Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,393: Laws Strengthen Strength


Jiang Xiaobai opened his eyes suddenly.

The dance opportunities rewarded by the system had been exhausted. He suddenly looked at everything around him and saw Sun Gangniang putting something into her mouth.

"Brother Jiang, you finally showed up. I thought you wouldn't come back."

Eating the food in her hand, Sun Gangniang raised her eyebrows and looked at Jiang Xiaobai: "Speaking of which, Brother Jiang, where did you get all these tricks? They appear and disappear, so mysterious. What is it?"

Such a method really made Sun Gangniang curious, and when he saw Jiang Xiaobai suddenly appear this time, he felt the different and powerful aura on the other side, and he was even more shocked!

Jiang Xiaobai, on the other hand, came to his senses and took it as a question as his mind was muddled.

"A few days?"


"How many days have I been missing?"

"It's only been half a day."


Jiang Xiaobai was confused: "Then if you don't practice well, what will you eat here?"

"I just went out for a walk, and I feel like I found something good." Sun Gangniang laughed: "I'll go over and have a look in a while. Apart from this, Brother Jiang, you seem to have been promoted?"


Jiang Xiaobai looked down at his hands, gradually waking up from the state of enlightenment.

Although this epiphany lasted only half a day, it was an enlightenment, not an epiphany. It was the Eight Straight Scriptures of Heaven placed in front of you for you to read at will!

And his gains were huge!

The first one is the application of the law, which allowed him to completely break through the shackles and achieve the realm of high-grade divine power!

The second benefit is improved. Except for the law of time, which is still 30% understood, the understanding of all laws has reached 90%!

Ninety percent, all laws!

The one with nearly four hundred lines!

He now feels that he has endless energy, and his powerful strength will definitely kill gods and kill Buddhas!

Of course, this was all just an illusion, and he was still very aware of his current situation.

No matter how high the level of understanding of the law is, it will not be complete. Only when it is truly complete can it have more terrifying power.

Now that he was using it, he had a very obvious feeling.

It seems that I am almost something...

"I have become stronger, but not very strong..."

Jiang Xiaobai murmured that he had not forgotten the power of laws that he saw when he attained enlightenment.

That's what is called true strength, true invincibility.

Although it was just the laws he understood that revolved around him, allowing him to continuously accelerate his understanding, these laws were enough to shock people!

When I first entered the Heavenly Dao space, I was observing the steady operation of all the laws under the Heavenly Dao at close range. I could only feel the breath of the laws.

But under the huge millstone of heaven, Jiang Xiaobai truly felt how terrifying the power of all laws was!

"I just don't know when I will be completely complete. Maybe I can directly cross the realm of Daluo Jinxian and forcefully rush into Hunyuan Daluo, or even Hunyuan Wuji?"

"Well, that's a bit too far. It's impossible!"

Jiang Xiaobai laughed and said, he still thinks too much, this improvement is enough to shock him!

Clenching his fists, he felt that he could easily kill Hunyuan Daluo now, even if he understood the realm of divine power.

He is already in the realm of high-grade divine power!

This is one of the thresholds for Hunyuan Wuji!

The only thing required is to understand the law to a complete state!

"Brother Jiang?"

Sun Gangniang came to the side with a chicken leg in her mouth: "What's wrong with you? You're so nagging. Just now you disappeared without seeing me and now...fuck you, f*ck you, what are you doing!"

Suddenly, Sun Gangniang screamed in fear, because he found that he wanted to chew the chicken legs, but it was extremely difficult!

I still can't close my mouth!

Such a strange scene made him frightened again and again, as if the surrounding space was desperately pulling at his mouth, but he couldn't do it!

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Jiang Xiaobai's face. He waved his wrist and the power of the law of time exerted on Sun Gangniang's side dissipated.

With a thud, Sun Gangniang took a bite of the chicken leg.

Because his control power suddenly disappeared, this bite was so powerful that it almost broke his teeth!

"Damn it, Brother Jiang, what kind of method is this?"

Sun Gangniang was extremely frightened: "If this were put into a battle, wouldn't it be invincible?"

"Invincibility is not the case, but the defensive ability may become stronger because of this method."

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled.

He suddenly discovered that he could slow down his enemies so that he could escape the attack.

His usual weakest defensive strength is now gone after he reaches 30% understanding of the Law of Time!

In the future, except for some terrifying strong men who can resist this power of the law of time, who can beat him?

Even now, it is still a bit tricky to use. After all, I have just understood it and have not fully developed it. And I have only understood 30% of it now.

He couldn't even imagine what it would be like if one day he truly understood the law of time.

Sure enough, neither of the two supreme laws is simple.

"Don't be in a hurry to go to the place you found and practice. Just continue to practice."

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and said, now his understanding of the law has improved a lot, and his level should also rise.

This time, with tens of millions of planet souls obtained from the Yantian Clan, the strength will at least be improved a lot!

Immediately ignoring Sun Gangniang's confused look, he took out a huge amount of planet soul.

Previously, Wushan's prismatic space allowed him to reach the peak of the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal. Now it is possible to break through to the late stage and even try to break through to the Great Perfection state.

However, before practicing, he checked Ao Yan's communication token and did not receive any news. The situation of the Suhai Dynasty should still be stable.

Then came the crazy training!

The power contained in this batch of planet souls is not comparable to those of the planet souls in the Three Thousand Worlds.

Pure and huge!

Jiang Xiaobai absorbed it extremely fast, and the souls of those bright planets became dim at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And not one by one, but batch by batch!

Sun Gangniang next to him was dumbfounded. He looked at Jiang Xiaobai and then looked down at himself.


Is this cultivation speed still human?

Sure enough, people will die if they compare with others, and goods will be thrown away when comparing goods!

"How can there be such a defiant person as Brother Jiang in this world? Is this cultivation? Is this really swallowing it?"

Seeing this speed of consumption made Sun Gangniang go crazy.

Especially when she saw the souls of the planets being absorbed one by one quickly, Sun Gangniang felt as if Jiang Xiaobai was wasting everything!

so horrible!

In fact, Jiang Xiaobai was indeed swallowing it crazily!

With the divine power of swallowing the sky, he only needs enough resources to increase his level infinitely!

Time passed slowly, and three days later, Jiang Xiaobai opened his eyes.

His realm has reached the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal Late Stage!

The price was to consume nearly eight to nine million planet souls!

"This level of absorption is too terrifying. What should we do to improve our realm in the future?"


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