After a while, he rushed to the sky of the Star Emperor Palace.

Roaring Sky Dog looked at the sapling lying on Jiang Xiaobai's shoulder angrily.

"You bastard, Mr. Gou, I was the master of Heaven, and the four heavenly gates in the southeast, northwest and north were all running sideways. How dare you, a little guy, do anything to Mr. Gou?"

“When the world is declining, where is morality?”

Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes: "Brother Dog, you were so fierce back then, is it possible that you have an inseparable relationship with Zhenjun?"

"How is it possible? Master Gou is also the number one spiritual pet in heaven. If nothing else, there is no pressure to defeat those spiritual pets!"

"This little sapling is so reckless. If you let it down, Master Dog will fight it for three hundred rounds!"

Roaring Sky Dog yelled angrily.

"Maybe those spiritual beasts don't dare to touch you because of the True Lord, right?"

The one who spoke was Su Mei, who looked at Roaring Sky Dog with a funny look on her face.

Mainly because I didn't expect that the right-hand man beside Zhenjun would be such a naive guy.

"Impossible!" Roaring Sky Dog hurriedly denied, but felt that he might not be sure enough, so he said again: "Absolutely impossible!"

Jiang Xiaobai was too lazy to pay attention to it, looking into the distance, thinking about the identity of the woman in the white space.

First of all, the other party definitely knows me, and she made it clear that she was watching a show!

What show are you watching?

Is it possible to watch someone like him, Jiang, walking against the will of heaven and then being photographed to death?

But it felt wrong, after all, that woman forcibly improved Jiang Xiaobai's strength!

Woman, old Taoist in yellow robe, Heavenly Palace...

Waiting for things to happen, the forces were connected by Jiang Xiaobai, and they encountered the two great treasures of magic crystal and divine crystal one after another.

He only felt that he was getting closer and closer to the truth!

"What are you thinking about?"

Su Mei's voice came next to her ears: "Next, we go to the Star Palace. Are you really going to start uniting the various forces in the immortal world?"

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "That's about it. The aliens are about to enter the war between the earth and the immortal world, and they have to have backup. Do you think I can fight against the aliens with just me?"

"That's not true, it's just that it's quite difficult. You have to know that so many supreme beings have coveted you before."

Su Mei said calmly: "How about you think about it from another angle, don't tell them about the foreign race, and use other benefits to bind them first?"

"Benefits? What benefits can it bring to the Supreme Being..."

Jiang Xiaobai was suddenly startled as he spoke. He turned his wrist and a key appeared.

This is the key the woman gave him, said to be used to open the secret realm of the Star Palace.

Suddenly he thought of the agreement he had made with the Supremes.

"It's just that if this is the case, wouldn't it be too advantageous for them? These supreme beings are not good things. They are old and evil. They may fall out if they get benefits."

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows: "What's more important is that they have the ability to turn against each other. They are all Supremes. How can I, a Hunyuan Wuji, fight against me?"

"Although I may be fierce at times, those are the supreme beings who have truly merged with the way of heaven and successfully attained enlightenment!"

Su Mei didn't say anything, this was also a big trouble.

After all, the Supreme One is powerful enough to roam the entire Earth Immortal World, and so far there is no news of the Immortal Powerful One.

It can be said that the Supreme almost dominates the world!

If you want to fall out, it's just a thought.

However, it is impossible to fight against foreigners without those forces.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, just hit him!"

Suddenly, Roaring Sky Dog shouted: "Isn't that little sapling of yours very fierce? If anyone disobeys, I'll beat him to death!"

The little sapling shook the green leaves on its head, as if to support the roaring dog.

Jiang Xiaobai's mouth twitched.

It was uncomfortable enough for him to have a stupid dog next to him, but how could this little sapling be such a reckless man?

"That's all, let's go to the Star Palace first and then make a final decision."

Jiang Xiaobai waved his hands, not wanting to think about this now, it would be too troublesome.

At the same time, not far from the Star Emperor Palace, a group of people were running quickly.

"Hurry up, it will be over if we don't reach the Star Palace!"

Ao Cheng, the leader, shouted.

Qiong Yu and Nangong Wuyou, who were behind the palace, also looked solemn and glanced behind them from time to time.

But behind the crowd, there was nothing.

But the more this happens, the more panicked everyone becomes!

He couldn't help but run even harder towards the direction of the Star Palace ahead!

At this moment, a thick black fog suddenly emerged from the side and rushed towards An Ran in the crowd.

"Damn it, you can't target me just because I'm the fattest!"

An Ran exclaimed and hurriedly lowered his head to avoid the attack. At the same time, he rolled sideways to avoid the sneak attack from above again!

At this time, Qiong Yu's black sword light has arrived, and the black mist is cut into two halves with one sword!

However, the black mist immediately merged into one body without any damage.

Instead, it resented Qiong Yu for such an attack and pounced towards her.

"You go, I'll come to the rear!"

Qiong Yu clenched the sword spirit in her hand and used the power of the Dark Law. A dark space suddenly descended, trapping her and the black mist in it.

Although the others were frightened and worried when they saw this situation, they could only believe in Qiong Yu and try their best to escape forward.

In the black space, shrill roars kept coming, and the vibrations never stopped!

Suddenly, a hole was opened in the space, and Qiong Yu rolled out, already covered in blood and in a miserable state.

She ran away without hesitation, and the black mist also emerged from the gap, roaring ferociously, and ran towards Qiong Yu.

The whole group of them was safe and sound all the way. They were about to arrive at the Star Sword Sect, but they didn't expect to pass by a valley halfway and found corpses strewn across the field and rivers of blood!

The black mist is a strange thing that emerges from it. All means are ineffective against it and can only be continued to delay it.

And the black mist seemed to be staring at them, chasing after them, and spent three full days like this!

This time, in order to buy Ao Cheng and others time to escape, Qiongyu fought with the black mist and was seriously injured by the corrosive power in the black mist!

She felt severe pain all over her body with every step she took, and even some black energy emerged in her internal organs, which frightened her.

Is it going to be cold this time?

Seeing that the black mist was about to catch up behind him, Qiong Yu gritted her teeth and prepared for a life-and-death fight with the sword spirit.

Suddenly, a golden light fell from the sky, and the majestic Taoist appeared in mid-air!

"You evil beast, you dare to act so unruly near our Star Emperor Palace, are you looking for death?"

The Taoist didn't know what he was holding in his hand, and he saw golden light flashing as he rushed toward the black mist.

At the beginning of the period, the golden light did have an effect on the black mist. The moment it was hit, the black mist shrank significantly.

This thing seemed to be angered, and it suddenly expanded by unknown means, swallowing and drowning the Taoist who happened to rush over!

Immediately afterwards, a scalp-numbing chewing sound came from the black mist!

How dare Qiong Yu take any more care, she just ran away!

Fortunately, the Taoist who suddenly appeared bought her a lot of time. When she caught up with Ao Cheng and others' large army, the Star Palace suddenly appeared in front of her!

At this time, three golden figures were rising into the sky, heading towards the black mist!

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