Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1391 Races in Prismatic Space

Sun Gangniang was a little confused and didn't know why.

I could only lament that Brother Jiang's methods were terrifying, and then he scratched his head and continued to practice.

Under the millstone of heaven, Jiang Xiaobai began a new round of enlightenment.

The opportunity for enlightenment may be more than that, but he must cherish every minute and every second.

Time passed gradually like this.

On the other side, in the void space of the transit world, the three elders of the Yantian clan appeared with many of their troops.

This is the real headquarters of the Yantian Clan, or in other words, all the intelligent races from the prism space live in a low-key manner in this world.

They are rejected and oppressed by the law of heaven, and this is the only place where they can survive.

At this time, many powerful people in the Yantian Clan's headquarters already knew the situation, and all of them looked desolate, complicated, and even angry.

Back in the Three Thousand Worlds, the Yantian Clan suffered heavy losses due to Jiang Xiaobai and lost an important battlefield. It was also because of Jiang Xiaobai that the Three Thousand Worlds were completely stabilized. They, the intelligent races in the prism space, did not even have room to survive. !

This time, it was because of Jiang Xiaobai that the Yantian Clan completely lost the chance to compete!

There will no longer be another million years waiting for them, and they no longer have any room for a comeback. Now, among the many prismatic space races, the Yantian Clan does not even have the right to speak!

"Third Elder, that kid Jiang Xiaobai has gone too far, we can't just let it go!"

"Yes, he has caused us so much misery, it is unjustifiable not to kill him."

"We must take action to kill him. It just so happens that the Yantian clan is at the end of its rope. It would be a good idea to kill him for revenge."

Many Yantian clan strongmen gritted their teeth and roared, all of them were terrifying strongmen of Hunyuan Daluo.

But the third elder waved his hands and looked bleak.

"No need. Now that the Yantian Clan is going to be completely hidden, it's a good thing they won't be wiped out by other prismatic space races. Don't participate in any competition next time."

"Jiang Xiaobai should be left to those ambitious guys to deal with. Only when they really meet Jiang Xiaobai will they know what terror is."

When everyone heard this, they all gritted their teeth angrily, and their hatred for Jiang Xiaobai reached its peak.

"Don't do stupid things. Our Yantian Clan is no match for Jiang Xiaobai. If we rush to find him, we will lose our troops. Now that we have lost so much, the Ancestral Tree has also spent a lot of strength. The only thing we can do is to lie dormant and let others go." Let’s deal with this transit world.”

The third elder stood in the void, looking at the mainland on the side of the Yantian clan, feeling too tired.

Damn Jiang Xiaobai, how could things have turned out like this if it weren't for him?

But that’s already the case…

Just when the third elder was about to enter the Yantian Clan continent and arrange for many Yantian Clan to start hibernating, several figures with powerful auras suddenly arrived.

For a moment, all the powerful men of the Yantian clan felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy. The ancestral trees wrapped around the wrists of the third elder like vines were also trembling slightly, and they must not take action at any time.

"Hahahaha, the Yantian clan is really a joke!"

The leader was a strong black-skinned man with two horns on his head, a ferocious face, and a mouth like a bloody mouth, full of sharp and sharp teeth.

The strong man licked the corner of his mouth and smiled ferociously: "Just like this, do you dare to say that you can plan the transit world on behalf of all the races in our prism space?"

"When Three Thousand Worlds lost, you should have been asked to retreat. Now it's better. Aren't you asking for trouble?"

Next to the horned man stood a woman with almost no clothes on, her important parts covered by some tough black skin.

Women are different from these prismatic space races. Except for their black skin, the rest are all white.

If the face were placed in the world of human monks, I don’t know how many men’s hearts it would attract.

"It doesn't matter, since you can't, there is still us. Anyway, everyone is preparing. It's just that you, the Yantian Clan, are the first to step forward."

"It's a pity that you failed. Since you failed, there's no need to say more about the consequences, right?"

The woman said charmingly.

The expression of the third elder of the Yantian Clan remained unchanged: "Of course I understand that the Yantian Clan will no longer participate in any competition in the future and will fully provide resources for a comeback. After the follow-up plan is successful, the Yantian Clan will become a lower-ranking group, and resources and territory will be lost. It’s the worst.”

This is the price!

These prismatic space races fought countless times in order to become the representatives of the prismatic space races.

Once the comeback is successful and this side of the world is captured and refining and transformed, the representative will enjoy the highest status and become the leader in allocating resources and controlling territory.

The Yantian Clan spent a huge price to get this opportunity a long time ago, and everything was going smoothly.

But it was because Jiang Xiaobai appeared!

This person has even more bizarre merits, and he uses his merits to smooth out the cracks in the heavenly path and completely destroy the three thousand worlds!

"According to the original situation, your spirit race will be the representative this time, right?"

The third elder of the Yantian clan looked at the charming woman: "In this case, I will give you a piece of advice. Don't provoke Jiang Xiaobai until you are absolutely sure. If there is any grudge, he must be killed with thunder. , we must kill it no matter how much it costs!”

"Otherwise everything will happen again!"

Hearing this, both the woman and the strong man laughed.

"Hahahaha, it's really interesting. If you can't do it yourself, do you think we can't do it too?"

"Although your plan failed because of Jiang Xiaobai, he is only one person and has the courage to be an enemy of the entire world. Is it possible that you can't defeat him?"

The strong man sneered: "You guys are really trash, bringing shame to Prismatic Space!"

The Elf woman didn't say a word, but the sneer on her face said it all.

Seeing this, the third elder said nothing more.

Loyal advice is offensive to the ears, whether you like it or not.

When the time comes, just don’t blame him except for things that happen. Even now, the third elder doesn’t want the Spirit Tribe to succeed. Instead, he hopes that Jiang Xiaobai will overthrow the Spirit Tribe!

This is so happy!

At this moment, the surrounding space suddenly fluctuated, and a door to nothingness opened.

Seeing this, all three of them looked solemn.

The horned man was still sneering: "Look, your Yantian clan is really a shameful waste. Even the ancestor was alarmed."

"Just wait to die!"

The third elder's face was solemn, and his body was trembling slightly.

No one has ever known that the reason why these prismatic space races can get together is because there is a more powerful and terrifying ancestor.

The opponent used heaven-reaching means to check and balance, giving them a glimmer of hope, and led all the prismatic space races to fight against the heavenly ways of this world. Even the idea of ​​seizing and transforming this world was brought up by the other party.

I saw a middle-aged man walking out of the Gate of Nothingness, like a human monk.

But those eyes are dark purple!

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