Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,392 The Opinions of the Ancestors

Looking at the purple-eyed man in front of them, the three of them were frightened and subconsciously lowered their heads in respect.

But the middle-aged man smiled lightly, and the expression on his face was very kind, making it difficult to understand why they were so frightened.

"I have met the ancestor!"

The three of them shouted in unison.

The ancestor nodded lightly, and immediately his eyes fell on the third elder of the Yantian clan. Feeling this gaze, the third elder's body trembled suddenly and his eyelids twitched wildly.

It’s over, do you want to settle accounts with yourself?

"The Yantian Clan's failure is excusable. The other party is not simple."

Zu Shi suddenly spoke, and everyone was stunned as soon as he said this.

Is this excusing the Yantian clan?

Thinking of this, the horned man frowned and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Lord Ancestor, this Yantian clan tried their best to win the position of leader, but failed twice in a row. I have been waiting for millions of years in vain. We should be severely punished!"

The third elder of the Yantian clan twitched at the corner of his mouth, wishing he could push the other person to the ground and beat him to death.

The mother-in-law has no choice but to mention the pot. My ancestors have said so. If you still dare to sow discord, aren't you looking for death?

What do you think your ancestors are?

At this time, Zu Shi also smiled and waved his hands: "We can't generalize. That boy is not something that the Yantian Clan can deal with, and there are also many powerful beings behind him to help. It can be said that the other party is using that boy Jiang Xiaobai. Come and fight me."

The third elder's expression became much more relaxed, and many of the doubts in his heart were dissatisfied and resolved.

No wonder that kid is so difficult to deal with. There are super strong people behind him to guide and help him.

"If it hadn't been like this, I wouldn't have lost."

The third elder of the Yantian clan sighed.

"Yes, of course this failure also has a huge impact. Our existence is basically exposed, and we must take action as soon as possible."

"The Spirit Race, and the Semitic Race, please prepare. This war will begin and become the beginning."

"The Semi people must close the door at the other end of the Immortal Road. I have a hunch that once this fails and the Immortal Road is wide open, the Earth Immortal World will send super powerful people to come as soon as possible. There will be countless levels of Immortal Lords. The emperor will also have it.”

"We are not opponents."

Zu Shi said this, and the three of them nodded.

And Zu Shi also looked at the charming woman: "This time it should be your spirit clan who started the plan, right? What are your plans?"

The charming woman's name was Ziyi, and she immediately bowed her head respectfully: "Lord Ancestor, we will act according to the plan, but we are not as useless as the Yantian clan. They only want to control the Jiutian Continent and the transit world, but they don't know that everything is It takes strength to speak.”

"Our Spirit Tribe has prepared an army of one million, including countless Da Luo Golden Immortals, thousands of Hunyuan Da Luo, and thirty Hunyuan Wuji!"

"When we prepare, we can declare war on the transit world in one month... no, half a month. The first goal is to surrender the entire Jiutian Continent and be the first to transform it!"

After saying this, the third elder of the Yantian clan snorted disdainfully: "If you do this, you will completely anger the human race. When the time comes, Jiang Xiaobai will raise his arms and use his many halo blessings to fight, it will be a protracted war."

"Our prismatic space race has enough resources to fight for a long time and is no match for the human race!"

Ziyi sneered: "Then what do you think we should do? Are we just like you, continuing to hibernate? How much time do we have left to prepare? You don't know the current situation of heaven, earth, and heaven?"



Zu Shi suddenly waved his hand and interrupted the dispute between the two: "Back then, all three of you had your own plans. I didn't give any reference, because they could succeed no matter what."

"The Spirit Clan's strategy is not bad, especially since they have been dormant for millions of years and are strong enough to dominate the Nine Heavens Continent. Those human monks will fly away when disaster strikes. They can break through all the forces before they can react and they can win."

Hearing Master Zushi's approval of his plan, Ziyi glanced at the third elder of the Yantian clan coldly, and raised the corners of his mouth.

Full of noise!

However, Zu Shi said again: "But the situation is different now. Jiang Xiaobai is more difficult, so we still have to pay attention to him."

"It's not convenient for me to take action. After all, Heaven's suppression is the strongest on me. I can only hide it for a million years. Once I get out of here, Heaven will sense it and will take the initiative to let the world's powerful people on this side join forces to take action. "

"After all, the purpose of our existence is to kill this heaven!"

If there were any human monks from Jiutian Continent here, their jaws would definitely drop when they heard Zu Shi’s words!

Kill Tiandao?

How can you really say this!

"In addition, that kid has a way to clean up the prism space, which is fatal to us. The only way to transform this world is to use the prism space, so this kid will die!"

"I will ask my disciples to assist you. Zi Yi, just follow the arrangements. He will obey your instructions."

Ziyi immediately said excitedly: "Thank you, ancestor!"

"There should be no more disputes this time. It's all for the continuation of our race, and in order to survive in an open and honest manner. The three of you can join forces and join forces. It's a matter of great importance, and the overall situation is the most important thing."

After saying these words, a sinister man wearing black robes and a face like a blade appeared behind Zu Shi.

This person is Shu Tian, ​​the disciple of Zu Shi!

The same prismatic space creatures, but not a race, but born separately!

The strength is extremely strong, and now it has reached the realm of Hunyuan Wuji!

This was achieved by forcibly absorbing the power of an unknown amount of prism space!

This is the only way for their prismatic space race to advance to this level!

"Shu Tian will assist you, remember to put the overall situation first, don't create any barriers, help each other if you can, and don't suppress each other just because of the Yantian clan's temporary defeat."

"They all come from the same place. The human race is not united. We need to be united."

"Okay, that's it. Be careful with that kid. It's best to do as the Yantian Clan said and destroy the opponent before actually taking action."


After saying that, Zu Shi turned around and left, instantly disappearing into the empty space.

When he left, all three of them breathed a sigh of relief. They were too stressed in front of Zu Shi.

Even though Ancestor is a genial middle-aged man, his terrifying methods are something that these prismatic space races cannot forget at all!

learn by heart!

"Lord Shutian, I have to rely on you a lot this time."

Ziyi was the first to show his kindness to Shutian. This was the ancestral disciple. He was powerful and his status was even more noble here.

It is the nature of all living things to curry favor with powerful beings!

But Shutian just glanced at the three of them with an indifferent expression, and finally looked at the third elder of the Yantian clan.

"Tell me everything about Jiang Xiaobai!"


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