The white crystal looked extremely dazzling in this room, and Jiang Xiaobai's eyes widened when he saw it for the first time!

The white crystal is exactly the same as the black crystal he got!

At the same time, Roaring Sky Dog had crossed over many treasures on the ground and walked to the white crystal. He kept walking around while looking at the white crystal.

"Does this have anything to do with the black crystal?"

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows.

"To be precise, the one in your hand is called the magic crystal, and this one is called the divine crystal."

Roaring Sky Dog said calmly: "The magic crystal has a bad temper and is extremely terrifying. It is the incarnation of the most evil in the world, while the divine crystal is the opposite, containing endless light."

"The divine crystal is very gentle. It was also a treasure in heaven at first. It was just lost for many years and no one could find it. I didn't expect it to end up here."

Roaring Sky Dog sniffed it with his nose: "That's the smell, ah, I think Master Gou got a chance when he was bathing in the divine crystal."

On the side, Su Mei also became curious: "So, the divine crystal and the magic crystal are opposites, so what will happen if these two things meet?"

"It won't be a big deal. They are different and won't interfere with each other."

After Roaring Sky Dog finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Xiaobai: "You can take this thing, it has many uses for you, but it is also very special. Not everyone can get its approval. I think I was used to it back then. It took a long time for Zhenjun to..."

Before Roaring Sky Dog could finish speaking, the white divine crystal suddenly rose into the air and floated gently in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

The whole small room fell silent for a while.

Silence, endless silence.

"So it recognizes me?" Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his hand to hold the divine crystal and looked at the roaring dog and said blankly.

"How can it be!"

Roaring Sky Dog's eyes widened. Although he didn't want to admit it, this was Shenjing's recognition of Jiang Xiaobai!

Moreover, it is an intimate feeling of dependence!

This is a situation that has never happened before. You must know that divine crystals and magic crystals are treasures born when the world first opened. They are mysterious and strange and no one can control them!

Throughout the entire chaotic history, the Roaring Sky Dogs have only known one person so far who can have a relatively close relationship with them.

Thinking of this, Roaring Sky Dog looked at Jiang Xiaobai and suddenly felt relieved.

"Yes...this one is..."


Bagua Lu came out of nowhere and slapped the dog on the head.

"Silly dog, shut up!"

Roaring Sky Dog covered his mouth, and then he realized that he had almost spilled the beans again.

At the same time, it looked at the Bagua furnace with resentment.

"Just remind me, there's no need to hit me every time, right?"

"I want to hit you, can't I?"

Roaring Sky Dog was silent.

For a moment, it didn't know how to speak.

Anyway, it seems to make sense.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't notice the Roaring Sky Dog's abnormality. After he finished asking, the divine crystal emitted a ray of light that shone in his eyes, and he was in a daze for a long time.

A picture appeared in my mind.

A white-haired man wearing a black sword robe with mysterious patterns was holding a divine crystal, standing in front of a tall altar, muttering something, not knowing what he was saying.

In the picture, the divine crystal seems to be resisting the altar in front of it.

Suddenly the picture shattered and Jiang Xiaobai's consciousness returned. He stared at the divine crystal in front of him and frowned.

Magic crystal, divine crystal...

He felt that he was about to touch the truth of the secret!

"Is this the opportunity that should belong to me?"

Jiang Xiaobai murmured secretly in his heart, suddenly thinking of something.

"Howling Sky Dog, you said you got an opportunity from the divine crystal. What was it?"

"Master Dog's soul has been cleansed and his strength has improved a little. However, this is already the lowest level of opportunity given by the divine crystal. It is said that the person selected by the divine crystal can also be allowed to prove his way and become an emperor!"

"Does it take enlightenment to become an emperor?" Jiang Xiaobai was confused.

"It's necessary. The Immortal Master realizes the Tao and the Great Emperor proves the Tao. Otherwise, why would you become the Great Emperor?" Roaring Sky Dog raised his eyebrows.

He subconsciously wanted to scold Jiang Xiaobai for not even knowing such a basic thing.

As a result, I immediately thought of something and almost gave myself a big mouth!

"That's true, but it seems that after years of development, today's monks have become vague about enlightenment and enlightenment, and the way of heaven is also somewhat weakened. There is no need to prove the way. As long as it is integrated with the way of heaven to a certain extent, it can break through and become an immortal emperor."

Su Mei said calmly: "But you are still far away from this point, so don't think too much...should we go?"

Only then did Jiang Xiaobai realize that the matter of enlightenment was indeed far away from him.

And there really seems to be no chance here.

But before leaving, Jiang Xiaobai went to look in another passage and found that there was nothing inside except some broken puppet bodies.

The entire hall looked a little strange.

It is impossible to understand the meaning of its existence here!

But when the three of them wanted to leave through the bronze door, they thought of the terrifying vines outside, and they became worried.

"Why don't you look at other ways? That vine is too weird, and Mr. Dog can only be led by the nose if he can't find its main body."

Roaring Sky Dog touched his nose. It had been whipped by vines before and it was very painful.

The vines are not impossible to deal with, but the main body cannot be found, and the space outside is too narrow.

Thinking about the previous situation, they might be greeted by mountains of vines after they go out!

At this moment, the originally quiet black seed suddenly moved.

The bronze door in front of me opened without any warning!

The three of them were stunned, as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and their auras were flowing to the extreme.

But the scene behind the door left Jiang Xiaobai at a loss.

I saw a palm-sized sapling standing pitifully at the door.

A simple seedling with two green leaves on the top is gone!

But there was a familiar aura on this sapling!

That scary vine!

"Is this...the vine from before?"

Su Mei was confused: "And it's also the subject? No, the subject is only as big as a slap?"

Roaring Sky Dog was also dumbfounded and came forward to try to smell it with his nose.


A slender vine stretched out from behind the sapling and hit the dog's nose.

"Oh shit!"

Roaring Sky Dog immediately covered his nose and rolled on the ground: "If you dare to attack your dog, you must be beaten!"

The next second, Roaring Sky Dog was wrapped in vines all over the sky, and immediately hung upside down in the air.

What’s shocking is that the vines protruding from the main body are indestructible, and no matter how hard the roaring dog struggles, they can’t get rid of it!

It just hung upside down in the air, looking at Jiang Xiaobai pitifully with its eyes wide open.

A dog's mouth is tied up with vines!

At the same time, the little sapling came close to Jiang Xiaobai, carefully stretched out the vine and poked his arm.

He seemed to want to follow him.

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows: "You want to come with me?"

The little sapling shook its only two green leaves and looked extremely excited!

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