed he could only choose one reward.

"What a pity. It would be great if you could give them all to me."

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt something was wrong, and something seemed to be moving above his head.

When he looked up, the corners of his mouth were twitching.

Damn, Chaos Thunder is ready, right?

"Fuck, you have such a big opinion against me, why don't you just kill me?"

Jiang Xiaobai cursed in his heart.

As a result, as soon as he had this thought, a bolt of lightning struck down.

Jiang Xiaobai turned into a state of explosive hair and smoke again, which was really terrible.

He finally saw through that Tiandao had complaints against him, but because he couldn't speak, or was simply too lazy to speak, he just used lightning to strike him if he was unhappy all the time.

Shrugging his shoulders, he didn't care much. It wasn't the first time he was struck by lightning, but the stone in his hand made him quite excited.

That is the law of time!

"I don't know how far my understanding of the law of time can reach this time. If it reaches 20%, I feel that I can deal with those guys in Jiutian Continent casually."

The law of time is the two supreme laws. The entire world is a condensed form of the law of time and the law of space, and more laws will be derived from the law of heaven in the future.

Under such circumstances, it is natural to understand who is strong and who is weak.

He believes that he can use the law of time well!


As the reward from heaven began, the mercury-like stone began to melt, attached to Jiang Xiaobai's hands, and then gradually disappeared.

Jiang Xiaobai also felt an unprecedented sense of comfort, and he even felt that the flow of time around him had become very slow.

Or maybe he felt like he could travel to any place in the past or future at will.

The world in front of him has changed and turned into countless pictures. As long as his thoughts reach a certain place, he can even pass it easily.

Suddenly Jiang Xiaobai thought, could he go and see when the Taoist system collapsed millions of years ago? Perhaps he could understand it through the law of time and understand it.

His thoughts were spinning wildly, and sure enough, pictures appeared in front of him, all fixed, like photos.

Frightened, he tentatively wanted to go over and understand.


Suddenly everything in front of him shattered, the river of time disappeared, and Jiang Xiaobai appeared next to Sun Gangniang.

Sun Gangniang was concentrating on her cultivation and did not have any influence.

Recalling everything just now, it was like a dream, it seemed like an illusion, but he understood that it was real.

It's a pity that he had no way to go back to the scene of the collapse of the orthodoxy millions of years ago, otherwise he could learn more.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Xiaobai woke up from his trance. The first thing he did was to carefully study his state of law understanding. He was shocked when he saw it.

"Damn it, you have already reached 30% comprehension?"

"30% understanding of the law of time, what is this concept?"

Jiang Xiaobai was frightened and immediately began to try to use it. He only saw his hand crossing the air, and countless afterimages appeared on the trajectory he crossed. Then he used various different time flow speeds, and finally returned. To where his hand is now!


What a surprise!

After comprehending the 30% Time Law, he could slightly control the flow of time. He immediately began to study and soon discovered that he could control the flow of time within a radius of one hundred meters.

You can make any place faster and any place slower!

"Damn it, I can teleport within this 100-meter range without any problem!"

As long as he speeds up the flow of time around him and slows down the flow of time for others, in the eyes of others, Jiang Xiaobai was a hundred meters away one second, and suddenly appeared in front of him the next second!

Simply terrible!

"In this way, if you integrate into the Ten Thousand Dao Sword Domain and then merge into the Ten Thousand Dao God-Destroying Sword, I am afraid that you will not be able to kill him unexpectedly and directly, and no one will be able to guard against it!"

"But can it only be like this?"

Jiang Xiaobai scratched his head. This method seemed very powerful and impressive, but it had no practical effect.

The opponent is stronger than you, so what does it matter no matter how fast you are? You can't even penetrate their defenses, so what the heck are you doing?

"It seems that we still need to slowly develop the application of the law of time. After all, it is the supreme law. If it only has this effect, it will be too cheap."

Jiang Xiaobai underestimated it and no longer focused on this aspect, but checked for another reward.

Opportunity for enlightenment!

He didn't know if he could see the Heavenly Dao millstone at any time in the Valley of Gods, whether it was in the category of enlightenment or not.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai chose to use it directly after being prepared.

He only felt that the scene around him was in a trance, and he disappeared again, and at the same time appeared under the huge Tiandao millstone.

Such a scene is similar to when he had his epiphany.

"Good guy, take this opportunity to understand more!"

Jiang Xiaobai was excited again and again.

On this desolate planet, Sun Gangniang opened her eyes and looked to her side.

"Strange, why do I remember that Brother Jiang appeared just now and is gone now?"

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