Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,705 I'm here to help you

The reason why Jiang Xiaobai is so excited is because there is an opportunity for him in this secret realm!

After systematic attention, he really wanted to see what the opportunity meant for him!

Moreover, I haven’t seen any black seeds since entering the hall!

Soon a group of people rushed to the bottom of the passage. There was a small room here. The dazzling light inside made it difficult to open one's eyes!

Jiang Xiaobai walked carefully into it, and suddenly felt like he had entered another world!

At the same time, in front of Roaring Sky Dog and Su Mei, Jiang Xiaobai's figure seemed to disappear out of thin air!

"what's the situation?"

Roaring Sky Dog exclaimed and wanted to rush in.

But he found that there was an invisible barrier in front of him, making it impossible to enter!

One person and one dog stared with wide eyes, at a loss.

At this time, in the white space, Jiang Xiaobai opened his eyes and looked around in confusion.

A voice came.

"You came."

Jiang Xiaobai trembled in fright and immediately raised his eyebrows.

"Who is he? He's pretending to be a ghost. If you have the ability, come out and have a look!"

The next moment, a figure appeared in front of Jiang Xiaobai. The moment he saw that person, his face was full of horror and he subconsciously took two steps back!

The person who came was actually the woman who took him to heaven before!

With a gentle smile on her face, the woman stretched out her hand, and a black seed was suspended in her hand.

"Are you surprised to see me?"

The woman murmured softly: "But I am very happy to see you..."

"Ahem... Let's talk about something. Let's be more formal and don't make it so ambiguous."


The woman couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle: "It's impossible for ordinary people to see me, and I am so passionate about you, but you dislike me?"

"As the saying goes, men and women cannot distinguish between each other. It is true that you have helped me a lot in the past. I will remember this kindness in my heart, but if you want me to promise you something, forget it."

Jiang Xiaobai spoke righteously: "Besides, is there anything good about this meeting? What is the origin of this seed?"

The woman didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai's face to turn so quickly, and he curled his lips with a look of resentment.

But he still spoke.

"Of course there is a good thing. Everything here belongs to you. You will know it soon."

"As for this seed... I wonder if you have ever heard of the World Sacred Tree?"

Jiang Xiaobai's head was buzzing.

He stretched out his trembling hand and pointed at the tree: "So, this is...the World Sacred Tree?"

"What are you thinking about? The World Sacred Tree is unique in the world. There is only one. If it is destroyed, there is no way to restore it."

The woman said disgustedly: "You really... don't understand anything... This seed is a fruit from the world's sacred tree. The sacred tree breeds three fruits in total..."

"Sacred trees have existed since the beginning of chaos. One of them, after creating the world with the Great God Pangu, merged into the world and gave birth to the first will."

"Another fruit later integrated into the world and transformed everything in the world."

"Finally, this is it...but this thing is no better than the first two."

The woman said this, her expression became solemn.

"In the world, there is good and there is evil. While the world is stable, there is also turmoil. This black seed is the source of turmoil!"

Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes: "So it's not a good thing?"

"It's okay if you think so, but this must exist. The laws of heaven and earth are all right, so you can only accept them."

The woman whispered: "It has been suppressed by the first born will, or it can be understood as coaxing... After all, if something happens to it, the world will be in turmoil."

"Then what do you want to express?" Jiang Xiaobai rubbed his chin: "You don't want to activate this temptation and give it to me, so I will become the biggest villain in the world from now on?"

" have to fuse it!"

The woman looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a smile: "When your Hunyuan millstone grows a little bigger, you can let it fuse the seeds. Don't be scared by the surprise then."

Jiang Xiaobai's face turned pale instantly.

Is this a surprise? Are you sure this isn't a shock?

"This place used to be an area where seeds were suppressed. There are good things left behind by it, so it can't wait to come over and eat those things to increase its power."

The woman looked at the seed in her hand: "To put it simply, it has become misbehaved and wants to become the master."

"Then I can't suppress him." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Of course you can't hold it back, so I'm here."

The woman smiled softly, appeared next to Jiang Xiaobai, and suddenly reached out and slapped him on the head.

A pure power fell into Jiang Xiaobai's body along the palm of his hand. His soul began to grow, and his Dantian Qi sea began to surge!

The strength continues to increase crazily!


With a muffled sound in the body, the Hunyuan Wuji realm was broken through!

"What do you mean?" Jiang Xiaobai was confused.

Could it be that the opportunity that should have belonged to him was this enlightenment?

"'s just that your cultivation progress is too slow, and I can't stand it anymore."

The woman smiled and said: "This is not fun, and you have been running around like a headless fly in the immortal world with no direction at all, so I will give you a direction by the way."

"Next, you should go to the Xingchen Imperial Palace... It happens that there is an ancient secret realm in the Xingchen Imperial Palace, which has been passed down forever. No one can open it until now. This key is the key to opening the secret realm. Keep it. After you go there, open the secret realm and improve your strength, you will discover more things you don't know."

Listening to the woman's muttering, Jiang Xiaobai's expression became colder and more solemn.

He felt as if he had discovered the hands that had been controlling him!

"So you arranged everything for me?" Jiang Xiaobai said coldly.


The woman crossed her arms and said decisively and bachelorly: "I'm just a theatergoer, I don't have that much ability to arrange for you."

"I just feel that the current opera is a bit boring..."

After saying that, the woman stuffed the black seed into Jiang Xiaobai: "I'll teach you a lesson about the seed. It's a lot better now, but it's all superficial. You still have to be careful at all times. If it really explodes, I don’t know if you will listen to me yet.”

After the woman finished speaking, she pushed Jiang Xiaobai out of the white space, while lazily stretching out her hand and yawning.

"Come on, I'm going to take a nap. I don't know why I've been so sleepy lately."

After saying that, Jiang Xiaobai felt that the scene in front of him changed in a daze.

He reappeared in front of Roaring Sky Dog and the others, and the light in the secret room in front of him had dissipated.

What catches the eye is a resource treasure!

There is a sparkling white crystal in it, which is extremely eye-catching!

"No, this thing has disappeared for so many years and is here?"

The moment the roaring dog saw the white crystal, his eyes widened and he exclaimed again and again!

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