Jiang Xiaobai felt like he was going crazy!

First there were the weird Immortal Emperor level vines outside, and then they encountered more than a dozen Supremes after coming in?

And he’s still the Supreme Puppet!

In a hurry, Jiang Xiaobai took a glance and immediately saw that the materials on those puppets were terrifying. He didn't even know if Yuan Hong could break through the defense!

Fortunately, there is a main hall behind the bronze door, with two passages on the left and right. The Supreme Puppet comes out of the passage on the left, and there is also a passage on the right.

"I hope there isn't any mess on the right!"

Roaring Heavenly Dog ran with his tongue hanging out, but as soon as he finished speaking, more than ten supreme puppets came out of the passage on the right.

Jiang Xiaobai angrily slapped the dog on the head.

"Son of a bitch, crow's mouth!"

"Ah this..."

The roaring dog was also dumbfounded and immediately turned around and rushed towards the back of the hall.

At this moment, the Immortal Emperor in black suddenly screamed and turned around to see that his other hand had been cut off by the puppet.

Immediately afterwards, countless puppets swarmed up, smashing his corpse into thousands of pieces, and his soul was destroyed!

Such a scene is simply breathtaking!

Everyone who watched it felt numb!

"It's over this time, there's no way out!"

"Master Dog just escaped from that ghost place. Didn't you think that he would die here after just a few days of wandering?"

The roaring dog trembled with his tail between his legs.

The corner of Jiang Xiaobai's mouth twitched. He didn't expect that there would be more than twenty supreme puppets in this damn place!

That is supreme!

"This time, I'm afraid I'm going to be in trouble."

Su Mei's face was full of bitterness. She didn't expect that she had been trapped for millions of years. Before the Bodhisattva returned, she would fall into a certain death situation!

He must die. How can he fight against so many supreme beings?

Although he is a puppet and not a real supreme being who can activate the power of the world, you cannot resist a casual blow!

Taking ten thousand steps back, if you can resist it once, how many times can you resist it?

There are more than twenty supreme puppets here!

After the previous Immortal Emperor in black was surrounded and chopped into pieces by puppets, their scarlet gazes all fell on Jiang Xiaobai and the others.

Click, click, click!

The sound of the Supreme Puppet walking on the hard floor was deafening!

Everyone couldn't help but tremble!

Jiang Xiaobai looked solemn. He had already calculated the strength of these puppets when the black-clothed Immortal Emperor was hammered to death.

It's okay to deal with one or two with full firepower, but it's impossible to deal with so many!

What's more, Su Mei and the others don't have the fighting power in this area. With the help of Roaring Sky Dog, the two of them can barely deal with two or three...

"What should I do? Are you dead?"

Roaring Sky Dog tucks his tail between his legs: "If I had known I would have stayed on the list of gods, boy, you don't pay for your life by tricking people!"

Jiang Xiaobai paid no attention to it. His brain was spinning rapidly, thinking of countermeasures!

The only way is to use system points.

At this moment, the system that had been dormant for a long time bubbled up again!

"Congratulations to the host for triggering the selection!"

"Choice 1: Escape from this place, give up the opportunity that should belong to you, and be rewarded with three law cards!"

"Option 2: Kill the Supreme Protector Puppet. The mission reward will be determined according to the degree of killing. The more puppets die in the hands of the host, the richer the reward will be!"

This time, there are only two options, and each one looks great!

If he escapes, he can easily lead everyone away, and the reward will be three law cards!

He can directly comprehend the power of varying amounts of laws as if cheating. Although he can no longer use the laws, when he reaches the threshold of Hunyuan Wuji and breaks through to become an immortal, the power of these laws will explode with extremely terrifying effects!

Perhaps at that time Jiang Xiaobai could directly harden the Iron Supreme and kill the Immortal Emperor instantly!

However, Jiang Xiaobai realized that there was something wrong with the system's choice this time.

"What is the opportunity that should belong to me?"

Jiang Xiaobai was at a loss. This was the first time the system gave a clear answer!

Jiang Xiaobai seemed to encounter all kinds of opportunities in the past accidentally, but after experiencing so many things, he knew that they might all be part of the calculations of some big bosses.

But now this time, the Bronze Hall should actually belong to him?

What if Jiang Xiaobai leaves and comes back again?

"Can the bug get stuck again?"

This thought came to Jiang Xiaobai's mind.

"It is detected that the host's mind is impure. Warn once. Next time, the right to choose will be taken away and the system will randomly select!"

At this time, more than twenty supreme puppets were gradually approaching, and the ghost-headed sword had been raised!

What we are saying is that there is not much time left for Jiang Xiaobai to think about it!

"Jiang Xiaobai, think of a solution quickly!"

Su Mei exclaimed.

This guy usually has a lot of tricks. Even if he can't deal with these puppets, at least it won't be a problem to take them away.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai also made a decision to choose the second task!

He just wanted to see what this opportunity that should have belonged to him was like!

Is there something fishy behind the scenes?

As for how to deal with the Supreme Puppet...

How else to deal with it?

"Today, I'm going to destroy this world!"

"Let me let you know what the concept of a killer weapon with 20 billion points is!"

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly roared ferociously, and then threw a scarlet bead in his hand!

While the pillar was still in the air, it erupted with terrifying pressure, filling the entire hall!


Countless scarlet swords exploded out of the small ball, like a goddess scattering flowers.

Boom boom boom!

The scarlet long sword penetrated all the Supreme Puppet without any hindrance. Even the powerful materials that condensed the Supreme Puppet were as white as tofu in front of this sword!

All this happened in an instant, and immediately after, the entire hall was riddled with holes, and all the supreme puppets seemed to be frozen in place, motionless.

The sudden incident left Roaring Sky Dog and Su Mei stunned on the spot, with disbelief on their faces!

Is this it?

"I'm sorry, this is too fast!"

Jiang Xiaobai tore his hair with both hands: "Is there any mistake, 20 billion points, just this, one?"

He felt exhausted!

The red ball just now was exchanged for 20 billion points. It was actually an attack from the Immortal Killing Sword Formation in a truly authentic state!

Well, the Zhuxian Sword Formation in its complete state requires 20 billion points just for one attack.

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt that he might not be able to redeem the Immortal Killing Sword Formation once in his life!

But the effect is quite explosive!

Just highlight the word fierce!

"This... what kind of method is this? Why is it so terrifying? Those are the supreme puppets!"

Roaring Sky Dog was confused and raised his head to look at Jiang Xiaobai: "How many unknown secrets does your kid have, and you can find out this thing?"

Jiang Xiaobai smiled. At the same time, the sound of mission completion sounded in his mind, and the smile on his face became stronger.

At this moment, the hall suddenly shook, and a dazzling white light came from the passage on the left!

"Let's go over and have a look!"

Jiang Xiaobai led everyone towards the passage without hesitation!

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