After easily defeating a group of Hunyuan Wuji monks, Ao Yan looked at Liu Aoshuang and others.

These days, she has learned that they have a close relationship with Jiang Xiaobai.

If you count carefully, there is a certain connection!

Some people she knew, some she didn't.

But it doesn't matter, these are her husband's friends!

"I have to go now."

Ao Yan suddenly said: "Xiao Bai should be busy already, I have to help him."

Everyone nodded, and they had no intention of following along.

Just kidding, Ao Yan is an immortal, and his aura is even stronger after returning.

Such a class is no longer something they can touch!

To be able to come to the Earthly Immortal Realm, see such scenery, and experience such a struggle for opportunities is something that no one dares to imagine in their lifetime.

Although everyone wanted to help Jiang Xiaobai.

But after all, he has no strength.

"Monk, do you want to leave?"

Ao Yan looked at the gluttonous monk: "If you want to leave, take them with you. It's very dangerous here."

"Don't worry, sister, I will definitely take good care of these people!"

The gluttonous monk patted his chest and shouted, "You can go ahead with peace of mind."

Ao Yan looked stunned and glanced.

Thank you so much.

Immediately, Ao Yan said nothing and rushed towards the exit of the secret realm.

Just when she went out, she felt endless sadness!

That kind of emotion surrounds my mind, and I can vaguely hear the sad dragon roar.

It's lonely and painful.

More like a calling.

She looked to the southeast.

"I can't go now, I have to go find Xiaobai!"

Ao Yan gritted his teeth, turned around and rushed towards the direction of the Star Emperor Palace!

Outside the Star Emperor Palace, Jiang Xiaobai, two people and a dog landed not far away.

Through Ao Cheng, he probably knew that there was something wrong with the Star Palace, especially the attitude towards foreign races that was troublesome.

Why does the Earthly Immortal Realm pay so little attention to foreign races?

You must know that aliens can really destroy a world!

It is true that when the aliens first appeared, the situation was not very serious, and the strong men of the Earth Immortal Realm could easily defeat all the aliens.

But the problem is that after millions of years of development, the alien race’s fundamentally powerful ability is prism space!

No one knows how many prism spaces appear in the dark corners of the earthly fairy world!

These are the foundations of the alien race’s strength!

They use the unique power in the prism space to improve, become stronger, and reproduce!

In a million years, I don’t know how far it can grow!

"What's wrong?"

Su Mei raised her eyebrows and looked at Jiang Xiaobai, his expression became more solemn!

"Aliens are a big trouble. Old and powerful forces like the Star Palace cannot take them into consideration. Other forces probably have the same mentality."

Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes: "If we can't deal with these people, if the aliens come, they will all die!"

Su Mei didn't know much about the alien race. She had never even experienced the human beings destroying the alien race, and she didn't know anything about the prism space.

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's worries at this time, he was curious: "What kind of existence is the alien race? Did it cause the trouble of the fall of Heaven?"

"That's a good question!"

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly raised his head: "But Zhenjun and the others have clearly told me that aliens and those guys are not the same thing, and they are easy to deal with. They should not be the same existence."

The two of them fell into silence.

Roaring Sky Dog knows a lot of things, but he really doesn't know if the alien race today was the original trouble.

"Otherwise, let's attack directly. How dare a small force dare to be so arrogant in front of Mr. Dog?"

Roaring Sky Dog couldn't help but said: "The little sapling is here, it can definitely beat him! It is the supreme one!"

The little sapling's strength has never been fully demonstrated, but Roaring Sky Dog is sure that this guy is a supreme.

With the support of the Supreme Being, do we still need to be afraid?

This is not the supreme of this era!

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head. Others didn't know it, but he knew the strength of the little sapling very well.

It is only half-step to the Supreme. Although it is powerful and terrifying, it is inevitable to feel a little unsure when facing the Supreme.

But what Jiang Xiaobai doesn't know is that there is a serious gap between the Supreme and the Supreme!

The gold content is completely different!

"Go and take a look first. Don't talk to me randomly then. The Star Palace is not a good place either..."

Jiang Xiaobai didn't even finish what he said, and suddenly his expression paused. He saw a black mist gathering around them at some point!

Ao Cheng briefly mentioned this when he contacted him!

Completely unable to cope!


Jiang Xiaobai reacted and wanted to escape, but was stared at by the black mist. It suddenly took the lead and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai!


At the critical moment, the sapling burst out with vines all over the sky, blocking the black mist's attack and remaining unscathed!

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned for a moment.

Doesn’t it mean that the black mist can’t fight?

"Little sapling, what's going on?" Jiang Xiaobai asked hurriedly.

But it didn't get an answer from the little sapling, or in other words, it couldn't answer.

All I saw was that the vines of the saplings continued to expand, covering the sky and the sun, and actually completely wrapped the black mist inside!

The next moment, a shrill scream came from the vine wrap!

It's that black mist!

"Niubi Plath!"

Jiang Xiaobai commented that this small sapling could actually affect the black mist.

The next moment, the sapling suddenly stretched out a vine and tied it to Jiang Xiaobai's wrist, and then a mysterious force was poured along the vine into the meridians in his body.

It only took Jiang Xiaobai a few breaths to realize that this was the sapling swallowing the power of the black mist and then feeding it to him?

So fierce?

Not only that, the power of the black mist is also extremely terrifying and powerful. It has not been completely eliminated in a few minutes. On the contrary, it has stabilized the Hunyuan Wuji realm that Jiang Xiaobai had just broken through!

You must know that Jiang Xiaobai himself has calculated that if he wants to stabilize his realm, if he uses cultivation resources, it will be an astronomical figure!

Converted into a gift from heaven in prism space, it would also require two or three prism spaces!

When your strength reaches this point, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to improve!

As a result, the power transmitted by the black mist easily reached such a threshold, could Jiang Xiaobai not be shocked?

At this time, the two green leaves of the sapling swayed and looked very excited.

The vines wrapped in layers disappeared, and a black bead rolled down from it.

The black mist has disappeared!

"Have you swallowed it all?" Roaring Sky Dog was confused.

The moment the black mist appeared, Roaring Sky Dog also felt the strong threat of death. As soon as he had a guess in his mind, the little sapling took action with lightning!

A trouble was easily resolved!

At this time, Roaring Sky Dog came forward and stared at the black beads on the ground. He suddenly realized something and was extremely frightened!

"It's over, it's over, something big happened!"

Just as he finished speaking, two figures fell from the sky, carrying dazzling starlight!

"Who is here? Did you see the thick black fog appearing just now?"

The two looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked.

On his body, he was wearing the robes of the elders of the Star Emperor Palace.

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