Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 1709: Is it too late to see?

There was silence in the small courtyard on the mountainside, and everyone felt a chill down their spines!

The black mist is indeed weird and terrifying, and the strength of the Star Emperor Palace is actually afraid of this kind of thing, which is enough to prove what the black mist means.

But a more terrifying guess emerged!

"Is it possible... I'm just saying it's possible... that the formation of this black mist has something to do with the Star Palace?"

An Ran suddenly raised his head and whispered.

In this way, everyone felt that the coldness that enveloped them became stronger and stronger.

Doesn’t this mean that they are now delivering it to your door?

If Black Mist is really related to the Star Palace, even if the three Phantom Spirits of Anran Village are sons and saints of the same transcendental power, they might still be liquidated!

The haze of fear enveloped everyone!

Qiong Yu looked at the others and said calmly: "No problem, let's contact Xiao Bai and see where he is now."

At that moment, Ao Cheng took out a token and contacted Jiang Xiaobai, and soon he was overjoyed.

"He is on the way. He will arrive at night as soon as possible. I told him about the black mist and he asked us to be careful."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that as long as Jiang Xiaobai comes over, everything will be stable and there will be no problems.

This backbone is what everyone relies on the most.

With this news, everyone gradually calmed down. No matter what, Jiang Xiaobai will have a solution when he comes. This is unanimously affirmed by everyone!

Qiong Yu sat on the stone bench in the yard, her brows furrowed, and her mind kept replaying what the old man had said before.

"So, the Star Emperor Palace, and even the Earthly Immortal Realm, have long known about the alien race, but they still don't believe that the alien race dares to attack the Earthly Immortal Realm?"

"Are the alien races in the upper world so weak?"

After following Jiang Xiaobai for such a long time, Qiong Yu also experienced two alien wars.

The protracted battle between the Three Thousand World and the Transit World is still vivid in my mind!

If Jiang Xiaobai hadn't used many methods, the human monks would really be no match for the strong aliens!

Especially in the Earthly Immortal Realm, even Jiang Xiaobai was plotted by the alien race!

And there has been a vague appearance of a more powerful alien race, and that guy must be hiding in the earthly fairy world.

"Maybe the aliens are so cautious because the monks in the Earthly Immortal Realm are so powerful."

The Earthly Immortal Realm is the most powerful one among many planes, the former Heavenly Palace, the former glory.

It is natural for foreigners to be wary.

But she was always uneasy in her heart. Not long after the black mist appeared, she felt that something was wrong, as if something terrible would happen!

But now, they are trapped in the mountainside courtyard and dare not go out at all. It is not clear at all what the attitude of the Star Emperor Palace is.

At the same time, the secret realm of the mountains.

A void portal suddenly appeared, and then two figures emerged from it.

Judging from their appearance, they seem to be a pair of sisters?

"Yun Shen, is this the Earthly Immortal Realm?"

The woman at the head, who was full of weapons, looked around curiously: "It is indeed a big world and a big plane, with rich spiritual energy and powerful laws. It is not comparable to our three thousand worlds."

On the side, the woman named Yun Shen was mumbling.

"But sister, we don't know anything about this place. Why does that guy insist on letting us come here?"

"Jiang Xiaobai didn't even have a chance to meet him."

When Qiao Yunnian heard this, he glared: "I only know Jiang Xiaobai. That kid is so scheming that he won't die. Don't worry!"

"It just so happened that the guy said that he needs our help. Maybe we can meet him in the immortal world."

Qiao Yunshen said nothing, looking at the beautiful scenery around her, feeling a little unhappy.

She thought she could go and play with Jiang Xiaobai after coming out of that ghost place.

As a result, this place looks beautiful, but it feels like a bird has no shit!

"Sister, I think you have big breasts and no brains. This is not the world of immortality. It's obvious that birds don't poop, and neither of them can see you."

Just as he finished speaking, a bright light flashed in front of his eyes, and before the two women could see clearly, another bright light followed closely behind.

After taking a closer look, I realized that they were two bald heads!

"Hey, are bald heads popular among monks in the Earthly Immortal Realm recently?"

Qiao Yunnian frowned. After all, the two guys he met just here were bald, which made people wonder if there was something wrong with the recent popular style in the Earthly Immortal World.

Just when the two women were curious, several more figures flashed and ran, exuding powerful auras!

Only then did Qiao Yunnian nod his head: "I'm just telling you, why would anyone be so popular about shaving their heads? It's so ugly."

The person chasing behind is obviously not bald, it is easy to identify!

The two women were not fools. They realized that there might be a chase, but how could they help if they were not relatives?

Even if it turned into a flash of light and disappeared, two powerful auras unique to the Immortal Master were left behind!

In the dense forest, the gluttonous monk and the monk Wu Nian are running wildly!

"Buddha, how could you do this? You are the heir to Buddhism. It is your mission to carry forward our Buddhism. How can you steal other people's things?"

The seemingly indifferent monk Wu Nian acts like an ignorant little brother when he is next to the gluttonous monk.

The gluttonous monk running ahead yelled angrily.

"Your mother's kiss, when did this happen? Why do you keep holding on to it? What happened to me stealing? Isn't this an opportunity? Isn't this a cultivation resource?"

"Monk, those are all Dong Dong who came all the way!"

Monk Wu Nian rubbed his bald head: "But it's not like we can't defeat the following Hunyuan Wuji, why are we running?"

"The base camp is ahead. Ao Yan has just come out. Find some people to practice with!"

As soon as the gluttonous monk finished speaking, several figures appeared behind the dense forest, led by Ao Yan with a cold face.

The aura on her body became even more powerful!

Not only that, but the noble aura of the Dragon Clan is exuded in every gesture!

Seeing that the gluttonous monk attracted several Hunyuan Wuji to her, she immediately frowned.

"Monk, do you look down upon the Immortal Lord's strength too much?"

The gluttonous monk grinned: "I don't dare to touch this if it's not the Immortal Lord. They have been organizing group activities like crazy recently, so I have to be on guard."

Behind them, the Hunyuan Wuji strongmen who were catching up were furious when they saw that the two monks actually had a helping hand.

"Okay, you bald donkey, tell me why you ran away like this. It turned out to be a trap?"

"I am running rampant in the fairy world, what scene have I not seen?"

"You are looking down on me too much if you want to deal with this little person!"

The leader of the Hunyuan Wuji strongman gritted his teeth. When he discovered that the opponent had reinforcements, he was not cautious when he found out that the other party had reinforcements. Instead, he acted recklessly!

Especially when he saw Ao Yan, a weak woman, he sneered ferociously.

With the big knife in his hand, he chopped down without mercy.


Ao Yan just raised his hand slightly and easily grabbed the blade!

The scene fell into silence for a while.

"Sister, I take back what I just said, do you think it's still too late?"

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