Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1,708 The attitude of the Star Palace

Qiong Yu and others quickly rushed to the mountain gate of the Star Emperor Palace. An Ran and the other three immediately stepped forward to explain their identities and also told everything about Hei Wu.

The gatekeeper elder said calmly: "Fellow Taoists, please don't panic. The powerful men of our Star Palace have already taken action. No matter what it is, it will be suppressed!"

As if to fulfill the elder's words, earth-shattering battle sounds came from the area behind the black mist.

A golden light appeared in the sky, and there was a faint samsara of the sun. Even from such a large distance, the vibration of the ground could be felt!

Soon, three golden lights fell from the sky and landed in front of the mountain gate of the Star Palace.

The three of them looked a little embarrassed, and the leader was holding a small bottle with a solemn expression.

At this time, Qiong Yu and others saw clearly that these three people were all immortals!

And the three Immortals jointly took action to get rid of the black mist, and they still looked so embarrassed?

In this case, the gatekeeper elder also frowned.

"Seventh Elder, what's going on?"

The leading seventh elder frowned: "Of course it was suppressed, but this black mist cannot be eliminated at all, just like before."

"Before?" Qiong Yu raised her eyebrows: "Isn't this black mist unique?"

"Yes, in the past half month, there have been five incidents of black mist attacking monks in the area near Beihai in our Star Palace. They were all suppressed, but they cannot be completely eliminated. They can only be refined continuously."

The seventh elder was extremely solemn: "What's more important is that after half a month of investigation, I don't know where the black mist comes from, let alone what it is."

For a moment, Ao Cheng and others took a deep breath.

You must know that the Star Emperor Palace is a transcendent force!

In the entire Earthly Immortal Realm, he is one of the most powerful forces outside of the Heavenly Palace, and he is also the strongest person who dominates the area near Beihai.

As a result, they couldn't fully understand the origin of the black mist?

"If you don't talk about this, what are you here for?" The seventh elder raised his eyebrows and looked at everyone, especially one of them, a very conspicuous fat man.

He had already roughly guessed his identity.

Several people in Ao Cheng looked at each other, but it was Qiong Yu who spoke first: "We came here to escape the black mist, and also... we have something we want to trouble the Star Palace."

"That's it... let's go to the mountain gate first."

Under the leadership of the seventh elder, everyone entered the mountain gate. As soon as they entered, they found a thin figure rushing over.

It’s Xiao Husheng!

And this guy is already a special Daluo Jinxian!

Everyone's eyes were wide open!

"Daluo Jinxian, how did you do it?"

An Ran was confused: "Xiao Husheng, are you the reincarnation of a god?"

The old man who followed behind Hu Sheng said calmly: "Welcome to my Star Palace, shall we come first?"

Xiao Hu Sheng also grabbed An Ran's hand: "Brother An Ran, am I awesome? I haven't embarrassed my master, right?"

As soon as he said this, the old man who was turning around and walking away paused, and a haze flashed in his eyes.

But he didn't say anything and continued to lead everyone into the lobby.

Along the way, Xiao Husheng was asking about Jiang Xiaobai. He still didn't think of those memories, but it didn't stop him from exploring Jiang Xiaobai.

Because of the old man, An Ran didn't dare to say more.

Who doesn't know that Jiang Xiaobai is now wanted by the entire Earthly Immortal World?

I don't know whether this Star Palace is an enemy or a friend, so be careful.

It is a pity that Xiao Husheng, who is not familiar with the world, did not notice this and looked at these familiar people excitedly.

"Everyone, I won't say much else. I know a little about your identities."

The old man sat down, glanced at An Ran and the other three, and then landed on Ao Cheng.

Then he said calmly: "You come, the Star Palace welcomes you, but after all, guests follow the host, right?"

"Thank you, elder. I'll understand."

An Ran cupped his hands and said, "But this..."

Before he could finish speaking, the old man raised his hand to interrupt.

"Don't ask any more questions about that kid. I won't tell you. In addition, I can tell you clearly that the Xingchen Emperor Palace disdains the chance secrets of Jiang Xiaobai."

After all, the Xingchen Imperial Palace is also the top power in the entire earthly immortal world, and there are also supreme beings sitting there, and there are quite a few of them!

They have their arrogance, and they can't bear to snatch the opportunity of an unknown monk.

"However, I think you all came to the Star Palace for other matters, right?"

The old man narrowed his eyes: "Why don't you tell me?"

Several people were stunned. They just came to the Star Emperor Palace to talk about the development according to Jiang Xiaobai's wishes, but they couldn't tell the specifics.

It was Qiong Yu who spoke first.

"I wonder if the elder has ever heard of alien races?"

Hearing this, the old man narrowed his eyes: "Alien race? Is it related to the prism space?"

"Yes, I came to the Star Emperor Palace this time to talk about this matter. It is very likely that the alien race will attack the Earthly Immortal Realm in a large scale!"

This is a big deal, and anyone who knows about foreign races should understand the meaning.

Qiong Yu thought that before Jiang Xiaobai came, she would first calm down the powerful people in the Star Palace.

As a result, the old man didn't care at all and instead laughed.

"The aliens do have something, but if they want to attack the immortal world, they are just daydreaming!"

The old man snorted coldly: "More than a million years ago, when the alien race appeared, countless strong men in our immortal world had already noticed it. Why did they need to attack? I don't know how many strong men took action directly to suppress the alien race or even destroy it!"

"A million years is enough for them to accumulate strength to attack the Earthly Immortal Realm? This is no longer alarmist, it is simply fart!"

After the old man finished speaking, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"What is your purpose that is so difficult to reveal?"

Obviously this old guy doesn't believe it!

Although Qiong Yu had expected it, she did not expect such a situation.

Everyone fell silent.

As if he could see that the backbone of the people was not here, the old man suddenly smiled again and said: "But since you are here, our Xingchen Emperor Palace will not know how to treat guests."

"Come here, arrange a good guest room for all of you fellow Taoists. They have been working hard for a long time today and they should need a good rest."

Obviously I don’t want to say more.

Qiong Yu and others had no choice but to follow them to a mountainside building. Not long after entering, they discovered that there were many powerful people from the Star Palace standing outside.

This is being watched!

"I wonder, does this old guy think too much? Does he really think we care about the Star Palace?"

An Ran pouted: "Although the sect behind me is not as good as the Star Emperor Palace, it is still a transcendent force, okay, who are you looking down on?"

"Is it possible that others know this, but are just preparing for our other purposes?"

Zhuang Huanling said faintly: "Or maybe, something major happened in the recent Star Emperor Palace?"

As soon as she said this, everyone looked at her. This was definitely possible!

"If that's the case, what would it be that the Star Emperor Palace would pay so much attention to?"

Ao Cheng raised his eyebrows: "It can't be the kind of black fog we encountered, right?"

Then everyone fell silent.

Maybe, it’s really possible!

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